Would God Endorse a Woman for President?

Social IssuesReligion

  • Author Garfield Gregoire
  • Published October 20, 2024
  • Word count 3,917

Would God Endorse a Woman for President?

A person made the comment that God would not allow a female to be President of the United States because it was Mother Eve who first sinned in the Garden of Eden. But would that be a true statement?

All Have Sinned

The man who made the above statement is able to see the sin or act of disobedience committed by Mother Eve, but has seemingly failed to also acknowledge that even though Eve was deceived by Satan and Adam was not, nonetheless, the man also disobeyed by eating of the forbidden fruit; and in that sense, they were both guilty in the eyes of God; they were both liable for what they had done, and for that reason, God drove both of them away – and out of his presence from the Garden.

The Bible makes is clear that “… by one man sin entered into the world…” (Romans 5:12). Both Adam and Eve brought sin upon their descendants – with sin affecting every facet of society – including human governments. Therefore, all nations and people stand guilty before God; the bible says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way …” (Isaiah 53:6); Also, Romans 3:10: “… There is none righteous, no, not one.”

The sin of Mother Eve carried enormous and far-reaching consequences, but sin is sin and God said all have sinned -which include every man (or woman) who has made an attempt to be President of the United States; presidents were never perfect – they were sinners just like everyone else. The point here is that God would NOT disqualify a woman from being president because of the sins of Mother Eve but for an entirely different reason; a reason we shall see.

Man Should be the Head of the Family

When God created the man from the dust of the ground, God saw that it was not good that the man should be alone – not having a companion of his own kind, and so God gave him the woman – by creating her from one of Adam’s ribs.

But notice that before the creation of the woman, God said that there was not an “help meet” for the man (Gen.2;20). The word “help meet” comes from a Hebrew word meaning to help, to aid, and even refers to someone who gives assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.

Not only was the woman given the vitally important role of producing children and raising a family, but she was to be by the man’s side to help him; to support, encourage and uplift him as a faithful wife and helper. Now I know the modern women of today are likely to scoff at this and think of what I have said here as being the expression of some kind out dated male chauvinistic attitude that belongs to another era or time in human history and has no relevance to the women of today, but they would be wrong – as God has not at all changed his mind on how the husband and wife relation should be; and people do not realize that God’s intended role for the woman, if followed according to God’s standard – would produce the happiest and most meaningful relationship a man and woman would have in marriage. Unfortunately, we live in a world where the woman has been competing against the man – wanting to wear the pants in the home - while seeking to outdo the man in just about every field of endeavors; and it’s all because men have come to compromise – surrendering their God given role as head of the family - turning it over to the woman. Just look at some of the TV shows and sitcoms of the past and present and you will see that the woman is often seen as the leader in the home - who makes the decision and seemingly knows better than the man who just seem to back off and says nothing when his wife arrives at a decision or determines what decision should be made; and in some cases, the man will be seen as always being in the wrong and the wife, being the strong leader of the family is always right. They also make movies where the woman is able to easily overpower a man – even knocking him senseless – while standing over the man as his conqueror and superior. You can also look at some of the commercials on TV and see the man holding a mop and broom – washing dishes, mopping the floor, dusting chairs, windows, cabinets, or making up the bed; these things are presented in a seemingly upside - down way – making it appear that it is the job of the man who must now be the home - maker; and I suppose many men are home - makers today. But this is not the way God intended it to be - as these things serve to further diminish the role of the man as the head of the family.

I read an article – put out by a Journalist (Kristine Parks) for News Digital - which states: “Since Gov. Tim Walz joined the 2024 Democratic ticket, media figures and Harris supporters have argued that Mr. Waltz and Mr. Emhoff embrace a more modern version of masculinity that men should aspire to.” (end of quote).

Here is how it appears many women sees the man today; it appears they see it as proper for the man to follow the lead of the woman. But speaking from God's perspective and not my own perspective, true masculinity is not about crushing a beer can with your hand or allowing the wife to be the leader, but it is about striving in body, mind and spirit to be like God – for God says the man “… is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man” (1 Cor. 11:7). But it seem most women of today disagree with God, and their view of “The More Modern” version of masculinity is that which only serve to debase or lower the man’s God given right to be head over the woman; it is a cunning way of deceiving the man into believing that he does not have to be the head over his wife and taking a back seat to her is just fine; and this is how Satan works on the human mind; he makes that which is wrong appear to be perfectly innocent – even making it sound like a good thing, and people are unsuspecting of where those thoughts and beliefs are coming from.

In relation to the man and wife relation, notice 1 Corinthians 11:3: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ: and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” Women may not understand this, but this is beautiful picture of the God family kind of relationship – where the Governmental structure is revealed: Christ is in charge over the man and the man being the head over his wife and God the Father being the supreme head over all. Concerning these things, women seem to falsely believe that God thinks of them as being less than the man, but that is nowhere near the truth; God thinks very highly of women and praises them; there is no place in the Bible where it teaches or allows discrimination against women. As a matter of fact, God has made known - through Jesus Christ, that it was even wrong to look at a woman and lustfully desire to have her body for just sexual pleasure or personal satisfaction; He said if a man lust after a woman by looking at her with the desire to have sex with her that man is guilty of the act of adultery (Matt. 5:28). God thinks so highly of the woman, He does not want any man to look upon her as a sex object or something to be used to satisfy the sinful lust of a man; a woman is to be regarded and treasured far above that; and one could go as far as to say, that even though so many women are opposed to the woman being subject to the man as the head of the family, they, nonetheless, can agree with what Jesus Christ said – as there is no sane women who would not want to be treated with honor and respect and not as a sex object or that which is just there to simply satisfy the lustful pleasure of a man. The Bible also pictures the Church or the true and faithful servants of God as being woman or bride of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:7). Just consider how honorable it is for the Church to be pictured as a woman or bride in such an exalted way; it surely shows how highly God thinks of women, but I suppose women are not seemingly conscious of these things.

The very fact that God made woman to be the helper of the man does not mean the woman is to be looked down on as some kind of inferior person; the Bible does say the women is the weaker vessel, but before saying that, the scripture admonishes the husband to give honor to the wife; this mean to give value and respect to her; it further goes on to say, “… and as being heirs together for the grace of life …” (1 Peter 3:7). Both man and woman are to be made immortal or changed to Spirit at the second coming of Christ and there will be no male or female in the kingdom of God; the woman who is a Christian is a servant of God just as the man is – this is why the bible says, “… there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Christ does not look down on women as they too are equally the heirs of salvation just like the man. God has structured it that the man be the head of the family to teach obedience to God’s Government and way of life. Remember, the Bible says, God “is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34) - meaning God does not consider a man to be better than a woman. And I would add that most people may not understand that even though the man is the head over the wife, the man is still subject to the woman in the sense that the man has to obey God to love and honor the woman; the man has to be in subjection to God’s command that is expressed by the act of honoring the wife; even Jesus Christ is subject to God the Father, and even God the Father himself is subject to his own laws; God obeys his own law and is therefore subject to it; this means everyone is subject to one another in one way or another.

“As for my People Children are their Oppressors and Women Rule Over Them” (Isaiah 3:12).

In a scripture applicable to our time, Isaiah 3:12 says, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Most people do not realize that the British and American people are the Modern – day descendants of the ancient people of Israel and that many of the prophecies of the Bible speaks of the condition of our time and what is to befall our people just before the second coming of Christ. Yes. our children or young people are committing many of the crimes in this country - oppressing the elderly - robbing and terrorizing them - making them afraid or insecure when they walk the streets in certain of our cities. But notice God says: “women rule over them.” This is speaking of men - in our time - who has taken a back -seat – giving up their God given responsibility to lead and to be the head over the family.

Today, we have women ruling over men in all facets of society, and especially in relation to government, women hold tremendous power and influence – with some being Mayors, Governors, Senators, Speaker of the House. I recently read that there are more women now serving in Congress than ever before and that they are wielding more influence shaping legislative priorities as they ascend to key leadership roles; and of course, we have one of the most powerful women in the world – Mrs. Kamala Harris- who is Vice President and is now seeking to become even more powerful – by attaining the office of the President of the United States. In other words, we have a woman seeking to become the leader or head of the single greatest nation to have ever existed on the face of the earth, and if elected, she would be the first woman President in the history of the United States; she would be the chief leader over millions of people – including men.

Would God Approve of a Female President?

God’s word that “women rule over them” has long been fulfilled - as so many women have been in various leadership roles; we have had a woman Prime Minister in England – Margaret Thatcher, and now many are wondering if America is going to have its first female President.

In speaking of a woman being elected to the office of the President, former Governor of Minnesota, Jessie Ventura, expressed his belief that it was time for a female leader because men have just messed things up. By that statement, Mr. Ventura is saying that a woman would be a better leader than men and the country need a woman to straighten things out. But the truth is that God would never say such a thing and neither would HE approve of a female President.

If you look at leaders in the Bible, you will find that God chose men and not women to lead the nation. It was God who chose Saul to be the leader over the people, and when the actions of Saul displeased God, God then choose David to lead and even told David that his son – Solomon would succeed him on the throne. You can also read 1 Kings 11:31 and see where God had promised to take the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and give it to another. The Bible says that it is God who “removeth kings, and setteth up kings …” (Daniel 2:21). But does this mean that if a woman was to become President of the United States, we may assume God placed that woman in that position – giving her his backing or endorsement? No, not at all; if God approves of a woman leading men in a political office, then the whole purpose of man being the head of the woman – even as the Bible says, would be in contradiction to what God says; and there is NO contradiction with God.

Though God is supremely in charge and is the one who sets up kings and puts down kings (leaders), God, because of man’s sinning ways, does allow man to do that which is wrong – even allowing man to choose their leader or king without his consent or approval. Notice Hosea 8:1,2,4): “… Because they have transgressed against my covenant, and rebelled against my law (even as our people in the United States are doing today). They cry out to me, My God we of Israel know thee (our people also act as if we know and obey God, but they do NOT). Israel has rejected the good … They have set up kings, but not by Me; they have appointed princes, but I did not know it …” (quoted from the New American Standard Bible).

Notice God allowed the people to go ahead and set up the leaders of their own choosing -without the involvement of God. But, of course, God is not involved in the politics of this world -so as to endorse it - giving it his approval - because this world’s system or government is not of God; it is not God’s Government, but man’s government – which is based on the rejection of God’s way of life – for even when God chose Saul to be king over Israel, God told the prophet Samuel that since the people clamored for a king, they had in fact rejected the rule of God; God said, “… they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7); God is not reigning over America – blessing its leaders; our nation is a God rejecting nation - with its leaders making polices and giving sanction – whether in words or deed, to those things that are contrary to the ways of God.

The Democrats are quick to endorse a woman for President and many claim to be excited that a woman could possibly become their leader and religious people, Commentators, and people in certain section of the Media - cannot contain themselves -as they excitedly consider the prospect of a woman becoming President; people are so excited that they cheer and applaud such a prospect. One group which identifies themselves as Christian Democrat of America, says this: “We are Christians committed to supporting Kamala Harris for President in 2024. Vice President Harris embodies the values of social justice, compassion, and care for the marginalized, reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ and the values by which we vote. We believe she is the clear choice for people of faith, in contrast to Donald Trump, who stands clearly against these values with policies that only harm “the least of these” and threaten our very democracy …” (End of quote).

The above are nice sounding words put out by those who calls themselves Christian Democrats, and yet there is also other professed Christians on the other side of the aisle – supporting Mr. Trump; so here we have Christians divided against each other because of the politics of this world; And yet the Bible says there should be no division among God’s people (1 Cor. 1:10).

God’s truth often differs from what people says and think - as people tend to reason out of their own heart and in ways that appeal to their own human reasoning and understanding - rather than on having a true understanding of what God says in his word; and that is the problem with religion today; people tend to use the name of Jesus Christ and the Bible to further a cause that God does not approve. This world is so devoid of the true knowledge of God that God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge …” (Hosea 4:6).

Few there be that would understand that a true Christian is not called upon to participate in the politics of this world but are to come out of this world and to be separate from the affairs of this life (2 Corinthians 6:17). This does not mean the Christian is to run away and hide in a corner and shut his or herself away from the world; No, a Christian is to obey the law of the land -as long as those laws does not come in conflict with being obedient to God, but God does not want or call for a true Christian to be involved in the politics of this world; Jesus did not become involved in the politics of man, but rather told Pilate that “My kingdom is not of this world …” (John 18:36); and by this, Christ left us an example every true Christian should follow A true Christian is an ambassador of Christ – meaning a representative of the kingdom of God and not of the politics of this world.

It is so strange that politicians and people are seemingly concerned about such things as the economy, or inflation, and even with crime, but apart from crime in our cities, it seems that no one is deeply concerned about the declining morals of the nation or the many immoral things that are sanctioned by the government and politicians. For example, God says, "Thou shalt not kill." Killing is a sin; taking the life of an unborn child is killing or murder and yet those who are running for President, do, in one way or another, support the killing of the unborn. One has to wonder how those who profess to be Christians feel about those candidates who gives allowance to such act.

It was former presidents of the United States – President Clinton and President Obama - who used his office to declare the month of June Gay and Lesbian Pride Month and it was President Obama who also came along and declared June 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. And may I say again that it is human government that has made laws giving women the right to kill unborn babies through the means of abortion. Do you think Jesus Christ would cast his vote for human government that support these things?

A true Christian will not set his hope upon man’s flawed and God rejecting government, but on the soon coming kingdom of God; this is where the true affection of a Christian should be. But this religious world of man tends to follow the custom and practices of this world – going along with the crowd and even being part of it.

The truth is that God has not called for a woman to lead the nation as leader or president, and should Vice President Harris become the next president of the United States, it would not be of God’s doing, but it will be the people setting up and choosing a leader out of their own heart and desire, because God has made it clear that a woman should not be the head over the man.

Thankfully, God is going to send Jesus Christ to deliver our people out the great troubles that are coming, but it is only after we have learned harsh lessons that God will move to deliver us; as God says in Hosea 13:9,10: “O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself: but in me is thine help. I will be thy king: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? And of thy judges of whom thou saidst, give me a king …” Jesus is coming as the true king and leader, and it is HE that will show our people the path of true leadership with the perfect Government that will be ruled by God and his saints and not by mortal man or woman. And whatever way this election goes, America is headed for continuing trouble, and it is only God who will deliver our people after God has allowed the nation to experience the worst time of troubles to ever befall a nation or people since the beginning of the world. God has not ordained that a woman should be the leader over men and would therefore NOT endorse a woman for president or even Vice President.

I know there may be those who may not like what has been said here but it is God's truth and not my truth. I also know that the truth of God is not a popular thing with people; history has shown it has never been popular and those who spoke the truth have often been disliked or found to be unwelcome, but what would you rather have? Would you rather have the truth or a lie? God's word says, "... no lie is of the truth" (1 John 2:21).


I am an old man who has, long ago, came to the realization that this professing Christian world – with all its Mega Churches and various denominations do not proclaim the true teaching of the Bible - as they fail to correctly teach many vitally important doctrinal truths of the Bible.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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