
The 1922 Salacious Double Murder of the Priest and His Choir Singer.
By Allen Cornwell · 1 day ago
Salacious murder cases, especially unsolved ones, are hard to forget and even harder to walk away from. They intrigue and thrill us, but most notably, they continue to trouble us for answers. On the evening ...
Choosing Culturally-Conscious Costumes for Halloween
By Rachel Ranieri · 2 weeks ago
As Halloween creeps closer, the phrase "My culture is not your costume" echos louder. It's a simple plea: don't wear something that mocks or belittles someone's culture. But every year, it seems like some people ...
Occupational Variability of Potters behind the Demise of the Traditional Pottery Industry
By Md. Saniul Haque · 3 months ago
Pottery is the traditional community occupation of the Potter community. Their profession is passed down from generation to generation. But gradually, their communal identity is disappearing as a result of changing professions. Pottery is a ...
Investigating the Rich Embroidery of Culture: An Excursion Through Variety and Custom
By Hiba Noor · 3 months ago
Introduction: Culture is the pith of human progress, winding around a rich embroidery of convictions, customs, customs, expressions, and values that characterize social orders across the globe. It envelops a heap of components, including language, ...
Talismans of courage: The untold stories of Iranian soldiers and their taweez in the Iran-Iraq war
By Salam Burdu · 5 months ago
The Iran-Iraq War, spanning from 1980 to 1988, was a complex and multifaceted conflict that not only shaped the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East but also deeply influenced the cultural and spiritual lives of ...
Sustainable World
By Aydasara Ortega Torres · 5 months ago
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, hand paper making has found a niche in the realm of activism, serving as a powerful tool for environmental sustainability and social change. The Craftsmanship Hand paper making is an ancient ...
Social Isolation in Disabled People
By Robin Akins · 7 months ago
What does social isolation mean? Many of us have felt lonely before. Most of us get through it. We find our way back to other people, and then the "dark time" becomes a foggy, faraway ...
Ableism in the USA
By Robin Akins · 7 months ago
Estimates published by the world bank report that approximately one billion people experience some form of disability worldwide. This number amounts to 15% of the global population. In the USA, 61 million people - or ...
How Disability Stereotypes Are Harmful
By Robin Akins · 8 months ago
Members of minority groups are often all too well aware of stereotypes. Other people stereotype them and end up discriminating against them. Eventually, fear of stereotypes may make them avoid certain activities. Stereotypes hurt both ...
Controversies and Consequences: The Impact of Sharia Law on Human Rights with Nigeria as a case study.
By Olonade Joshua · 7 months ago
“Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home — so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the ...
Astrology Reading VS Tarot Reading
By Emily Mccoy · 7 months ago
Astrology and tarot reading represent two distinct but interconnected branches of divination, each offering unique methods and insights into the complex and mystical realms of human existence. These ancient practices are revered for their ability ...
Token of Recognition, in homage to Cadi Si Mohamed Benfettacha El-Messaadi
By Mebrouk Benfettacha · 9 months ago
Today marks 132 years since the day he died in September 1891. People still remember that a majestic procession paraded in front led by eighty “Talebs” at their head, and hundreds of rows of crowds ...
Life In Saudi Arabia
By Waseem Akram · 9 months ago
Life in Saudi Arabia 1.       Saudi Arabia, a place that is known for differences and customs, has long intrigued the world with its remarkable mix of innovation and well established legacy. For those lucky enough ...
Therapy Is The Super-Spreader Of Wokeness
By Nicole Chardenet · 9 months ago
Well this explains everything, I thought to myself. The fox is coaching the henhouse! Author Lisa Selin-Davis explains the perpetuation of wokeism in her recent The Free Press Substack article, How Therapists Became Social Justice ...
What Was the Taisho Era (Period) in Japan? – A Complete Overview
By Limarc Ambalina · 11 months ago
When it comes to Japanese history, the Taisho Era sometimes gets overlooked. For one thing, the Taisho Era is not as long as the Meiji Era which came before it, or the Showa Era which ...
Don't Let Genocide Be Our Epitaph
By Michael J. Talmo · 10 months ago
The word genocide comes from the Greek word genos, meaning race or tribe, and from the Latin word cide, which means killing. It was created by Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) in 1944. He was a Polish-born ...
Embracing a Fresh Start: Coexilia's Role in Nurturing Social Issues and Culture
By Aegis Solis · 11 months ago
Introduction: In a world marked by social issues and cultural complexities, Coexilia emerges as a beacon of hope, offering humanity a second chance and a fresh start. With its unwavering commitment to fostering understanding, empathy, ...
The Evolution of Toothbrushes: From Ancient Chewing Sticks to High-Tech Devices
By Cavity Zap · 1 year ago
Oral hygiene has always been a crucial aspect of human health, and throughout history, humans have employed various tools and techniques to keep their teeth clean and healthy. The evolution of toothbrushes is a fascinating ...
The Advantages and Disadvantages of American Tipping Culture
By Hikadi Radza Hardian, Pancaran Kasih Djatmiko · 1 year ago
In the United States, tipping has become an ingrained part of the social fabric, shaping interactions between customers and service workers across various industries. From restaurants and hotels to hair salons and taxi rides, the ...
The Impact of Culture on Cross-Cultural Leadership
By Nathaline Poquie · 1 year ago
Introduction As organizations become more culturally diverse, it is more crucial than ever to be able to bring disparate followers together (Cabrera & Unruh, 2012). Organizational operations and recruiting are becoming more globally distributed, and ...