Author's articles

Generating Free Website Traffic With Keywords
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Generating free website traffic is all fine and good however some of the available techniques used do not necessarily focus on targeted traffic. The bottom line is that if your website visitors are not focused ...
Composing an Effective Sales Page
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Your sales page is where your marketing success begins and possibly comes to an abrupt halt if what people see is not composed and presented properly! The purpose of this article will be to focus ...
Writing Content That Creates a Buzz
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
When writing content you want to publish online you must create something unique in order to even get noticed! Let's face it you will not always be able to rely upon finding news or information ...
Tapping Into Readers Emotions to Increase Sales
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
A major 'tool' use to increase sales online is advertising copy which is used to not only attract but also to persuade. Obviously the role copy plays in online sales strategies is a significant one ...
Social Network Marketing Offers Ease & Speed
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Social network marketing requires that you first develop comfortable relationships with the people to whom you intend to promote. Although building relationships does take time it is not hard to do and is actually enjoyable ...
Grow a Business Faster With List Building
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Online there are many suggested ways in which to grow a business but one of the most time tested and proven strategies is to build a list. Regardless of what your business goals may be ...
Why Many Small Business Start Ups Fail Online
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
One of the best things about small business start ups when working on the internet is the relative ease of effort involved. Starting an online business takes little time and in most cases, expense, and ...
Personality Traits That Hinder Online Success
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
There are many variables that will contribute to or hinder your online success. Becoming comfortable with operating an internet marketing business concerns more than simply any technicalities involved. One of the biggest factors that can ...
3 Things You Need for Business Success Online
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Anybody looking for business success on the internet must first exercise some patience and realize that a foundation needs to be established. Although it would seem that with all the technology and software available your ...
5 Reasons Why You Should Build a List
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
It is always recommended to build a list when in business online marketing any products or services. Now there are many who may grimace at the thought of sending traffic to a page specifically designed ...
When Marketing With Articles Quality Stomps Quantity
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Marketing with articles is a reliable and proven advertising method that can increase traffic to your site. In many cases however people who write articles focus more on the quantity than the quality of information ...
How Writing Articles Less Benefits You More
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Writing articles for submissions is one of the most effective online marketing strategies in use today! Marketing with articles offers multiple benefits to the author that other strategies can not claim which compels people to ...
3 Writing Techniques For Composing Promotional Content
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
There are certain writing techniques that need to be used when composing any marketing content that is circulated freely online. Promotional strategies like this are intended to gain the trust, loyalty and respect of your ...
3 Steps to Establishing Online Brand Awareness
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Creating a brand awareness online involves making yourself not only visible, but in a memorable way! This is something most businesses and entrepreneurs should have a keen interest in since it is a very effective ...
Effective Content Marketing Requires 3 Things
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Content marketing is a very effective advertising strategy that freely offers information to people allowing the author to develop credibility over time. The key is that the reading material being offered must maintain peoples interest ...
Online Brand Building Presents 3 Challenges
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
When working online brand building is always recommended as a means to make you or your business more recognizable. In fact developing a business brand is one of the most strategically sound advertising strategies you ...
Who Benefits From Online Content Distribution?
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Online content distribution is a very effective marketing strategy that continues to remain popular even as many other strategies tend to fall out of favor. Article or content marketing are basically synonymous being they both ...
3 Ways to Increase Web Traffic With Articles
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
When looking for ways to increase web traffic many online entrepreneurs desire a quick fix to satisfy their needs. For this reason many are reluctant to submit articles since both the effort and results may ...
When Writing Content Go With the Flow
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
For many writing content can be time consuming and difficult primarily because they try to 'force' their thoughts and this does not always work! For those who distribute content as a means to advertise online ...
Failing Your Way to Marketing Success Online
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Your marketing success when working on the internet will depend upon plenty of trial and error since for everybody there will be a learning curve! Even profitable internet businesses experience periodic 'failures' when they introduce ...