Tips to Buy Diamond Jewelry in 2021

ShoppingTips & Advice

  • Author Jennifer Barkati
  • Published August 5, 2021
  • Word count 492

There is no doubt about the fact that diamonds are the crowd’s favorite for ages. But, everything comes down to the price that acts as a hindrance for a large section of buyers. Buying budget diamond jewelry without compromising the quality seems to be the biggest challenge for a lot of potential buyers.

Here, we will make you aware of some less-known yet quite effective tips and tricks that will help you to buy American diamond jewelry in 2021.

  1. Choose Your Carat Wisely

Many people make the mistake of assuming carat is a true reflection of the size of the diamond, which is not true at all. The carat of a diamond signifies the weight. So, even if you are going with a lesser carat diamond, due to the budget constraint, consider a diamond having a relatively larger surface area and smaller depth.

  1. Clarity is Overrated

While exploring diamonds online, we often get carried away with high-resolution pictures and take our call accordingly, which is not a wise idea. In real life, you would barely notice any difference comparing the clarity of a couple of diamonds.

Inclusions in diamonds are quite normal and are mostly invisible to naked eyes. So, if you are tight on budget, consider a VS1 or VS2 diamond.

  1. Take Advantage of Festive Session

You will often notice a lot of discount offers running around during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You need to take full advantage of these discount offers and schedule your jewelry purchase during these periods.

Even if you need to buy diamonds in the offseason, try comparing jewelry prices from different online stores, and choose the one that costs you the least. However, while comparing diamond jewelry, make sure to consider only reputed stores that are reliable enough to trust.

  1. Avoid Round Diamonds

You might have heard a lot of stories and the glory of round diamonds, but don’t get into that trap. As rightly mentioned everywhere, a round diamond brings the brightest array of sparkles, followed by a princess cut diamond.

However, the sparkle comes with a price tag burden that you must not forget. You can get a similar glister by choosing some other alternatives out there and will be able to save a significant amount of your hard-earned money. In such a case, we would recommend cushion-cut or oval-shaped diamonds for your consideration.

  1. Custom-Made Diamond Jewelry

More often than not, a custom diamond jewelry piece will cost you relatively cheaper in comparison to a regular one. Irrespective of how unique your choice is, be it vintage diamond jewelry, or a contemporary one, you can still materialize it with utmost ease.


These days, it is not at all difficult to find a reputed women’s diamond jewelry store, both offline and online. However, while buying gold and diamond jewelry, you need to ensure a value-for-money purchase.

What is your stand on this topic? Let us know in the comment section below.

Hi! This is Jennifer Barkati, an avid fashion and jewelry blogger, where I guide readers about some of the best online gold and diamond jewelry brands in LA. Let's get on board with me on this stylish voyage. I generally post about the trends popping up in the fine and fashion jewelry industry and how online platforms give us 100% safety to shop without any risk of contamination. (Diamond Collection Inc)

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