5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing

Computers & TechnologyBlogging / Forums

  • Author Maria Wixman
  • Published December 30, 2010
  • Word count 827

The website builder gives you the tools you need to build a creative and useful website. Your next step is to have quality content that engages your readers and is interesting. You may also want to have a blog to draw even more traffic and interest located either on your website or on a website like Blogger or Hub Pages. In order to do this, you need to be able to write well. You don’t have to be an award-winning author to write good content, you just need to be able to use correct grammar and know how to express yourself. If you’re unsure of your writing ability, there are a few easy ways to improve it. These are ways that writers have been using for many years and, if you can put them into practice, you can improve your writing ability.


The best way to improve your writing is to read. Read things that interest you and notice how the authors use words and phrases. Take note of phrases that you like and keep a notebook of interesting words and their meanings. This is a trick that writers use to find new ways of expressing their ideas and thoughts.

Read print media as well as articles and blogs on the Internet. Note the difference between writing for print and writing for the Internet. Print media is more detailed and structured, with longer paragraphs and text boxes. When writing for an online audience, remember that most people first scan a Web page to find out if it contains what they need and then go back and actually read the content. Make your point quickly and avoid long-drawn-out explanations.

Keep a Notebook of Ideas

Next to reading, keeping a notebook is one of the best tools writers use. You never know when inspiration will hit and, if you have a small notebook handy, you can jot down your ideas before they disappear off into the ether. Blog posts are often inspired by events or news items. Capturing your ideas before you forget them will give you plenty of material to keep your blog posts timely and interesting. Write down anything you might want to write about later, no matter how mundane or trivial it may seem at the time. Great ideas for your business and personal website often come from little snippets of information or inspiration.

Take a Class

You can find free online writing classes and seminars. You can also find classes that are not expensive. Online writing classes cover a wide variety of subjects, from basic grammar to detailed courses targeted at a specific area of the craft. You can also find books that will help you improve your writing on your own. An online writing group is also an excellent place to learn and practice your writing. Most are very supportive and can put you in touch with others who are trying to improve their writing skills.

Be Active

When you write, use an active voice whenever possible. Verbs are power in a sentence. Active verbs keep your readers interested and give you a voice of authority. They help you to sound like you know what you are talking about and draw the reader into the action. When you are writing sales copy for your business website, action verbs are very important. Use them to make the sale and call the reader to action to become a customer.


Like anything, writing takes practice. Set aside time each day to write. It doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you take time to do it. Don’t let your inner critic talk you out of it; tell it to hush, and then get some words on paper or on your monitor. You can free write (which is just a stream of your thoughts), start a short story, or take up article writing. Even a few paragraphs a day on your blog will help you to improve your writing skills.

This is where an online writing group really comes into play. Most writing groups e-mail prompts to members each day that you can pick and choose from to write short pieces. Then you can submit your pieces to the group for comment and critiques. There are thousands of online writing groups to try out. You may want one that is mainly for support, or you might want to try one that takes critiques seriously. Try out a few until you find one you are comfortable with.

These five ways to improve your writing will get you started and, as you practice and become more involved with writing you will find other ways that help you. Have confidence and keep in mind that the more you write, the better you will get. Soon you will be writing killer content that draws traffic and keeps readers coming back for more. The website builder can build your website, and you can write the content.

Maria Free Website Builder I have been in the online marketing industry for over two years and love all things related to e-marketing,

writing for the web, SEO and SEM. I've been working for a large company that specializes in web design,

and love how dynamic this field is.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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