
The Prophet Got It Wrong!
By Wayne Sutton · 11 years ago
During a hard time of my life, and while I was still a young Christian, I received a prophetic word spoken over my life. It was a promise for the prayers I have been pleading ...
The Love Of God Produces (1) Relationship With God, (2) Power Of The Mind, (3) True Spirituality
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
This is Part 2 of 2 parts. We don't understand the power of the love of God in us. FIRST, it eliminates or at least reduces fear in our lives, which is a major contributor ...
God & Love! God's Love Is Gospel Truth Because "God Is Love." Love Creates An Encounter With God
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
With all the sin and wrong in the world, we often struggle with the concept of the love of God. How can God love human beings who engage in so much sin and compromise? But ...
Biblical Prophecy: Is This The End Times? God And Israel: The History Of Israel And End Time Signs
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
We have a way of thinking that I think is not biblically accurate. It is about biblical prophecy and it involves God and Israel and end time signs. What this way of thinking says is ...
Meditation And Your Emotional Well Being
By Oliver Dodd · 11 years ago
It is said that people with emotional strength have better control over their feelings and behaviors. It is because of this that they are better able to tackle any challenge, leading to more productive and ...
Jesus' Return: The End Of The World 2012 (the Mayan Calendar). The End Times. The Rapture
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
Because of the Mayan calendar, many people believe that 2012 will be the end of the world " the year we are now living in. They believe these are the end times of the Bible. ...
Speak the Good News to Your Community with Brochures for Churches
By John Carter · 11 years ago
Regardless of religion and regardless of location, marketing to your community can help to ensure that you spread the word of your religion and attempt to reach as many people as you can. Marketing for ...
End Times And The Return Of Christ Vs. Rebuilding The Temple And The Antichrist
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
Paul says more than once that we think naturally, not spiritually: we think worldly not heavenly. John talks about being in love with this world " which blocks us knowing the love of God (I ...
Christian Citizenship/Independence Day
By Brian Harbour · 11 years ago
"The separation of church and state is rooted in the Scripture in the declaration of Jesus: ""Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's"" (Mk. 12:17). It ...
Problems In Life Come From The Tree Of Knowledge (the Forbidden Tree) Vs. The Tree Of Life
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
Someone has said, "If you can't understand something, go back to the beginning, and you will start receiving revelation and finding answers." There Were Two Trees In the Garden Our beginning was The Garden of ...
Forgiveness Is of A Higher Standard
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
At the homeless shelter where I volunteer, there is a strong emphasis on forgiveness and personal accountability. The residents must learn to recite, by memory, several recovery principles. One of the principles is called "Restitution" ...
The Creation Science Curriculum: Evolution or Intelligent Design?
By Kevin Conover · 11 years ago
The Creation Science Curriculum: Evolution or Intelligent Design? In 1859, Charles Darwin published his revolutionary work, On the Origin of the Species.  In it he proposed that life as we know it evolved over a ...
Educate For Life: Defending Christianity
By Kevin Conover · 11 years ago
Educate For Life: Defending Christianity Many Christians have questions about their faith, but who is providing the answers?  In fact, this is the main purpose of Christian apologists.  Sadly, many Christians do not even know ...
What Is Truth? Is The Bible True? What Is God's Truth? Can We Believe Church Denominations?
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
Let me continue with part of my thoughts about end times, in this second article in a series. Many things said today simply don't hold water when those things are poured into the mold of ...
The Mayan Gods & Goddesses
By Marco Carrillo · 11 years ago
The ancient civilization of the Maya worshiped a number of Gods. They would sacrifice humans in order to communicate with them. After death, the soul was believed to go to the Underworld (Xibalba) where the ...
Choices We Make, And Our Decision Making Define Our Spirituality And Spiritual Growth
By Roger Himes · 11 years ago
Choices we make in life define who we are. Everything in life is about decision making, and which road we decide to go down. It is our decisions and choices in life, much more than ...
Optimism Seems Fleeting When so Much Around Us is Wrong
By Douglas Iwanicki · 12 years ago
It's fair to say that over the course of the last few years, populations around the world have been dealt a series of devastating blows, the repercussions of which, in most cases, will continue to ...
There are so many Reasons Today Why we need to Pray
By Douglas Iwanicki · 12 years ago
Why pray and how do you pray? The succeeding Why Do We Pray To God article will bring enlightenment on the significance and purpose of prayer. God is deeply longing for His beloved to seek ...
The Least Harmonious Zodiac Signs For Aries Looking For Long Term Love
By Corey Andalus · 12 years ago
For anyone born under the astrological sign of Aries, the universe gifted you the potential to win so one might just think challenges come naturally to you. They do, when you care to take them ...
Aries Most Harmonious Astrological Signs For Enduring Love Mates
By Craig Corbel · 12 years ago
As far as love connections are concerned, an Aries usually experiences the greatest compatibility with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra or Taurus companions. These compatibility ratings are based on sun signs solely. A comprehensive Spiritual ...