
The Business of Art
By Danielle Dayries · 8 years ago
I was never quite certain why we call a guide to doing something well the "art of". After much pondering, I realized that art is more than just a painting, sculpture, performance, or another expression ...
The Art of Marketing
By Danielle Dayries · 8 years ago
As the icon of the pop art movement, Andy Warhol, once said, "Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art." The great success of his art career proves this quote to be ...
I'm a Brand, You're a Brand
By Danielle Dayries · 8 years ago
THINKSTOCK The talented comedian, actor, writer, producer and singer Steve Martin once said, "Be so good they can’t ignore you." This theory expands much further than the entertainment industry. Rather, it is an excellent goal ...
What is CDR (Competency Demonstration Report)? How to prepare a Competency Demonstration Report? Where can you get help writing?
By Md. Jahangir Alam · 8 years ago
A Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is required to the Engineers Australia for assessing the competency of an engineer who has overseas qualifications and not covered by the Washington Accord. A CDR stands for Competency Demonstration ...
Fall Back In Love With Your Job? Here's How!
By Eileen Mcdargh · 9 years ago
USA TODAY, recently ran a full-page article of Kerry Hannon's book Love Your Job. She rightfully quotes the latest stats that just 30% of the American workforce is engaged at work. She goes on to ...
How to become a successful RN in the modern health sector
By Miguel Brooks · 9 years ago
Becoming a successful RN or registered nurse is a journey that starts right from the moment you enter college and even though the going often gets really tough, once you have qualified you can now ...
Get a Degree in Vending Machine Repair For a Lucrative Career
By Mark Ettinger · 9 years ago
More than 28 million businesses exist in the United States according to the number of business IRS returns. Many of those businesses have a vending machine on at least one floor of their buildings. The ...
Family Goal Setting for Working Professionals
By Daryl Green · 9 years ago
In these difficult economic times, more and more working professionals are forced to spend time away from their families. Other professionals are advancing their personal agendas in hopes of getting to the top of their ...
There Is Still Mining Apprenticeships Available
By Jean Kudron · 9 years ago
There is no doubt that the mining industry in Australia has slowed considerably, in the last 2 - 3 years. This industry slowdown doesn't mean it's the end of work opportunities it just means that ...
Why choosing carpentry as a career is a good option
By Michael Frick · 9 years ago
It is one of the most creative and highly satisfying jobs in the world. It is one the only jobs in the world that is exciting on a daily basis, ant not monotonous. It is ...
How To Become a Lighting Cameraman
By Ian Watts · 9 years ago
With the internet and streaming videos becoming more popular, television continuing to grow as a whole, and the overall demand for video content increasing, becoming a lighting cameraman or camera operator is a great career ...
How To be A Travel Agent
By Doug Modashia · 9 years ago
If you're determined to become a travel agent then there are particular things that you should achieve. Among the most essential things is having a love for traveling. As you know, a travel agent helps ...
It’s Time for a Career and Life Checkup
By Linda Cattelan · 9 years ago
Anytime is a great time to reflect on the past twelve months and acknowledge your personal and professional growth, your accomplishments, and all of your experiences. As you look back and review it‘s also a ...
7 Milestones to Career Growth and Excellence
By Mikah Dhom · 10 years ago
Achieving excellence in our work is an integral part of feeling genuinely satisfied in life. We want our careers or businesses to blossom, making us financially secure and content with our achievements. Here are seven ...
How to Become a Consultant
By Ursula Jorch · 10 years ago
One of the options available in your business is to take your valuable expertise and step into the role of a consultant. Being a consultant is essentially taking what you know and appropriately applying it ...
Mitigating the Danger in Husbands Staying Out of Job for More Than Six Months
By Paul Ige · 10 years ago
Mitigating the Danger in Husbands Staying Out of Job for More Than Six Months Being jobless is one of the worst nightmares husbands constantly dread throughout their working life cycles. The consequences of married men ...
Secrets of Study Success - Make a Study Plan
By Sam Pearce · 10 years ago
Study plans are a key tool to be equipped with when it comes to managing your work load, whether you are revising for exams, writing a dissertation or trying to stay on top of what ...
Job Board Research: Finding Jobs Online Was Never This Easy And Convenient!
By Job Carton · 10 years ago
Do you want to get placed in a company that is scaling up the ladder of growth? Then, the first step that you must do is to register in an appropriate job board. The internet ...
What does a consultant do?
By Jane Tatlor · 10 years ago
In any business, if the services of a strategy consultant are required, the person responsible for hiring business consultancy services will need to demonstrate a return on investment and show whether the hired consultants are ...
The Fast Lane to Employment
By Danielle Dayres · 11 years ago
No job seeker wants to spend all of his time in the job search, the quicker he can reach his career goal, the better. That is the goal, right? The quickest way for you to ...