Author's articles

Abortion Clinics: Counseling Patients on Their Choice
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
It is estimated that 33 percent of women in the U.S. will have an abortion at some point in their life. This means that there are a lot of women in the United States that ...
Early Surgical Abortions In Abortion Clinics
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
Women faced with an early pregnancy wonder what their options are regarding the choices they have in terminating their pregnancies. Early abortions are generally abortions that occur between 3.5 to 7 weeks gestation. There are ...
How Is The Abortion Pill Procedure Performed In Abortion Clinics?
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
The Abortion Pill Procedure (medical abortion, mifeprex, mifepristone, RU 486, Abortion Pill) has swiftly gained favor in the U.S. since 2001 when the FDA approved RU486 for terminating pregnancy between 3 and 7 weeks. There ...
Abortion Statistics and Abortion Clinic Information
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
An abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy where there is not the intent to induce a live birth or remove a dead fetus. Abortions can be spontaneous as a miscarriage, or it can be ...
How To Find An Abortion Clinic
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
There are many things to consider when a woman finds out she is pregnant with an unwanted child and wants to terminate the pregnancy. There are many abortion clinics to choose from and so how ...
How Does the Abortion Pill Terminate a Pregnancy?
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
If you want to terminate a pregnancy in the first 12 weeks of gestation, there are two methods to choose from: 1) a surgical dilatation and curettage (D&C) or the medical abortion or abortion pill ...
How Does the Abortion Pill Terminate a Pregnancy?
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
If you want to terminate a pregnancy in the first 12 weeks of gestation, there are two methods to choose from: 1) a surgical dilatation and curettage (D&C) or the medical abortion or abortion pill ...
What to Expect With a First Trimester Surgical Abortion
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
The majority of abortion clinics in the U.S. are highly efficient in performing first trimester abortion procedures. It is approximately 10 times safer than carrying a pregnancy to full term for the mother. With proper ...
Are Late Term Abortions Safe?
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
There is a lot of controversy regarding Late Term Abortions because of the misleading information that has been circulated regarding them being able to be performed for any reason. This is far from the truth. ...
Medical Abortions May Be Performed From 3 to 14 Weeks
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
The abortion pill procedure (non-surgical abortion, Mifeprex, Mifepristone, Medical Abortion Pill) has been quickly gaining recognition in the United States since 2001 when the FDA approved RU 486 for terminating pregnancy between 3 and 7 ...
Late Term Abortions Must Remain Legal
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
Roe v. Wade was decided by the United States Supreme almost four decades ago. Fetal viability is not determined by the number of weeks of gestation, but is evaluated by the Physician who is responsible ...
Is Late Term Abortion Appropriate?
By James Pendergraft · 12 years ago
A late term abortion is actually a right and requirement for individuals in need. The advancement in medical technology has provided the opportunity for women to undergo safe late term abortions who meet the criteria ...