Author's articles

Working from Home: Heaven or Hell?
By Vanessa Fardi · 7 years ago
Working from home has become the latest trend and we are talking globally here. Every day, more and more companies are allowing their employees to work from home at least once or twice a week. ...
How to find a job right out of University
By Vanessa Fardi · 7 years ago
University does not really prepare you for real life. If you are a full-time student, you probably do not have a lot of space to fit a part-time job in your busy schedule. However, student ...
Business Networking 101
By Vanessa Fardi · 7 years ago
We have seen the word a million times in articles, magazines, blogs, even Facebook, but it is very likely we do not have the slightest idea of what "Networking" actually means. We might relate it ...
5 Things You Should Know When Looking for a Job Abroad
By Vanessa Fardi · 7 years ago
Leaving your home, friends and family behind and moving to another country, where everything that surrounds you is completely different from that to which you are used to is not an easy task: different people, ...