The Reality of Internet Marketing | Why Your Business Is About To Die

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Earl Hall
  • Published December 7, 2010
  • Word count 1,421

You have to understand that there is something for sale on the internet all the time. For those of us in business on line we are looking for the same thing. Not them…just you and I. You see there are just a few powers that be out there. All of us follow them in one way shape or form because…they have the answer right?

Whether you call them a syndicate, or you follow "The Secret" Crowd or you are just what I call a "Gadget Whore", we are all buying the same thing. You see they are all selling the same thing. I will come back to that in a minute.

I speak to business owners and organization leaders all over the world as a coach. Don’t laugh yet…I know many coaches really have no clue about true business development. At any rate…All of the people that I speak with are even looking for the same thing they just don’t know it. I hear story after story of sadness and woe because things just don’t seem to be going right.

These are the reasons that people give me for not reaching their goals…

• I need the latest fancy new website like (insert guru name here).

• My list and my prospects won’t buy what I am selling (it’s the prospects fault right?)

• If my staff would sell more we would be successful

• I need a new state of the art video and my sales will go through the roof

• I didn’t get a chance to go the conference that (insert guru name here) was putting on.

• My niche won’t respond to my messages or emails

• Etc, etc, etc…

Some people actually believe that if they spend $2995 on the latest thing that (insert guru name here) is doing a product launch for that it will change their lives forever! You see as long as you believe that you do not have the answer then you will believe anyone telling you that they have it (just pause and think about that).

OK…You are in online marketing right? Well if you are worth your salt then you already know this magic formula.

• Get the prospect to talk about their pain

• Make them go deeper in to the pain

• Talk about what is going to happen if they don’t resolve the pain

• Show them a world without that problem

• Show them you have a solution

• Give them real world examples and testimonials

• Show them how you will help them

• Close the deal

Did I get it right? I think I did. Remember earlier I said that they are all selling the same thing. Well if you haven’t figured it out yet…They are selling "Hope". You see by the time we have been taken through this pain process we truly believe that there is no way out except with this new "gadget" (hence the term "gadget whore"). You see hope is powerful thing when you feel you have none left.

Don’t get me wrong these are valid sales strategies and they work. Here is the catch to that. If most of who you sell to is people at the end of their rope…will they have what it takes to stay the course with you and finish your process? If you are a business coach like me …then having a person sign up for your course that is out of time, money, and resources…is a waste of yours!

The problem with many businesses is that they have waited entirely too long to get help. It’s like calling a fireman after the house is burned down. Shouldn’t they have called as soon as they smelled the smoke? Many businesses are about to die simply because they waited too long to get the help they needed.

We all know that writing blogs and articles is for a point. The point is to give killer information and also drive traffic to your site. Believe me even this article is no different. However I want you to simply start opening your eyes. We want to believe that all of these tools and tactics will work for us. We want to believe that the conferences that we are spending thousands of dollars on each year are going to make a difference in our business. Well here goes. Let me tell you why they will NOT!

If I use a calendar year to explain this it might be easier. So here is how it all unfolds.

In January you see a hype new product launch that will show you how to use video to increase your sales…You spend $2995 on that and it takes you 4 -6 weeks to really grasp it and then you start to implement it. Well by now it is March.

In March guess what? A brand new product launch is in your inbox. By the way…the person you just slammed $2995 down to sent you the email on this because they are a JV partner (affiliate) of this new blogging, email, website launch that is supposed to be "all the rave" as well. You say to yourself, "I think this will be the thing that makes a difference". So, you take out the plastic once again (or hit your paypal) and slam down another $2995. This process has a learning curve of another 4-6 weeks by the time you really learn it…It is now June!

Half of your year is gone. Your sales are nowhere close to what they should be. Your bills are piling up. You have no idea why things are so bad…then guess what happens? You guessed it! Another email in your in box with another MIRACLE MUST HAVE GADGET! Are you seeing why I use the term "Gadget Whore?

Ok…we are at the point where I have brought out the pain so now let me show how to get out of this LOL! Sorry just had to say that.

First let me say that I thank God for gadgets and systems. They make my job so much easier. In fact some of the "gadgets" that you know about I have actually bought. What you as a business owner must understand that there comes a time when you have to stop buying "gadgets". In fact gadgets to me are equal to simple tactics. Tactics are useless without something very important…STRATEGY!

Having a solid business growth strategy is what MOST of the online business guru wannabes are missing. You see if I asked to see your sales process map or your marketing or revenue plan…would you even have one. I don’t mean even on paper…heck just in your head?

Most small business owners are just simply "spraying and praying"! You may have heard the old saying, "If you don’t know your path…any road will get you there". Or oh here is good old one, "If you fail to plan…you plan to fail". Well you can ignore, laugh, or chuckle at it, but it is true.

We live in a world that is changing at an unbelievable rate because or technology and the internet. It is advisable to know what kind of tactics are out there to get you message out faster and better than your competition can.

The reality of internet marketing is this…

You have to know how to…

• Generate leads

• Qualify leads

• Convert leads into sales

When I started Strategic Business I had a few things in mind. I wanted to be able to provide the small business owner that is stuck, struggling, or just not growing as fast as they would like…with solid business strategies that work and work every time.

You see I spent time in the U.S. Air Force during Desert Storm as a Survival Instructor. One of the main things I did was teach Chemical defense. I had to teach a process of putting on Chemical gear and also taking it off after coming through a chemical attach.

You see you could survive a chemical attack because of the suite you were wearing. However there comes a time when you must take that Chemical suite off. If you do not take off things at the right time in the right order…YOU DIE!

This is the same principle with your business. At Strategic Business we show you how to do the right things in the right order. the most powerful and dynamic client attraction program ever created.

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