How to Create and Maintain an Effective A Logo

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Albert Roth
  • Published December 3, 2011
  • Word count 584

Any business or organization, from a small Mom and Pop operation to a large corporation, benefits tremendously from having their own logo. However, all logos are not created equally. There are certain elements a logo needs to be effective. Once created, the physical logo needs to be maintained like anything else. You will learn about both of these concepts in this article, so read on.

The first thing you need to know is what is a logo. You can think of a logo as a company’s organization's emblem. They use this to help identify or brand themselves. A logo can be on the company’s or organization's product, place of business, website, any manner of promotional materials, and so forth and so on. The list could go on and on, so you need to make sure your logo can stand up to the list of things you need to place it on.

With all that said it is important to emphasize the importance of a logo that is instantly recognizable by the public. Of course you will need excellent marketing, but that is besides the point. You want to have a logo that instantly identifies yourself, so their is not even an ounce of confusion to which company is which. Think about what sets you apart from everyone else and how you want the public to identify yourself. A positive image is best and will evoke the the frame of mind you desire someone to be in when they look at your logo.

Another point to keep in mind when creating a logo is that it should command the attention of the public. You want your logo to have a "wow effect" that people will remember. It is important that the logo is attractive in addition to this. Once you have the attention of the public you want them to like what they are looking at. Think of what is considered pleasing to the eye when making these decisions. Things like symmetry, dominance, repetition, scale and value are a few elements of the design of your logo that you should go over. Also bear in mind that some of the simplest logos are the most memorable,so remember to use economy in your logo.

Some situations call for affixing your logo to your product, place of business, or promotional materials. In that case you will want your logo on a label that is durable, attractive, eye catching, and will offer extra protection. You can have this if you a Domed label company produce your label for your logo. When you decide to do this you will have a label that is under a clear urethane bubble. Your logo will be more durable because now it is protected from the elements and environment that you have it in. You don’t have to worry about your logo fading if it is captured on a domed label. The fact that your logo is durable lends to it being more attractive, because it will look pristine for a long time. It will be more eye catching because its actual texture is enhanced when under a dome. The fact is you will put a lot of time and money when you create your logo. You will want to put your logo on a label that will give you value. A faded logo is no better than having no logo in the first place. This is one way to maintain your logo that you can feel confident about.

To read more about about the benefits of putting your logo on a domed tag visit our website at You can order your own domed labels at

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