Is Wi-Fi Safe For Schools?

Social IssuesEnvironment

  • Author Paul Inkpen
  • Published April 21, 2011
  • Word count 674

Recently, stories have surfaced out of Central Ontario, Canada revealing how children are getting sick from simply going to school. What is it about these institutions that is causing a problem?

The common denominator is that Wi-fi networks have just been installed in schools that never had them before. Since then, the kids are reporting unexplained incidences of heart racing, headaches, nausea and skin rashes.

Strangely enough, these symptoms disappear when the kids are home for the weekend, or off on summer vacation. Is this a coincidence? Not at all.

Health Canada's Official Position

According to Beth Pieterson of Health Canada "There is no evidence, scientific evidence, that those kind of effects are caused by the energy limits the kids are exposed to by Wi-Fi."

Safety standards in Canada are set by a document known as Safety Code 6. The fact is that some people react to this radiation at levels well below Safety Code 6. The standards and safety levels are outdated, and Canadians need new studies and limits set to protect adults and children from this increasingly common form of radiation.

Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect Health?

As a rebuttal to Health Canada's official position, I would like to offer evidence from various sources that EMF's do in fact affect health, in an extremely negative way.

  1. Books, such as "Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: The Question of Cancer", by: Bary W. Wilson, Richard G. Stevens, Larry E. Anderson, conclude that

"The primary biological effects of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation probably do not include direct genetic damage. More subtle and indirect forms of action, which include disruption of chronobiological relationships, are certainly involved.

In entrained, synchronized metabolic and biochemical pathways, the disruptions of cyclic processes affect many biological functions, decreasing the effectiveness of therapeutic drug treatment, producing affective mood disorders, decreasing mental and physical well-being, and impairing immunocompetence". (our immune system).

  1. Reports, such as the "International Interphone Study" found "a 40% increased risk of glioma (a type of brain tumor that affects the glial cells in the brain) for those who used a cell phone for at least 1,640 hours with the highest risk for tumors in the temporal lobe and on the same side of the head that one exposes to the cell phone. In other words most of the tumors occurred in the part of the brain receiving the greatest radiation for those who had the longest exposure".

  2. You-tube videos, such as the interview with Dr. George Carlo, point out

 the Dangers of Wi-Fi, and how our immune systems become compromised, which makes you more susceptible to other exposures

 He talks about how children in middle schools or high schools may be there for 3-4 years, which is bad enough for exposure, but also the problem is far greater for teachers who may be in those same schools for periods of 25-40 years

 For them, we are talking about chronic exposure to something that is very dangerous

  1. Live Blood Cell Analysis, which show the before and after effects of Extremely Low Frequency Radiation (ELFR) exposure. A patient with exposure to radiation has their blood examined under a microscope. We observe that their blood cells are clustered, over-lapping, and lacking movement. In a healthy patient, the cells should be un-clustered, there is less over-lapping, and the cells flow normally.

  2. Clinical results. I routinely test patients in my clinic for the effects of Extremely Low Frequency Radiation. This type of radiation gets stored in the body slowly, over time, and increases the frequency of your immune system to higher than normal. These results can be seen using a Vega machine, Biofeedback machine, Radionics, Eagle Test, Electrodermal Screening, and Dowsing Rods.

In Conclusion, we can only deduct that Wi-Fi networks are not safe in schools. Wi-Fi networks emit low frequency radiation that is harmful to our health. Children are more susceptible because their brains and immune systems are still developing. The good news is there are Testing, Treatment, and Radiation Protection Products available to combat the negative effects of this highly destructive technology.

For more information, visit

Paul Inkpen is a graduate of the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. He specializes in vibrational medicine, natural homeopathic remedies, and Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure testing,protection and removal. For the past seven years, he has studied the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation on the human body. He practices and lectures in Toronto, Canada.

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