Kick The Habit – An Open Mind Is The Key…

Health & Fitness

  • Author Peter Kirwan
  • Published March 9, 2011
  • Word count 592

It's a common fact that most advice you ever get from individuals or programs for stopping smoking mostly concentrate on your own willpower and stubborn dedication, which of course is an essential ingredient - but an open mindedness is also very important for you to be able to effectively kick the habit for good.

An open minded attitude is probably the most important ingredient for destroying your anti-social, self-destructive habit of sucking down toxic tobacco fumes.

Even though every smoker finds a way to deny it, the most tricky thing about giving up the smokes is being able to overcome the tangible 'fear' of giving it up.

There's all sorts of non-sensical fears - you'll get fat, you'll get further stressed, you'll be miserable and the best ones; you'll be 'bored' or 'you need something to do with your hands'. Pretty pathetic really.

Every smoker I've ever known (including me of course) believes he/she NEED their cigarettes and are plain afraid of what'll happen to them if they don't obtain their fix.

All smokers suffer from at least one of these fears, but they're actually completely harmless - in fact here and now, I'd go as far as stating they're pure fabrications of a frightened mind.

It's true, none of the common fears deserve any recognition but if you've been smoking for a fair time, then your dependence on tobacco or cigarettes makes it feel as though a life without being able to extinguish your own health is simply unthinkable.

It's a never-ending source of wonderment that homo sapiens can make the greatest (and the worst) excuses not to do something - like quit smoking for instance!

There's most definitely people out there that have the right stuff for overcoming any supposed fear with sheer willpower and determination alone, which is splendid if it works for them. You simply have to respect anyone who has the attitude to conquer fear.

Unfortunately though, for the most part people don't or can't carry on the same way which is why many of them just don't get to the point of quitting or return to it after a little while - they're trying to rely on the willpower and stubborn determination that they simply don't have.

Destroy those fears; keep an open mind. Look at the world around you and you'll soon see that there's categorically nothing to be fearful of.

Check out all those non-smokers, not one of them need to suck down huge lungfuls of poison, they don't suffer any fears that keep them smoking. Why then do you think you do?

Cast your mind back - remember when you never smoked? Neither your mind nor your body desired an addiction to cigarettes and tobacco and you most certainly didn't worry about any sort of miserable life not including it.

Keeping an open mind and knowing what non-smokers have that you don't, which is self-respect and decent health, will give you a much desired shove in the desirable direction of re-training your mind back to that of a non-smoker.

In summary; keeping an open mind will give you a big advantage and even though you're bound to find it a little tough at first, being able to kick the habit is much easier than you think - YOU ONLY HAVE TO WANT TO!

Quitting smoking naturally, speedily, and permanently isn't and has never been about overly complicated systems and/or poisonous pills and patches - it's all about simplicity, a little bit of will-power and some genuine tried and tested tobacco-quitting knowledge.

If you're constantly trying to Kick The Habit and failing, then here's all the expert advice and guidance that you need.

Do yourself a huge favor and Click Here for Free Honest Reviews of the worlds top 3 tried-and-tested methods for quitting smoking.

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