An amateur's journey to becoming a World Snooker Tour pro

Sports & RecreationsSports

  • Author Karanbir Singh
  • Published September 14, 2022
  • Word count 1,719

Turning professional is the dream of many snooker players, but only a select few make it onto the World Snooker Tour. The journey from amateur to professional is not an easy one, and it takes dedication, hard work and a bit of luck.

The first step is to gain a professional ranking. This can be done by winning certain tournaments or by accumulating enough points through consistent good performances. Once a player has a professional ranking, they can then enter professional tournaments. However, it is still very difficult to make a living from snooker at this stage, as only the very top players earn enough prize money to cover their costs. Most players have to supplement their income with other work.

The next step is to try and break into the top 64 in the world rankings. This is the point at which players start to earn a decent living from snooker, as they are guaranteed prize money in all the big tournaments. Players who can consistently perform well at this level can hope to one day reach the very top of the game.

Snooker has been a popular sport for centuries, and the World Snooker Tour is where some of today's best players compete against each other. To get into this professional league one must first win their way onto it by competing in various tournaments around world which can be quite difficult especially if you're not British or Chinese!

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The best of the world compete against each other in order to be crowned champion. To take part, you need a good pair got talent and determination - but also some luck! The snooker player can qualify for this by competing successfully at various tournaments around our globe before they're joined on stage by professionals who have been winners themselves

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It has been a long and arduous journey, but I have finally made it to professional snooker. The hard work and dedication has paid off and I am now able to compete with the best in the world. This is a dream come true for me and I will do everything possible to make my mark on the tour. There are many challenges ahead, but I am confident that I can succeed. Thanks to all of those who have supported me along the way - this is for you!

Professional snooker can seem like a confusing and daunting prospect for players and parents just starting out. But it does all follow a logical course, and it certainly helps to belong to a club where other players are at various stages of their journey. Talking to other parents is a great way to get advice and information, and if that's not possible, contacting any of the professional snooker organizations is a good next step. If your child is already on the Bronze or Silver Tour, chat with the organizers or other parents to get an idea of what's involved in taking the next step. With diligence and commitment, your child can achieve their professional snooker dreams.

There’s no denying that professional snooker is a physically and mentally demanding sport. The best players in the world travel all over the globe, competing in tournaments that can last for days on end. It takes years of dedication and hard work to reach the top level, but it’s certainly worth it when you achieve your goals. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at the journey from amateur to professional snooker player. We’ll discuss the different stages you have to go through, and some of the challenges you’ll face along the way. So if you’re thinking about making a career out of snooker, continuing read on – you may be surprised by just how much work is involved!

In order to compete on the World Snooker Tour as a professional player, one must qualify. Throughout each season, a predetermined number of players are relegated from the tour based on their performance in ranking tournaments and on the secondary tour, allowing new players to join. Several routes lead to qualification for the tour: players can qualify through events organized by the WPBSA and its affiliates, and a limited number of spots may be made available at the governing body's discretion.


Are you aged 18-21 and looking for a new challenge in your snooker career? If so, then look no further than Cuestars! We've got two amazing tours the U21 Tours and the Championship Tour that will test your skills to the max.

Looking to improve your game and compete at a higher level? The Cuestars U21 Tours and Championship Tour could be the perfect solution! These junior club tours provide players of all abilities with the opportunity to compete in tournaments across the country, with ranking points up for grabs that can help you move up the rankings. So start your journey to professional snooker with this stage.

Junior clubs are the best place to start your journey in snooker. They offer lessons, competition and coaching from experienced professionals with an eye on developing young talent! Cuestars U21 Tours + Championships Tour gives opportunity for those who have made 20 break or near it can compete against other top players. This is a Under-21 Bronze Tour & These are usually Sunday competitions held generally once a month across focal southern England.

Junior Clubs in Cuestars U21 Tours + Cuestars Championship Tour

Most of young snooker players start their professions in the lesser clubs.

Click Junior Clubs above to track down your closest one in focal southern England.

There is a exact movement from Bronze to Silver to Gold, either via programmed advancement or by making a passing break in a contest and A 40 break procures you a put on the Silver Tour. A 60 break procures you a put on the Gold Tour.

Numerous Gold Tour players are contend on the Cuestars Championship Tour, which is a better quality and open to players of all age groups.


EPSB Junior Regional Tour, EPSB U14, U16, U18 and U21 Championships + Pro-Ams

The English partnership for snooker and billiards has put on the EPSB Jr national tour. It's available to any player matured under-20, which covers a wide area of Southern England compared with Cuestars' operations in London only!

If you're looking to get some snooker time on your holidays, then the EPSB Junior Regional Tour + Pro-Ams is the best for you! With events all over England and Wales there's sure be one near where ever traveled. It operates as an extension of Cuestars Under 21 tours which allows players who are under 20 years old in any part zone across those two countries can take part - so don't let this opportunity slip away because it may never come around again!!

The EPSB additionally runs public titles for under-14s, under-16s, under-18s and under-21s. The most important aspect in these are territorial qualifiers.

Despite the fact that EPSB and Cuestars occasions, many clubs the nation over have autonomous Pro-Ams.


EPSB Junior Premier Tour and the EPSB Amatuer Championship and EPSB Amatuer Tour for Home Internationals

There are many top players from each of these events who earn places in the junior and senior England teams for the home internationals and the EPSB championships. Among the highlights of the premier junior tour is the national circuit for the best under-21 players from England. Regional Junior Tours are the only route to this position.

All these national events are run by the EPSB and the top players in each earn places in the junior and senior England teams for the Home Internationals and in international championships.

The Premier Junior Tour is a national circuit for England’s best under-21 players. The only route to this is promotion from the Regional Junior Tours.

Outside of the professional circuit, the English Amateur Championship is the country's blue riband event. Qualifiers are held at regional levels again. Open to all amateurs in the country, the English Amateur Tour follows a high standard.


Q School World Snooker Challenge Tour is equal to European Snooker Association, World Snooker Federation and World Snooker.

A list of selection criteria for championships run by the European Billiards & Snooker Association and the World Snooker Federation can be found on the EASB website. A place on the professional circuit is usually offered to the winners of these events.

The Q School at World Snooker is open to everyone and provides a direct path to the professional circuit. In addition to offering a route to the World Snooker Tour, the Challenge Tour also offers a route to the World Championships.

It is possible for men, women, boys, girls, and players with disabilities to follow these pathways. Additionally, female players can compete on the World Women's Snooker circuit World Women's Snooker website and disabled players can compete on the World Disability Billiards and Snooker circuit World Disability snooker website.

Qualifications through other routes

Most players who compete on the professional secondary tour will graduate to the World Snooker Tour, and World Snooker will usually offer invitational tour cards to players who have been demoted. A number of routes are available to amateurs, including competitions offered through amateur governing bodies. Beyond Q School, there are two main events: the European Billiards and Snooker Association (EBSA) Qualifying Tour and the Chinese Billiards and Snooker Association (CBSA) China Tour. Also, the EBSA nominates amateurs and juniors.

The World Women's Snooker Championship winner will be guaranteed a place on the World Snooker Tour starting in 2022. A place will go to the next highest-ranked player in the World Women's Snooker rankings if the winner is already on the tour.

A chance to compete on the big stage is an essential part of the development of the best young players and the sport as a whole.

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