5 simple ways to get traffic to your website or blog

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Shamek Holder
  • Published March 6, 2012
  • Word count 433

Traffic is the life and soul of any blog website or online business. It is important that you learn how to generate traffic to your web page, if you wish to be successful online. With traffic, you can build a massive income online. The more traffic you bring in the more money you can make. The problem is generating traffic online can be tough. Not to mention paying for traffic can cost you thousand of dollars, but there are many free things you can do to draw in traffic. To me free traffic is the best traffic you can get. Here are a few free traffic methods you can apply immediately.

-Submit your web page to web directories-Most web directories are high in traffic and rank well in search engines. Adding your web page to web directories will, not only bring you lots of traffic, but it will also help your webpage to rank well in search engines over time.

-Article marketing-Article marketing is when you submit articles to article directories to draw in visitors looking for information on a specific topic. Article directories also rank well in search engines, so if your articles are written well and you target your key words correctly, you will be able to bring in lots of traffic at a fast rate.

-Starting a blog-When you start a blog you are able to write blog post related to your web page that you can rank for many different key terms. You can then link your blog post together and over time pull in tons of traffic from search engines.

-Search engine optimization-Search engine optimization is when you optimize your website or blog to rank well in search engines. It is best to optimize your website with high search volume key phrases that have low competition to draw lots of free traffic to your web page. Make sure you use the Google Keyword Tool to help you determine what keywords or key phrases you are going to rank for.

-Guest post for other people's blogs-When you gust post anther person's blog you are basically borrowing their traffic. The blogs you guest post on should be high in traffic and related to your blog or website.

In short, drawing traffic does not have to cost you a fortune, it just requires a bit of hard work and consistency to get the traffic flowing. The best way to draw in lots of free traffic is to find the best techniques and focus on them until you get tons of traffic. You also have to be consistent and take your time.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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