Third-Party Integrations for eCommerce Websites


  • Author Yuri Sulima
  • Published February 14, 2022
  • Word count 1,532

Third-Party Integrations for eCommerce Websites

Why do you need to Integrate third-party software | 2021 Edition

For your online business to succeed and grow quickly, you have to drop the manual methods you are used to. It is time to embrace automation with third-party integrations. These integrations attract many customers. This includes the ones that make buying goods easy, fast and smooth on the eCommerce store. With this, you have an edge in the business to expand. You also get to streamline your workflow and meet your customers' needs.

Payment Gateway

To operate an eCommerce store, you must first acquire an online payment gateway. One that is safe and verifies credit card transactions easily. Consider a few.

  • Stripe:

This payment portal offers a plethora of choices. It comes with a handful of tools for optimising workflow. To make customers happy, it has quick payouts and checkouts. Some business owners appreciate the financial reports and protection tools it also offers. But nothing beats the fast and secure payments processing. Small businesses and startups would find this ideal.

Billing and payment are included in the regular packages they offer. Other special packages include the Radar fraud prevention program, the Sigma market data manager, and the Atlas concept startup service. Each of these packages is priced differently. They are available on the platform's official website. You do, however, get access to the whole network at a pay-as-you-go rate of 2.9 per cent + $0.3 per active card fee.

  • Checkout for Magento 2:

This is the payment gateway included with the Magento 2 eCommerce platform. Its cost varies, and you pay on an annual basis. Additionally, it is dependent on your net profit and the solutions you choose. This is why this platform is best suited to medium-to-large-sized businesses. Magento 2 Commerce's entry-level version costs about $22,000 a year. Its two primary features are providing shipping information and payment information. But, you can personalise the platform and add features to fit your preferences. You can add custom payment methods, shipping carrier and confirmation, and order validation.

This payment gateway is to make it simple for customers to make payments. Simply because they are not required to open an account in order to pay for your services.


Billing services, mobile and MOTO Payments, fraud prevention, online services, and protection are the primary features that distinguish this platform.

The cost of this one-of-a-kind platform depends on the nature and scale of your company. To set up this site, you can budget $25 a month plus a 2.9 per cent processing fee and $0.3 per transaction.

Shipping Gateway:

A shipping gateway is needed once a product is purchased on your eCommerce store. This is to determine how the item will be packed and delivered to the customer. The shipping gateway's interface must be simple to use. It must be capable of automating the delivery process, managing orders and inventory, printing packing labels, tracking shipments, and comparing courier shipping rates. Consider the following shipping gateways: Shippo, Ordoro, FedEx, and OrderCup.

Inventory Management System

Managing your inventory requires a significant amount of time and effort. Thanks to many third-party systems for inventory management, it can be automated. You can now do this without manually managing the inventory. Below are some excellent examples of great software for this reason.

  • Veeqo:

This cloud-based inventory management software enables simple order management. Additionally, it enables you to synchronise your inventory through all of your distribution channels. This makes it easy to manage. It also ensures that you always ship and prepare the correct item. It is an excellent tool for assisting you in running your company smoothly.

One of the advantages of using this platform is that you can test it out for 14 days before purchasing a kit. On average, you can set aside between £120 and £200 a month for each of the packages. This will seem to be a high price, but quality does not come cheap. Additionally, their feedback on TrustPilot and Capterra will astound you.

  •      ChannelGrabber:

ChannelGrabber enables you to track and control your inventory, dispatches, and orders. Among other features, it assists with listing and optimising materials in your store. It also helps in designing and submitting invoices to your clients. In terms of management, it simplifies the order management system and expediting delivery. It is a versatile system that even handles customer messages. They do not offer a free trial to get you started. But they do offer outstanding customer service if you run into problems.

To use this software, you must budget at least $150 per month for the base package.

  • Finale Inventory:

This program enables you to easily analyse price and product information. You can also track and sort your orders, produce barcodes, and track purchases. It is available in a variety of packages. The bronze kit is available for $99 a month. It supports a maximum of two users and 1,000 monthly orders. In this range, you can only sell 100,000 pieces of product. If you have any questions, comprehensive email support is also available.

Each month, the silver kit costs $275. It includes all of the features included in the bronze kit. It also comes with extra user space, products, orders, and integrations. Every month, the Gold and Platinum packages cost $449 and $649, respectively. Nonetheless, a customised package is available. This package is for those that operate a large business or need more features added to the base packages.

Invoice Management System

Accounting management systems are critical to the success of your company. They enable you to efficiently draft, submit, and track invoices to clients. Let us examine three pieces of software that may be of interest to you.

  • Scoro:

Scoro has a great feature of enabling you to set up recurring payments. With it, you can easily create and customise invoices. You can also send out overdue reminders to clients and even view the profitability of a client or project. It's an excellent tool for managing invoices, clients, and projects all in one place. This program begins at $26 a month and includes a 14-day free trial.

  • QuickBooks:

This is a reasonably priced piece of software that appeals to many small business owners. Its base price is $10 a month, and it includes many useful features. It allows you to create orders and track transactions on the platform. You can also use it to create custom invoices to send to your clients.

But the most appealing features are the options to transact in several currencies, management of sales tax, and schedule recurring payments. The majority of users appreciate the fact that they can access the platform through a mobile app.

  • FreshBooks:

This is another reasonably priced invoicing tool. It costs $15 a month. Apart from its affordability, many users appreciate it for its features. They combine invoicing, time tracking, and cost tracking into a single application. With FreshBooks, you can customise and submit an unlimited number of invoices to your clients. You can also accept online credit card payments and set up notifications for late payment.

Email and Marketing Automation Integrations

By automating your messages, you will significantly reduce your workload. This is why email and marketing integrations are important. We have included a few examples below.

  • SendinBlue:

This is a robust email network of over 80,000 users. Per day, they send over a million emails! It includes a variety of features like low-cost plans, SMS ads, email automation, and a landing page editor.

This most appealing aspect is the free trial it provides new customers. These free trials also comes with phone support and 300 emails a day. However, you can expect to pay $25 a month for the smallest kit, which includes 40,000 emails.

  • Constant Contact:

This is an excellent platform for marketing small and medium-sized companies. It comes with an extremely intuitive GUI, and its entry-level package is just $20 a month. The majority of potential users will also be drawn by the 60-day free trial.

Among the tool's key features are advanced contact management, content segmentation, ad retargeting, community support, and the ability to launch your ads directly from your Facebook account.

  • Drip:

This is an excellent email automation platform that can be customised to your business's specific needs based on its scale. Payment is made in an entirely straightforward manner. Its cost is determined by the number of subscribers you have. It is priced at $49 a month for the first 2,500 subscribers. However, it can reach $308 per month for approximately 20,000 subscribers.

When you receive a personal quote, you can increase the number of subscribers and price plan that you have on Drip. And the best part is that they offer an abundance of features regardless of the price point. A/B testing, list segmentation, automated emails, and eCommerce CRM tools are just a few of these features.


It is critical to select the appropriate third-party integrations for your eCommerce store. It is capable of reviving your business to its full potential. However, you are not required to go through the rigours of setting it all up. You can leave it to professionals to ensure the best results. Our experts can assist you in completing all of these tasks through our comprehensive services, regardless of whether your brand is online or offline. Contact us

Bio: Yuri Sulima is an eCommerce expert and CEO of an eCommerce consulting and development company. He helps business owners to grow their brand presence online through digital technologies and marketing tips



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