CPA Site Design Techniques- Top 5 Significant Elements of a Knockout Capture Page

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Brian Oconnell
  • Published December 5, 2011
  • Word count 554

An accounting firm with a high quality CPA website design will ascertain that it is simpler to catch the eye of potential customers when they use a number of tried and true marketing secrets. The most efficient technique to realize this is through a landing page. A lead capture page is essential in obtaining a site visitor's contact information. Also known as a squeeze page or a landing page, a lead capture page is essential for any online business. But any old landing page won't do. The lead capture page must be formatted in such a way as to capture your visitor's attention and get them to enter their information. Let's take a look at what makes a killer lead capture page for CPA firms with websites.

  1. Use a Great Headline

A great headline is a powerful tool. Write a good headline and you'll see results right away. Great headlines are usually short. the main reason to use headlines is to attract the reader's attention quickly. If you don't, chances are your prospect will move on to another CPA's website.

  1. Use Subheads

Put your subheadings underneath the headline. Whereas headlines are short, subheadings provide more detail and are a little longer. When you use subheadings, it's easier for your readers to understand your sales message. You can use them in other ways too. Subheads can be used to show a screenshot of your website. It doesn't really matter how you use them, just that you do use them.

  1. Tell People What the Benefits Are

Now that you've captured a visitor's attention, you need to discuss the benefits of what you are offering. Potential clients don't necessarily want to know why you think your service is great, they're more interested in knowing how they can benefit from it. That's just human nature. One way to do this is to give them a sneak peek of a sample newsletter if that's what they are signing up for. Words like "Discover why... or a white paper about how to lower their taxes. Keeping it short and to the point using a list format works well.

  1. Call to Action

What many sales pages fail to do is tell readers what to do next. By asking prospects to click on a link or sign up for a newsletter, you're already ahead of the competition. You don't want to spend time persuading reader's about the benefits of your product and forget to ask them to what to next. Your call to action should be a short summary--one sentence is fine--that sums up why your accounting firm has the best CPA website design on the web.

  1. Email Collection Form

Finally, you want the contact form in a spot where visitors to your website can easily see it. Remember, you can't capture anyone's email without providing a place for them to do so. The most effective method is to just request an email address. Many individuals say that putting a visual element surrounding the opt-in form increases rates of conversions, especially if it's a video landing page. If you've listened carefully and taken this advice to heart and incorporated nearly all of the key factors, you'll have yourself a knockout landing page and be well on your way to making your CPA & accounting a successful corporation both on the Internet and off.

Brian O'Connell is the owner and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of the United States' leading website firms oriented solely to superior CPA website design and promotion.

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