Required Tools For Part-Time MLM

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Joe Barclay
  • Published January 19, 2011
  • Word count 425

How come so much interest in part-time mlm? Today's financial situation has more people than ever looking for additional sources of income. Every day a large number of people are deciding to start an mlm network marketing business from home. The overwhelming majority of them start out on a very part-time basis of under 10 hours per week. Most beginnin network marketers are working their business in addition to an already hectic schedule of working a job, raising children, attending college, and more.

This article outlines the essential tools for success in part-time mlm network marketing. I've already covered what to look for when investigating network marketing companies themselves in previous articles. In addition to selecting the right company, it is also important that the team you partner with makes these key tools available. With time being a limiting factor, it is important to automate and simplify as much of the business-building process as possible to help ensure maximum success.

The most important tool to have access to, for both building your business on the Internet or offline, is a proven marketing system that anyone can copy. Teaching your new team members to make a list of contacts to show the business to is not a marketing system. An effective marketing system should include multiple techniques for finding new prospects, introducing them to the business, following up with them, enrolling them into the business, and helping them duplicate the process.

Part time mlm business-builders do not have time to develop tools and systems. The marketing system you use must have a short learning curve, provide new team member training 24/7, and provide support from a successful mentor or coach. Ideally, the mentor should be a full-time networker who is can be reached during both daytime and evening hours.

If you are building your business online, you will need a landing page to capture prospect information like name and email address for relationship-building and follow up. To handle that follow up, you will need an autoresponder with a pre-written series of emails. Even if you do have the skills, you will probably not have the time to create an effective email campaign yourself.

Whether you build your business locally, on the Internet, or both, you must have a simple online enrollment process that the new business partner can complete on their own. Using paper applications and fax machines is definitely old-school and too time-consuming.

With just a few key tools and diligent effort, you can build a profitable mlm network marketing business on a very part time schedule.

Joe Barclay is an expert at training others to quickly, easily create success online. Read this and other Part Time MLM articles at his blog. Be a top enroller in your company by subscribing to Joe's free online MLM training.

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