Author's articles

Strength Training For Weight Loss Is Possible!
By Lynn Vandyke · 16 years ago
Strength training for weight loss is not a tricky issue. Sure, it's taken us women a few more years to wander over to the free weight section, but that's because we tend to associate strength ...
Ab Toning Exercises After C-Section
By Lynn Vandyke · 16 years ago
While many women believe that ab toning exercises after c-section are useless, that actually isn't the case. Though many women find themselves with the ‘mother's apron' that comes from having a cesarean section, there are ...
An Intro to Using Auto-Responders – Email Smiles
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
When you walk into a department store and all the sales assistants are smiling, it creates a sense of camaraderie that makes you want to return. Personalized attention is the best marketing strategy for improving ...
Working Out to Music
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Starting an exercise program is hard enough, isn't it? No matter what you seem to do or how much you plan, it's never as easy as it looks. However, there are plenty of ways to ...
Which Is a Better Fat Burning Method: Cardio or Strength Training?
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
I have a confession to make. I am a master fitness trainer and I actually have an opinion about cardio and strength training. If you are looking for a sweet, two-sided article that gives you ...
Using Images to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
If you are an online business owner then you must read this article. You could be losing hundreds or thousands of visitors each and every day. Did you know that millions of people are using ...
Starting an Online Business- All By Yourself!
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm.” That is an old Swedish proverb that hangs in my office. A little over a year ago I was a ...
Why and How to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Your body fat percentage is one of the best indicators of your fitness and nutrition program. Many people weigh themselves and judge their results on the bathroom scale. However there is one major problem with ...
Designing a Strength Training Routine for Fat Loss
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Your goal is to lose fat and tone up. You’ve read plenty of my other articles and know that I recommend a mix of 5 tools to create and sculpt the body of your dreams. ...
How To Select Your Online Business Niche
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Last week I talked about the importance of finding your niche. I mentioned how significant it was to feel passion and interest in your business idea. I received quite a few emails asking for more ...
Are You Responsible Enough to Lose Fat?
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Seems like an odd question for a personal trainer to ask her clients, but I do. I have a theory that not every one is willing or able to accept that the sole outcome of ...
How to Bust Through a Fat Loss Plateau
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
You made a goal a few weeks back to lose that extra 45 pounds you have been dragging around. You found a top-notch fitness program and stuck with it religiously. Your motivation shot through the ...
My Top 3 Secret Exercises to Melt the Fat
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
5 is a magic number. I follow 5 tips to fat loss and I am doing 5 sets in my pyramid strength training routine this month. But I am only going to give you my ...
5 Tips to Ranking Well at Search Engines
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
Do you have a product or service that you want to sell on the Internet? If so, there are a few fundamental components that you must know. Putting your product or service up for sale ...
5 Tips for a Flat Stomach
By Lynn Vandyke · 17 years ago
As a personal trainer I routinely field questions about flat stomachs and six pack abs. Men and women want the secret formula to a rock solid mid-section. There are 5 tips that can help anyone ...
Choose the Wrong Hosting Company and You Are Doomed
By Lynn Vandyke · 18 years ago
Running an online business sounds like a piece of cake. You hire someone to develop a flashy website, your throw a few products on a few pages and then you sit back and wait for ...
Bikini Body Here I Come- 5 Great Reasons Not to Jump Into the Fad Diet or Crazed Workout Routine
By Lynn Vandyke · 18 years ago
Summer is fast approaching. This is the time of year where everyone who fell off the New Year's weight loss bandwagon suddenly becomes frozen with fear. They realize that they have not met their goals ...
Have Your Mocha and Fat Loss Too
By Lynn Vandyke · 18 years ago
You have made a commitment to lose 10 pounds in the next 2 months. You are eating well and working out regularly. You are committed in every way possible- except 1. Your specialty coffee drink ...
5 Tips to Banish Belly Fat
By Lynn Vandyke · 18 years ago
It’s been called the spare tire or the jelly roll. It’s where every extra ounce of fat vacations. The stomach is seemingly the last place our body wants to rid itself of fat. The number ...
Strength Training for a Strong Neck
By Lynn Vandyke · 18 years ago
Strength training is often thought of as the lurking ground for the strong and muscular among us. Only a few years ago the free weight area was a breeding ground for modern day Herculean men. ...