Design Your Firm's Website to Move Your Off-Season Accounting Services

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Brian Oconnell
  • Published March 21, 2011
  • Word count 618

Most CPAs already possess a decent accounting website design and have a ton of work throughout tax time.

The real secret to developing a CPA or accounting service is getting clients to utilize your off-season services.

You've got 3 really excellent website features that can help you manage this.

I'm sure you already have at least an "Our Services" page, or better yet; a whole section where each service has it's own page. Personally I prefer you give each service it's own page, but using a single page is OK as long as you are using bookmark links to make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. Almost every accounting website design does this, of course. Unfortunately just having a page isn't good enough. The content on the page has to be good, too. Many websites go to great length to explain what a service is and how it works, but this is really relatively unimportant. What matters is how that service benefits the client! Long drawn out descriptions will bore the visitor, and if you make them too technical you could even make them feel stupid. All the visitor really cares about is how that service can benefit them, so concentrate on that. Put a contact form on each service page so night owls and users who might be too shy to call have an alternate means to contact you immediately.

Next, let's take a look at your email newsletter. If you already have a site I'm sure you already have an online newsletter. It's a staple feature in accounting website design, but not all newsletters are particularly well designed to actually draw off-season conversions. You don't want to spend too much time on taxes. It's understandable why most newsletters make this mistake: there's a lot of tax news year-round and it's fairly easy to use this information to "fill" a newsletter. If you add even a single article or two about your off-season services you'll find your newsletter becomes a much more useful marketing tool. Write it using the same marketing style you used on your service pages. Make benefits to the client the focus of each article. You don't need, or even want, to tell them everything. All you need to do is present the benefit. This will position you as the expert to turn to when it comes time to actually use the information.

The least obvious cross-season marketing instrument on your website may not be as obvious, but it's often more effective. Offer a large library of "free reports" or "financial guides" and write them in a similar style. While these pages won't generate quite as much traffic as your service pages or newsletter, but the leads they generate will be white hot! Not only are people on these pages displaying a huge amount of initiative simply by looking over this information they very likely already use your services to some degree or another, so the accounting professional they turn to will almost certainly be you!

Make sure you have a broad range of these reports focused on a variety of financial interests, and make sure they're well organized and easy to navigate. Include a "send this article to a friend" link on every guide page. You never know when a visitor will discover some information that applies to one of their friends, and this can become a tremendously solid referral.

Just having Free Reports and Services pages isn't sufficient. The design of your accounting website should be reinforced by superior content. Take a look at your website and make certain you not only offer these features but also that the copy on them is designed to really move these services.

Brian O'Connell is the CEO and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of the nation's leading edge website companies dedicated entirely to accounting website design.

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