Ten Reasons A College Education Is Worth The Money

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Mark Maiewski
  • Published October 14, 2010
  • Word count 682

Obtaining a college degree is more than just learning a trade or occupation.

A college degree could bring many other benefits. Below are ten of the top

reasons I feel are part of the college experience.

Reason Number One - Opportunity for getting a higher paying job. The better

qualified the student is, the more opportunity they have in obtaining a high

paying job.

Many studies have been conducted and most have shown, a student who continues

their education after high school, should most likely make more money than

people who stop at high school, in some cases, over one million dollars more.

Reason Number Two - Experience - One of the biggest gains received by going

to college is the educational and community experience received.

A full spectrum liberal arts college normally will prepare an individual for

most life issues. The education prepares most students to live with a noble

cause as citizens in a free country.

Reason Number Three - Skills - Depending on the student's major, a


education should provide important skills that are needed to do the job that


student elects to pursue.

Most colleges teach theory and provide a foundation in the subject matter

being taught. Once the student has learned the basic skills required in a

certain field, their future potential employer will teach the graduate how

they want the job done.

Reason Number Four - Promotion - A college education enables the individual

to put themselves into a position for future job advancement.

After graduation, the student will continue their education by gaining

experience in their field of employment. The more experience received, the

more likely of future


Reason Number Five - Learn - One of the benefits of going to college is the

student will develop the discipline of how to learn.

Learning how to learn and solve problems will benefit the individual once

they are in the employment arena.

Reason Number Six - Goals - Getting a college education could enable an

individual to achieve future goals.

Goal setting is important regardless of what occupation one selects to


Attending college should give the student the ability or opportunity to learn

how to set goals and work toward accomplishing the goals. The best case

scenario is the student has already done this at the high school level which

will then be a continuation of the process.

Reason Number Seven - Contacts - A college education enables students to

meet new people from a broad cross section of society.

Becoming successful in today's employment arena sometimes require knowing

individuals that can help the student climb the ladder of success. While in

college, the student will be able to make contacts with individuals that can

help them succeed in their field of employment. This is also referred to as

networking and could be just as important as what you actually learn in


Reason Number Eight - Competition - A college education enables and

individual to be more competitive in the work place.

The more education one has, the more desirable they could be to employers.

Obtaining a quality education and work experience, should make individuals

more sought-after and more competitive in the job market. It's not always the

school that makes the difference, but how successful you were in completing

your studies.

Reason Number Nine - Personal Satisfaction - When an individual graduates

from college, it normally gives the person a feeling of satisfaction.

Accomplishing the goal of getting a college education normally gives an

individual a feeling of personal satisfaction of winning. It normally gives

an individual a feeling of accomplishment or success. Getting a college

degree also shows future employers that the individual has paid the price of

achieving a goal and is worthy of the opportunity for employment, just as any

other graduate has.

Reason Number Ten - Hope - A college degree can give hope to an individual.

Having hope can achieve or can give the student a feeling of accomplishment


success, even if they are lacking in some skills at the beginning of their


Mark Maiewski has spent the last 10 years showing students how to

successfully get admitted to college and keeping parents out of deep debt by

developing a workable plan to get it paid. For three amazing free gifts on

how to get started successfully in the college planning process, go to Mark's

website at http://www.collegeplanningvirginia.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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