Keep Your Eyes on Germany
- Author Garfield Gregoire
- Published January 23, 2025
- Word count 2,855
People are seemingly caught up in their own world – their own personal pleasures and concern that they do not have time to give much consideration to such thing as Bible prophecy or what God says is coming upon the world; it just seems that people’s mind are not readily intent on giving serious thoughts to things of this nature. But in truth, God’s word commands us to watch the things that are unfolding in the world; Jesus said, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy, to escape all these things that shall come to pass …” (Luke 21:36).
Terrible times are to impact this whole world – affecting the lives of billions of people – including you and your family – if you are alive when these things come to pass; and yet, people are unsuspecting of these things – not knowing what God says is going to happen or that it is revealed that one nation (joined by other nations) in particular, is destined to play a great role in the events and circumstances that is going to trigger the unthinkable World War III and plunge this world into the worst time of suffering in all of human history – making even World War II tame in comparison to what is coming.
Germany in Prophecy
I have written before explaining that the Germans are the modern-day descendants of the ancient Assyrians mentioned in the Bible and were the people who came up against the northern kingdom of the people of Israel around 721 B.C and led the people out of their land into captivity and slavery and that these captive people of Israel ultimately went into Northwestern Europe – where some of the Israelite people came to the British Isles, and the people who were to become the United States - eventually came out of the people of Britain to become the single greatest nation on earth - thus, making the United states and the people of Britain – the modern day descendants of the people of Israel.
But just as ancient Israel was uprooted out of their own land by the ancient Assyrians, Germany – the modern-day descendants of these ancient Assyrians are prophesied to come up against the British and American people just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I have asked this question more than once: Would God mention many other nations – such as Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and cities in the Bible - even mentioning what it to befall Egypt and Ethiopia (see Daniel 11:42,43) at the time of the end and not mention the United States – the single greatest nation to ever exist on the face of the earth?
The United States is in prophecy and prophecy states that a union of ten nation are to come together out of Europe or out of the general area of the medieval Roman empire to fulfill the final revival of Roman Empire.
Concerning the rise or coming together of these nations, Revelation 17:12,13 says, “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These shall have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” A beast can represent a nation, kingdom and even the one who leads that nation or kingdom (Daniel 7:17, 23 ); and so, this means that a super dictator of the type like that of Hitler – only more cunning and wise, is to take the mantle of power over other nations in Europe – of which these union of nations are to become an economic and military powerhouse – whose quick rise may even surprise the United States, Russia, and China as the new united Europe or United States of Europe; it will be like a Europe reborn.
Daniel 8:24 speaks of this this soon coming European dictator or the one who shall be leader over these ten European nations – saying, “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power, and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and holy people.” This soon coming Fuhrer or leader is going to severely impact the United States and Britain - who are the people of God – the descendants of the ancient people of Israel. Notice what God says about this: “O Assyrian (this is directed to modern day Germany), the rod of mine anger …. I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like mire of the streets” (Isaiah 10:5,6).
It is the United States that is the hypocritical nation spoken of here; hypocritical can refer to a nation that is soiled or filled with sin – being greatly polluted by wickedness and evil – while pretending that we are a good people. But notice God says the Assyrians (Germany) is the rod of his anger – meaning God is going to specially use modern day Germany (along with the other nations) as his instrument to punish our people; it is Germany who will have this charge or authority to do so; charge mean to command or to give authority to do something; God is going to use Germany and the new Europe of ten united nations to specifically bring punishment upon the American and British people for their sins; the many sins and evil things the people are doing to this very day. Remember, it is Germany who had a hand in World War I and World War II, and they are going to have a hand in World War III.
Ezekiel chapter 5:12 give a chilling and frightening picture of what is to come upon our people; it says, “A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee; and third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds …” Disease and famine of unthinkable proportion is coming our way, and it is going to destroy a third of the people of the United States and Britain – which will be followed by the sword of nuclear warfare and destruction. One third of our people are going to die in warfare when these European nations – under the charge of Assyria or modern-day Germany attacks our people – destroying some of our major cities like New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and other place including our industrial centers of military production. Pestilence – disease epidemic is coming our way affecting millions – along with famine – starvation, and when we are weakened from within, the ten prophesied union of nations – led by Germany is going to unleash nuclear destruction upon our cities.
This may sound shocking to you – saying this could not happen here, but it is going to come to pass -just as God says; it is going to HAPPEN! The people of Jeremiah’s day did not believe destruction and captivity was coming; they said, “… The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord …” (Jeremiah 7:4). The people were saying God is with us; we are a good people; we have the temple of God with us therefore no evil would come. This may be the same mindset of people today who think we are such a good people that God would never allow such evil to befall the nation. I suppose the minsters in this land has led the people to hear so many false preaching that they have been led to believe such thing could never come to pass or that a righteous God would never punish the United States, but if that is what you are thinking you are wrong! The people of Jeremiah’s day were wrong – as destruction and captivity came. God says, “Therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by name, wherein ye trust …” (Jer. 7:14). God allowed the temple to be destroyed by the Babylonians; God is not going to compromise with the sins of America; if God allowed his temple to be destroyed, what will He do to a nation that is committing widespread evil?
But in speaking of the prophecies of Ezekiel, we must keep in mind that Ezekiel was given these things to write more than one hundred years after the ancient people of Israel had already been taken away out of their own land by the Assyrians, and that the people of the tribe of Judah were already conquered and taken by the Babylonians by 585 B.C. Therefore, this prophecy is for our time; it is addressed in particular to modern day Israel -the people of Britain and the United States.
If you notice Ezekiel 5:9, God says, “And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do anymore the like, because of all thine abominations.” The coming troubles and suffering prophesied of in Ezekiel is like none other in the history of mankind – to the extent that God says He will not do anymore – meaning this is a prophecy that is going to happen just before Christ comes to reign on earth – because after this, there will no longer be any such punishment upon the people of Israel (the United States and Britain).
It will be a Church and State Union
This coming together of these various nations in Europe is going to have the backing of the Vatican – meaning, you are going to see a Pope calling for the coming together of these ten nations. The papacy, for centuries, has aligned itself with the Roman empire and its emperors, and is prophesied to continue do so up until the second coming of Christ. Revelation 17 shows this great false church as a corrupt religious system which God calls “a great whore” - who is pictured as a woman who has been the power directing and guiding the leaders of the Roman empire. In the bible, a woman can be a symbol for the Church; and in this case, this is a false religious system or church - which - along with the support of this ten nations union, is going to cause the millions to suffer in the soon coming great tribulation. You can certainly watch Europe and see that a time is soon to come when the Vatican will be voicing its support for these European nations to come together.
As to what nations will comprise these ten nations, it can only, at this time, be said that Germany, Italy. France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Possibly Romania and others – which could even include Ireland, or even countries in the Baltic states (even though the Roman empire did not extend into these states) are those that may all or in one way or another, have a part in this union or federation of nations, but time will reveal it all; we need to WATCH and be aware of the signs of the time, because those unaware are going to find themselves in peril and confusion -as they will not understand why these things are happening.
Germany is going to Change
History has shown that Germany does have a tendency to change from one position to another and are not to be trusted. For example, Germany deceived the British Primes minister Neville Chamberlain – in the Munich Agreement (1938) – an accord signed by Hitler and the British prime minister - which essentially stated that the Britain Germany would never go to war with one another again, but Hitler betrayed that solemn agreement - by later entering into war with the people of Britain.
Anyone familiar with the history of German – Russian relationship knows that these two countries have shared a kind of love – hate relationship - forming alliances and agreement which has been broken. For example, Germany – under Otto Von Bismarck (Chancellor of the German Reich), formed the Three Emperor’s League in 1872 – which was a diplomatic alliance between the Germans, Russians and Austria - so as to maintain stability in Europe, and to be a counterbalance that would keep the power of France in check; the League broke up in 1878, but despite this, Otto Von Bismark again made the effort to yet form another alliance with Russia in 1887 – called the Reinsure Treaty – which eventually came to an end – as new leadership in Germany abandoned the agreement or treaty. Then in 1922, Germany and Russia signed the Rapallo Pact – which opened up full diplomatic relation between the two countries – in which they renounced war reparations -granting each other preferential trade status. In 1939 Germany made the Non-Aggression Pact – a treaty -which is essentially an agreement to not engage in military action against each other, but Hitler, without warning suddenly attacked Russia in an operation called Operation Barbarossa – named after the 12th century Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
Mr. Trump has been calling for Europe to become less dependent upon the United States or to share more of the financial responsibility of protecting themselves. Considering this and the fact that there is Russia friendly popularist parties in Germany which contend that Germany has not done enough to end the War between Ukraine and Russia, could we see Germany calling for a more stable relationship with Russia? Could Germany seek to form an alliance with Russia – even as past history has shown?
If you been watching the news in Europe, you will find that the far right -Alternative for Germany party (AFD), has been calling for an end to German military aid to Ukraine. Bjork Hocke – German politician and member of ADF, believe in having rapprochement – or cordial relation with Russia. The point of all this is to point out that it is possible, that just as Russia and Germany entered into an agreement in 1939), we could possibly see a Germany that may, in some form or another, cozying up to Russia or to Putin? But whatever happens, Bible prophecy has revealed that Russian and Germany – along with those other nations or kingdoms that unite with this soon coming beast power, is surely going to engage in warfare with each other -just as they did in World War II – only, it is going to be on a far more dangerous and destructive level – the likes of which this world has never seen.
In a scripture on the Assyrians, Nahum 3:17 says: “… thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.” The Germans are capable of masking – hiding their true intent – not wanting to expose how and when they will strike – but will do so in blitzkrieg or lightning attack – until it is too late; and this is what is going to happen when our time of troubles comes – in the way of World War III.
I know that there are those who may well laugh and scoff at this, but these prophecies give proof to the fact that there is the living God who sits in supreme control – and is able to foretell way in advance or by hundreds of years before that such things are to come to pass in our time or shortly before the second coming of Christ. This time is so terrible and has such far reaching consequences that humanity is going to be SHOCKED, PARALYZED with Indescribable fear and terror that is coming. It is those who are willing to heed God that will understand and be spared from this time of unparalleled time of trouble; it will be so bad that God almighty will have to intervene to save us from ourselves; and concerning this time, Jesus said: “And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh be saved …” (Matt. 24:22). Jesus looked down the corridors of time and saw that man would harness the energies and power of nature to have the capability to destroy all life on this planet and that man would be so dangerously destructive that mankind would use those weapons of Mega destruction to erase all life from this planet unless God come to stop us; God has to come to save us from ourselves. But before Christ intervenes in this world – by making his glorious, supernatural – world stunning appearance – with the signs in the heavens, this world is now in trouble – with forces and power behind the scenes that is going to cause Germany to rise up as the undisputed leader over these prophesied union or federation of nations.; and when this happens, the worst nightmare of humanity is going to come to pass.
Be not surprised if you do not see Germany cozying up to Russia – possibly becoming more vocal in calling for an end to the war in Ukraine; such is possible, but time will tell, but either way, prophecy says Germany and Russia are to engage in warfare this is going to result in mega death and destruction.
Keep your eyes on Germany and watch for the Vatican to give its voice in supporting or calling for this federation of ten nations.
I am an old man who has, long ago, came to the realization that this professing Christian world – with all its Mega Churches and various denominations do not proclaim the true teaching of the Bible - as they fail to correctly teach many vitally important doctrinal truths of the Bible.
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