Facts and Myths of Health and Fitness Revealed

Health & Fitness

  • Author George Tennyson
  • Published February 20, 2011
  • Word count 433

There is always some truth to the untruths. Exercise and each person's body has different reactions. What is correct for one person may not be necessarily correct for others, or some percentage of other people. Everyone should deal with information and question truths on a case by case basis. You never know what may be uncovered by doing some research, so ideally you should take the time to research and learn. Research is the only way to make sure there is solid information about health and fitness.

It is amazing to us to hear that if you use an ab machine or device and do crunches you will get rid of the fat in your midsection. The late night infomercials seem to imply that you can lose belly fat if you use some whiz-bang ab blaster-dissolver vaporizer thing. Belly fat is exactly what it implies, and that is a direct reflection on your percentage of body fat. If you miss seeing your ab muscles you need to lose enough fat so that your abs will become visible again.

The only real way to get results is with the "no pain, no gain" rule. Losing weight does not mean beating yourself up or causing yourself serious injury which makes the above statement completely false. There is a huge difference between working hard, or having a hard workout, and working out while you are in obvious pain. What we are discussing here is not normal muscle soreness that you may feel after a workout involving unused muscle groups, but instead the pain in your body that does not stop quickly, stop immediately. If you are suffering from an injury, it's important to recognize this and stop immediately to avoid making the injury more severe.

The myth we hear most is "I don't have time to exercise. All it takes really is 45 minutes to an hour a week. This short exercise schedule is better than nothing especially if you can top it off with a 30 minute aerobic workout on your days off. Can you squeeze in a walk at work or with your children? Try taking a power walk on your lunch hour or jumping a rope in the comfort of your living room while dinners cooking. Three ten minute slots in our schedules is easy for anyone to find.

Everyone has some advice about health and fitness and some of it is truth and some of it is something else. When you hear something that you are in doubt of you should suspend your belief until you have done some research and have creditable information.

If you are looking to shed weight and get in shape, check out the P90X Extreme Home Fitness DVD set.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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