Best Ab Exercises That Work

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Jackson Golde
  • Published February 20, 2011
  • Word count 530

Many people want to know the best ab exercises that work to give them that ripped look. Washboard abdominals may be the goal of many people who work out, but in reality the effort to get that effect has a lot to do with losing body fat in the abdominal area as much as developing the muscles. There are exercises that, along with a good diet, can help attain the goal of well-toned abs.

The Best Abdominal (Ab) Exercises that Work

There are several ab exercises that are effective, according to the American Council on Exercise. The best ab exercises that work are:

• Bicycle Crunches - the best move for developing the 'six pack" look is the standard bicycle crunch. Even in Pilates workout there is an effective move that simulates this workout. This workout is effective because it targets the rectus abdominals and the waist (oblique) muscles.

Lying flat on the floor with the hands behind the head, bring the knees to a 45-degree angle and start a diagonal move moving lifting the upper body and touching the left elbow to the right knee while straightening out the right leg. Do not let the right leg touch the floor. Repeat from side to side in a pedaling motion. Remember not to pull on the neck with the hands; the arms behind the head should remain spread.

• Ab Crunch on Exercise Ball - this is a great exercise for abdominals, but requires the purchase of a large stability ball. Sitting on the exercise ball with feet flat on the floor, slowly roll back until the torso and thighs are parallel to the floor. Place hands behind the head with the elbows spread, and slowly raise the torso to a 45-degree angle. Keeping the feet closer together will help stabilize the movement and work the oblique muscles.

• Reverse Curl - one of the best ab workouts that work is for the lower abdominals, that little pouch, which can be hard to reduce. This movement will also work the side abdominal muscles. Lie on the back, bending knees as far towards the chest as possible. Keep the hips on the floor. Start contracting the ab muscles and lifting the hips off the floor while bringing the knees towards the chest without swinging the legs. Go slow and concentrate on using the ab muscles to lift the legs. It is easier if the hands remain on the floor, but don't use the hands to push the move. For a harder workout keep hands in the air.

• Leg Raises - this exercise for abdominals requires equipment usually found in a gym, but is an extremely effective ab workout. Using the Captain's Chair Leg machine, stand on the platform and grip the arm rest handrails. Pressing the back against the back-rest, lift the legs into a 90-degree position. Do not swing the legs or use momentum to raise the legs. Concentrate on the ab muscles doing the work. Slowly lower the legs.

Getting washboard abdominals are a function of diet and dedication to the best ab exercises that work. These exercises will also strengthen the body's core, which will assist in stabilizing all workout routines.

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Mortal Kombat 2011
Mortal Kombat 2011 · 14 years ago
Great article. I like to do 3 sets of 15 reps for the top, middle, and lower abs. About 3 times a week

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