Phobias - There Is Nothing Easy About Them

Health & Fitness

  • Author Kari Farmer
  • Published May 10, 2011
  • Word count 528

Many things in life can cause stress including switching careers, moving, and even leaving the house to visit friends or family. You would think they would all be viewed as positive experiences but the truth is they cause stress that can become hard to deal with it if you don’t deal with it right.

For instance, you may have wanted the new job badly. You may have worked your ass off for it! But at your interview you were a wreck, and you felt sick when you got the job, and you are about to have a breakdown now that it is your first day. All of those feelings are feelings of being nervous. And all of those feelings eventually go away to allow you to feel the joy that you were expecting. That simple fact that it goes away differentiates it from anxiety or phobias.

On the other hand, if your feelings of nervousness happened out of the blue for no reason whatsoever then that could be a sign of an anxiety disorder. In that situation there seems to be no cause or trigger but the panic and uneasiness is there just the same. And it doesn’t seem to pass as quickly

Now, if that anxiety is from a certain thought or event then it may not be an anxiety attack but rather it may be a phobia. For instance most people hop in the car when it’s icy outside and take their time driving. Someone with a phobia of driving may have a hard time even pulling around a corner. Terror of crashing or something happening can take over very quickly and it becomes hard to handle yourself in this situation.

It doesn’t matter if the car is slipping or not, the fear is still there and feels like an extremely plausible threat. Even if you tell yourself that it’s no big deal your mind and body will not let it go.

When we are younger we tend to be scared of monsters under our bed. Those fears usually die out the older we get but later in life we can develop other fears. In fact, many adults have phobias from bugs, driving, heights, tornadoes, darkness, and flying. These fears don’t just go away like the fear of the monsters. They tend to stick around and hold us back in life.

So if you have a phobia in life than know that you are not alone! Many people are dealing with fears on a daily basis. The problem is that many people don’t seek help to overcome their phobias and instead let them rule their life for as long as they stick around. That's not healthy and it's not really living. Phobias can hold you back from doing things that you may otherwise enjoy.

So don’t stop yourself from getting help because of fear of having to face your phobia or work thought it. It may not be easy but it's doable. Phobias have a big enough hold on our lives already – Don’t let them control your life completely by not trying to get rid of them.

Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a website that talks about common phobias such as the fear of flying and the the fear of driving and how to work through those Phobias.

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