
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection: A Reckless Gamble with Our Fragile Atmosphere
By Abbas Mashaollah · 2 weeks ago
SAN JOSE - As the planet continues to warm at an alarming rate, the idea of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) has gained traction among some scientists and policymakers as a potential stopgap solution to climate ...
Marine biodiversity observed on the great pacific garbage patch
By David Steven Chalmers · 3 weeks ago
Introduction Plastic pollution is one of the biggest concerns in the 21st century especially in marine environments where it can choke oceanic animals as well as microplastics building up in marine food chains. Plastic waste ...
The Essential Purchase You Can Make to Support Local Businesses
By Kris Delair · 1 month ago
Cornell University researchers estimate we make 226.7 decisions each day related to food alone. If we’re making that many choices simply about our daily menu, you can just imagine how many decisions come into play ...
What’s the Hype around Bioheat® Fuel?
By Kris Delair · 1 month ago
With more and more environmentally friendly energy options out there, it’s important that New York residents understand what’s available to them. Bioheat® fuel is a low-carbon heating fuel that has been delivered in the Upstate ...
The Best Perk of Bioheat® Fuel: New York’s Sustainable Energy Blend 
By Kris Delair · 1 month ago
You’ve likely heard buzz surrounding Bioheat® fuel, New York’s latest and greatest sustainable energy blend. Bioheat® fuel is the lower-carbon version of home heating oil and contains at least 5% renewable biodiesel. You may be ...
The Very Real Reasons Bioheat® Fuel Is Better, Cleaner & Safer for the Environment 
By Kris Delair · 1 month ago
Lowering our environmental impact is a huge concern, especially when it comes to finding clean, renewable, and eco-friendly energy sources to warm our homes at an affordable price. But is it possible to check off ...
Are Waste & Compliance Eating Your Profits? One Simple Shift Can Save Your Small Manufacturing Business
By K-M. Denyse Jones, Rem, Cesm · 2 months ago
No small business owner or general manager wants their profits to disappear due to environmental challenges. Waste management is just one of many culprits that can impact your bottom line. Resources are wasted when your ...
Green hydrogen: Europe’s new hope for energetic sovereignty and industrial innovation
By Lori Bernard · 2 months ago
Europe’s energy sector is a collateral victim of war. When the conflict between Russia and Ukraine exploded, the block was forced to look beyond Moscow for their liquefied natural gas supply, which has significantly decreased ...
10 Unsung Towns Shaping the Future of Sustainability.
By Lori Bernard · 2 months ago
In an era where sustainability has transitioned from a lofty goal to an urgent necessity, some cities are leading the charge, carving paths towards a greener future with innovative projects that redefine urban living. From ...
Nairobi: A City Drowning in its Own Waste - A Call to Collective Action
By Nevine Achola · 3 months ago
Nairobi, a vibrant tapestry woven from bustling markets, rich culture, and diverse people, grapples with a persistent foe – a mounting garbage crisis. Overflowing bins and littered streets mar the city's beauty, posing a significant ...
The Significant Role of Women in Advancing Clean Energy in Nigeria
By Joy Kolade · 3 months ago
The Significant Role of Women in Advancing Clean Energy in Nigeria Written by Joy Kolade for the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) Over the years, it has become widely known that Nigeria faces a ...
Just Stop Oil: The controversial activist group who demand a greener future
By Jack Warburton · 3 months ago
Protests have been a part of the United Kingdom’s history since the 13th century, many of the protests since are widely celebrated around the world. In a time where the nation has been under 14 ...
The Benefits of Streetlights
By Kaedon Griffith · 4 months ago
Imagine driving through the darkness of night, the road ahead unclear, until the comforting glow of a streetlight illuminates the way, guaranteeing safe passage. This shows the beneficial effects of installing streetlights. Because streetlights are ...
The Chilling Truth: How Air Conditioning Feeds into World Hunger
By Cheyenne Sheafe · 4 months ago
In the heart of summer, as the mercury climbs, the hum of air conditioning units becomes the backdrop of daily life in affluent societies. This modern comfort, however, casts a long shadow, one that reaches ...
Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy – Using Sustainable Technologies
By Vishal Talreja · 5 months ago
It is widely accepted that the oil and gas industry has played a significant role in causing climate change through its emissions. By burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which contribute ...
Nigeria's Stride Towards Refined Oil: A Milestone in Energy Evolution
By Arnold Mukasa · 5 months ago
As the sun sets over the vast landscapes of Nigeria, a new chapter is being written in the nation's energy saga. Emmanuel Katto Uganda based local journalist wrote in recent new piece that in a ...
Elimination of Species: An Argumentative View
By Aggrey Nzomo · 8 months ago
Environmentalists and other stakeholders have put in place different coping mechanisms to ensure that the ecosystem’s equilibrium is not altered to the worse. It is true that of greatest concern to the fight against environmental ...
Plastic Pollution and the Importance of Plastic Recycling
By Ann Liu · 10 months ago
In our modern age, plastic, a seemingly indispensable material, shapes countless facets of our daily lives. From the food packaging that preserves our groceries to the devices we communicate with, the ubiquity of plastic is ...
By Brielle Burns · 9 months ago
Ice generally the size of the Northern Domain in Australia has vanished from the Antarctic as ocean ice keeps on dropping to "disturbing" generally low levels. Satellite information shows the ocean ice encompassing Antarctica has ...
preventing your roof against hurricane season
By Miguel Alveaca · 9 months ago
Protecting your roof during hurricane season is crucial to ensure the safety and integrity of your home. Hurricanes can bring strong winds, heavy rains, and flying debris, all of which can cause significant damage to ...