
Can A Person be a Homosexual and a Christian at the Same Time?
By Garfield Gregoire · 4 days ago
The homosexual way of life has pervaded all aspect of society in just about every country in the world; it is so widely accepted – especially here in the United States, that it appears to ...
By Garfield Gregoire · 1 month ago
When I said we are now to enter into frightening times, I am speaking about the United States and the dire national troubles that are going to befall the nation. America’s Influence is in Decline ...
Will Another Hitler Rise up in Our Time?
By Garfield Gregoire · 3 months ago
The world could possibly try to convince itself that another man of the stature and nature of Adolf Hitler could never ever rise up to inflict the kind of pain, suffering, and destruction caused by ...
The Age of Israel: is there scriptural support that the elements of communion change into the Literal Body and Blood of Christ?
By James Rondinone · 5 months ago
At Communion, Is the Supposition That the Bread and Wine Change into the Substance of the Literal Body and Blood of Christ Supported by Old Testament Scriptures During the Age of Israel? This is another ...
Why I Subscribe to Spiritual Deism
By Joseph Toney · 5 months ago
One of the primary reasons I align with spiritual deism is its emphasis on rational inquiry alongside spiritual exploration. A graduate education fosters critical thinking and analytical skills, allowing me to approach spirituality with intellect ...
What Will the Job of the Christian be in the Kingdom of God?
By Garfield Gregoire · 5 months ago
Millions who profess a belief in Christ falsely believe that the reward of the just is going to heaven to be with God; those who believe this have no understanding of what they are going ...
What Are Some of the Examples of the Literal and Figurative Interpretations of Scripture?
By James Rondinone · 5 months ago
2 Examples of the Literal and Figurative Interpretations of Scripture How can we determine whether Scripture is to be interpreted literally or figuratively? In most cases, this can be decided by analyzing certain words in ...
What Are the Two Views Concerning the Eating of Christ’s Flesh and the Drinking of His Blood?
By James Rondinone · 5 months ago
1 There Are Two Views Concerning the Eating of Christ’s Flesh and the Drinking of His Blood We’re going to take a look at each of these views and find out what verses are used ...
What does it mean when God says you are rich in Christ?
By James Rondinone · 6 months ago
Rich in Christ I never knew how rich I am in Christ until now. For years, I always tried to perform religiously to be righteous, be approved, be sanctified, etc., in the eyes of church ...
Surah Jin: The Mysterious Chapter Of The Quran
By Shilpi Akter · 6 months ago
The Quran's 72nd chapter is Surah Al-Jinn, sometimes referred to as the Chapter of the Jinn It is a relatively short chapter, consisting of 28 verses, and is classified as a Meccan surah, revealed during ...
The Theosophy of Jesus Christ: A View of Historical Influence
By Robert Depaolo · 6 months ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses possible origins of the new-Judaic religious system espoused by Jesus of Nazareth in terms of prevailing trends during and prior to his ministry. The idea is put forth ...
World War III is Coming
By Garfield Gregoire · 6 months ago
The people of this generation are living in the time when it seems that the whole world is in a state of agitation and unrest. The attack upon Israel by Hamas and Israel’s response to ...
What does it mean when God says you are His Inheritance?
By James Rondinone · 6 months ago
28 You Are God’s Inheritance Have you ever wished that you were born into a different family? I did. As the only child, I witnessed my father verbally and physically abuse my mother on infrequent ...
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
By Bill Naugle · 7 months ago
Bible truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the scriptures. He died on the Cross to forgive us of our sins, was buried and then resurrected to life. This Bible Truth of the ...
You Are Resurrected and Seated Together with Christ
By James Rondinone · 7 months ago
25 You Are Resurrected and Seated Together with Christ For some, life is no longer worth living. The reasons are varied. All of us are only here for a short period of time, and yet ...
What does it mean when God says you are his workmanship?
By James Rondinone · 7 months ago
24 You Are God’s Workmanship Have you ever heard of the word ‘masterpiece?’ What comes to your mind when you hear this word? For me, what I think of are works of art that are ...
America: An Appeaser Nation
By Garfield Gregoire · 7 months ago
Believe it or not, we are living in the most dangerous time in human history – where world troubles are soon to erupt on scales that had never before happened in all of human history; ...
What does it mean when God says you are an ambassador?
By James Rondinone · 7 months ago
23 You Are an Ambassador Any idea what the qualifications are for someone who desires to be an ambassador for the United States? The article that we’ll take a look at next will tell us ...
What does it mean when God says you are a possessor of eternal life?
By James Rondinone · 7 months ago
22 You Are a Possessor of Eternal Life When I was a young boy, I collected comic books. Each month, when the new ones would come out, my mother would take me to a store ...
should Women Preach?
By Garfield Gregoire · 8 months ago
Should Women Preach? I read a survey that says that said more than 12% of all pastors are women and that women pastors have increased over the years. Also, an article came out in the ...