Reference & Education

  • Author Prof Obed B. Chelogoi
  • Published February 13, 2023
  • Word count 3,916

I]. What is mental health?

Although there are many definitions of "mental health" available online, doctors often refer to mental health as an endeavor. Although the phrases "mental health" and "physical health" are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not the same. It's critical to keep your mental health in check. The objective is not to regain your physical health. Having a positive attitude is crucial for mental wellness.

Feeling well is a necessary component of mental health. It is not about trying to. The state of one's mind does not necessarily reflect their mental health. That's how you feel. Things like talking about your problems with others or feeling as though no one is paying attention to you are excluded.

The key is to live your truth, be honest with yourself, and accept yourself for who you are.

It is common to believe that mental disease and mental health are connected. Additional thoughts might be included.

What is meant by having a healthy mind is that one is not physically or emotionally ill, but rather that one is in good mental health. It could be a mental disorder instead of a physical illness.

What is the most accurate approach to determining if you have a mental health issue?

You can determine if you have a mental health issue by asking yourself if you are thinking about those problems. In other words, if you are constantly stressed, you may be suffering from a mental health issue. This can be done in a number of ways, including by asking yourself whether you worry regularly or infrequently. Asking yourself, "What may happen if I choose to do such and such thing?" is another way to accomplish this. This is quite advantageous and may be done in a number of ways. You might also only inquire, "Am I aware of any mental health issues?" Do I suffer from any mental health issues? Another helpful test to determine if you have a mental health issue is to ask yourself if you have future goals that you are uncertain of.

A person's ability and well-being depend on their capacity for self-control and concentration. This person also has control over temperaments, which include emotions and judgments, from childhood through maturity.

Neurons make up 100 billion of the human brain. The information is received by the receptors, which function as antennae, boosters, and platters to relay it to the brain and store it in the heart. There is a difficulty when dendrites can't effectively transfer information, which results in mental illness.

What are the stages of mental health disorders?

There are three primary phases of mental health disorders:

1]. Prefrontal

One of the two prefrontal lobes on the left side of the brain is the prefrontal cortex. It is the area of the brain that controls emotions [exhibiting facial and social moderation], judgment, and thought. Because this is where you locate your primary source of power, it is sometimes referred to as the "center of competence." It has indeed been investigated whether the naturally occurring positron emission inotrope, also known as PCP, has the potential to have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. It has received widespread recognition for its potential to treat brain tumors caused by carious lesions and for its ability to boost mood and reduce anxiety in depressed people.

The person is experiencing the early stages of mental illness when these executive functions begin to deteriorate. PPD, often referred to as the "prefrontalization of intelligence," is a mental health condition marked by a diminished capacity for planning, concentration, and decision-making. The person experiences the early stages of mental illness when these executive functions begin to deteriorate. It is a psychological problem rather than a physical one.

At what stage does the problem first manifest?

When prefrontal disorder shows itself as a pattern of impaired thinking, low self-esteem, or connection issues, that is when it is first recognized.

What does a second-order symptom cluster entail?

The frontal lobe of the brain is where the issues in the second-order symptom cluster first appear. It might help prompt a consultation with a mental health expert. It is possible to refer someone to a clinic for evaluation and therapy when they exhibit a pattern of these chronic symptoms.

2]. Subdominant

This is stage two of mental disease. The signs of anxiety or despair could be reappearing.

When we refer to a person as having a subdominant disorder, we are not just referring to one part of their personality. Instead, we're referring to the reality that that person has a flaw in some area of himself. In other words, a subdominant condition combines a variety of characteristics.

Why does subdominant disorder exist?

What is a person's ideal level of character? This is the best method to comprehend subdominant disorder. Since the majority of character development theories concentrate on the development of character qualities, this is an issue that comes up frequently in research. However, the truth is that a person might become subdominant for a variety of reasons. We don't just mean that particular attribute when we state that someone has subdominant variation in it. We're discussing that person's entire pattern of behavior.

It's typical to believe that a lack of willpower is to blame when symptoms like weakness, migraines, or mental retardation are present. Sadly, these symptoms often don’t go away on their own, necessitating a physical examination and assessment in order to rule out other reasons. Subdominant disorder symptoms can include: difficulty interacting with others, a low sense of self, trouble controlling rage, decision-making challenges, faulty problem-solving techniques, sluggish thinking, receptive language, or poor problem-solving abilities, which are examples of the disorder's aberrant mental processes.

To rule out alternative explanations of the symptoms, a mental health assessment should be conducted in addition to the physical examination. A person's entire life can spin out of control if subdominant disorder is not appropriately handled.

3]. Subpar

It is a mental disorder's third and last stage. It can be anything about which they are uncertain. The phrase "subpar disorder" is frequently used in today's society to characterize specific actions. It can be interpreted in many different ways, such as a sign of a brain injury or mental disease. It can also be applied to things that seem to be of poor quality. Some individuals use this phrase to describe a circumstance that they deem unfavorable, while others use it to express something that they believe to be ideal. This is the final and third stage of a mental disease. Any topic they are unsure of can be a topic. When considering what is subpar, consider the number of things that could go wrong! This could be a failure of the nervous system, a loss of the ability to think clearly, or a failure of overall health.

Anyone and everyone can experience melancholy, but it is most frequently linked to a mental health condition. You can be having a terrible day or struggling with a physical health condition, such as a health crisis. Your mental health might be a factor, whatever the cause. As soon as you determine the root of the issue, you should start working to solve it.

What are some methods for treating mental health disorders?

You must begin taking steps to solve the issue as soon as you recognize it. You might discover that talking to your therapist, a spiritual leader, or a family member has a significant positive impact on your life. Asking oneself these questions is the greatest method to determine the cause of and receive treatment for a mental disorder. Which of these causes is most likely? Which symptoms point to the presence of the disorder? Which therapies are available?

All of us should engage in regular exercise, but the elderly and those with low levels of physical activity should pay special attention. For those with multiple disabilities, regular exercise is particularly crucial. Again, consult the following specialists' services if symptoms continue:

a] Clinical psychologists

Clinical psychologists are people with unique interests or skills, frequently in a particular field. A person might be a clinical psychologist or work as a behavioral therapist, for example. What issues does a clinical psychologist usually deal with? A psychologist's primary areas of employment are in the clinical setting. This is sometimes referred to as the testing or laboratory world. In the evaluation setting, the psychologist considers which behaviors suggest that the person has a mental illness or not. The psychologist examines the signs and root causes of those behaviors in a clinical setting.

He evaluates the patient's mental health and offers advice on how to handle issues. By offering information and counsel, he also assists the patient in finding solutions to issues. What should we learn from his treatment in general? He examines patients' brains to find out whether or not they are lying. If a patient lies, it's usually because they want to outdo their therapist. A patient is attempting to solve the issue when they disclose it. It's normal if a patient is just being rude. It is a characteristic of being human.

In this circumstance, what should you do? It is important for a client to get treatment if they are experiencing anxiety or sadness. Instead of being reluctant to ask for assistance, he or she should be eager to do so.

b]. Psychiatrist:

A medical expert who focuses on mental health issues is a psychiatrist. There are more than 1,200 certified psychiatrists and behavioral health professionals in the United States, and their numbers are rising swiftly abroad but declining in African countries. In Kenya, there are a hundred or so psychiatrists. The majority of them are situated in Nairobi, the nation's capital. Given the present increase in mental diseases, the premise that there is just one psychiatrist for every million people outside of Nairobi is worrisome. Specialists must exert more effort to manage the increasing number of people with mental health issues.

He provides treatment for those who suffer from mental diseases, most frequently psychosis or epilepsy. He does not, in fact, diagnose people with mental diseases. Instead, he examines patients for these illnesses and makes notes about the results.

When a person is identified as having a mental illness, they must see a psychiatrist for therapy. The patient will get a medical examination after the psychiatrist screens them for this ailment. The psychiatrist does not do a physical examination if the patient does not have the illness and instead discharges them.

c]. Counselling psychologists:

Psychologists are capable of engaging in diagnosis, evaluation, preventive, training, and research techniques that are both evidence-based and informed by cultural context. They emphasize the positive traits and assets of their clients, whether they are people alone, in a relationship, in a family, in a group, in an organization, or in a community. They also pay attention to the natural and situational factors and influences that shape people's perspectives and misgivings based on cultural, sociopolitical, gender, racial, ethnic, and sexual preferences.

Someone who needs mental health counseling is helped by a counseling psychologist. In addition to correcting these signals, he or she assists clients in identifying depression and anxiety symptoms. People can benefit most from their mental health care by working with a qualified counseling psychologist.

A professional counseling psychologist also aids patients in getting the most out of their mental health care. He assists those who are experiencing mental health issues. He aids those experiencing depression or mental illness. He helps those who are dependent on drugs or alcohol. He supports those who are suffering from mental illness. He provides help to those who are in need. He provides solutions to those who require them.

d]. Spiritual leader

Some spiritual leaders are therapists, while others can offer spiritual direction to reduce brain toxins. The most important thing is to believe in God's intervention. He sets a good example. Instead of telling you what to do, he shows you how to do it. What do you suppose would occur if you followed his lead? Your symptoms start to improve. There is proof for this. The question is not if it will happen, but rather when. You are capable of doing it. It makes no difference how old you are, how much money you have, or where you come from. All you have to do is work hard. What if you could complete this task each day for a month? What if you can manage it for a full year? Could you sustain this for ten years? What Takes Place Once You Commit to Doing It? As events unfold, you start to notice them. Your physical state begins to improve. You notice a mental pause. Your level of alertness increases. Your outlook on life gradually improves. You begin to forget about your life's issues. You begin to concentrate on the advantages. You take charge of your health and well-being and start living!

He gives us the knowledge, counsel, and models we require to help us in our walk with Christ. He is the one who provides guidance and leadership. He is the one who exemplifies a holy lifestyle for us. Through the power of the Spirit, He is the one who guides us in love, faith, and obedience. Without acts of love, we cannot walk in faith. If we are buried, underground, or in the corner, we cannot live a holy life. If we are not already being led by the Holy Spirit, we cannot receive him. This is why having a relationship with your spiritual leader is so crucial.

e]. An older person:

Even those of us who consider ourselves to be the most spiritually inclined can rely on a “little something” to get us through life's major adventures. As an elder, there are many things we may rely on to keep us company as we go through hard times. An elder is an ideal person to talk to if; for instance, you are dealing with a chronic health issue. If you're in a challenging circumstance or simply don't know what to do, an elder can be a tremendous source of consolation. The best individual to provide consolation and guidance when it's time to leave this planet is an elder. Elders have frequently supported people in making important decisions.

You need these community services to function. Instead of focusing on the financial aspect, consider your relatives' lives. I always believe that the best course of treatment to encourage healing is a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Brain stimulation therapies, spiritual counseling, and psychological assistance are all examples of medications.

In spite of popular assumption, the majority of patients who visit a psychiatrist are not insane. Although some patients need more attention than others, the majority of patients go to a psychiatrist to treat chemical imbalances and ease symptoms. You should go to a mental health facility for two reasons: when your condition gets worse every day, and when you pose a threat to both your life and the lives of those around you. Through local groups and organizations, you can also get help physically and online.

II]. Contemporary indicators:

Many of us are aware that mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder are directly correlated with culture. The decline in culture is a major problem as a consequence. An excessive level of self-indulgence is practiced by many people, who spend numerous hours online, on social media, in front of computers, or in any other way they can.

Although it may seem like these activities are performed purely for enjoyment, they can also be a sign of psychological issues like despair or anxiety. A person who partakes in cultural decadence on a regular basis could feel insecure or rejected by others or by society.

As a society, we frequently forget that there are other lifestyle choices besides binge eating, drinking excessively, and abusing drugs that can lead to healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives. We overlook how important culture is in determining how healthy and content people are.

Many students experiment with drugs and alcohol while in college in an effort to balance their culture. Many people regularly consume large amounts of alcohol at work in order to feel alert and productive. Alcohol consumption also boosts self-esteem, which is advantageous while under stress or tension. Unfortunately, these are only temporary! Individuals are prone to self-blame and self-reflection in this culture. People are more likely to view the negatives negatively and avoid looking at them because of the society they live in. The good news is that you can take some actions to foster an enjoyable, healthy, and mutualizing process.

Being present for your child whenever they need you is the most crucial thing you can do as a parent. It's crucial to think about whether or not taking on debt is in your child's best interests if you're facing a dire financial position. It's crucial to realize that these behaviors are only a small portion of a much bigger problem if your kid struggles with any of them. A family dinner that isn't working can't be fixed with a loan. Be real with yourself!

In addition to being linked to "electronic games," the word "gambling" is frequently used to refer to routine social contact. Gambling is not a beneficial or constructive method to pass the time. There is no doubt that the previous few decades have seen a remarkable drop in life expectancy. In actuality, it has been an inhumane period for the longest time in recorded history. This egregiousness is more proof that our species is not a resilient one that can adapt to environmental changes. In the history of the globe, homicide has occurred mostly due to, for instance, mental health and our capacity to adapt to changes in our surroundings. Mental health is a two-way street, much like physical health. It has an impact on a marriage or relationship on both sides. Although it may not always influence their family or friends, it does affect those close to them. Relationship problems even impact those who are strangers to them. As a result, neither can escape the other. Since we are all connected, you must consider your neighbors' troubles as your concerns!

As more people look for relief from debilitating mental health disorders, antidepressant usage rates have drastically increased in recent years. In general, there is a greater demand for antidepressants than there is supply. Psychiatric problems, chronic pain, and other issues affect people. Severe mental illness, persistent high blood pressure, ongoing heart disease, persistently high cholesterol, chronic or recurrent high blood pressure, chronic or persistent hypertension, and persistent or ongoing elevated cholesterol are largely the aftermath of mental health issues. Therefore, in order to implement intervention strategies before we lose a generation, we need a vigilant counselor and support system. Alternatively, we lose human capital and just become masters of ghouls and cabbage brains. Remember, "a stitch in time saves nine."

Another reason for mental illness is childhood abuse. Depersonalization disorder, dissociative fugue [psychogenic fugue], dissociative amnesia, and dissociative identity disorder are all closely related to it. This is not the way we often respond to pain, grief, or any other negative emotion. It is similar to a chemical reaction from within that leads to the consumption of Valium or other medications.

Most people are unaware that anyone can be a victim of this type of child abuse. You run the chance of developing this illness if you have youngsters, especially when they are younger than 15 years. The child develops a certain mental outlook and hardens up at the course of the exposure. This is known as having "negative effects," and it frequently goes unnoticed. It is brought on by neglecting to give your child the necessary emotional and physical care. It is a kind of neglect that is challenging to recognize and treat. By discussing your feelings with your child, you can assist him or her in recognizing it. You can also discuss the warning signs of child abuse with your child.

This kind of abuse can be curbed in a number of ways. By employing a number of relaxing techniques, it can be decreased. Additionally, by being patient with your child, it might be decreased. Your youngsters need to be taught that everything will be fine by "calming" them down. Additionally, you must make sure to compliment them whenever they perform well. Basically, don't condemn your kids when they perform poorly, and stop scolding them when they don't perform compared to their peers.

III]. Is mental illness treatable?

Although there are many different kinds of mental health problems that can be addressed, it's crucial to realize that the majority of them cannot. Treatment can address many of these issues, but counseling is required for many others.

If you attempt to treat every aspect of your mental health, they'll probably only become worse.

Learning to recognize and comprehend the causes of mental health issues is the best strategy for dealing with them. After that, you can strive to alter the thoughts, attitudes, and actions that led to them through counseling.

Although diagnosing and treating mental health concerns can be challenging, they all have one thing in common: they are all caused by unhealthy internal mechanisms. You must look at the root of your issue to determine which ones require treatment. You'll need to put everything back together and treat the problem once you've found its root. And you can accomplish that by speaking with your healthcare professional. In addition to taking your meds as prescribed, it's crucial to maintain an active lifestyle, work out frequently, cut back on sugar, have a balanced diet, and have a positive reaction to stress.

According to studies, babies that drink the most breast milk grow their minds the fastest. The high concentration of natural sugars in breast milk, according to researchers, serves to fuel the baby's neurological system and may assist to stave off childhood mental impairment. Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that protects the lining of the brain and blood vessels from damage, is abundant in breast milk and can be found in concentrations up to tenfold greater than those found in plain water. Adults may have traces of breast milk, but it's also likely that a significant portion of it comes from the breast infant formula. Energy from breast milk is quite effective. Along with eating a variety of carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day, it's essential to look after your mental well-being.

Asking yourself these self-care questions is one of the best methods to figure out whether or not your mental health difficulties are genuinely getting better. If you get any of these answers, you probably have a degree of depression that is high enough to make you feel normal but not so high that you think you're cured. Here are some suggestions if you get any questions that you're not sure should be asked:

-When was the last time you had the issue?

-How are you handling the issue(s) that drew you into therapeutic interventions?

-What, in your opinion, led to the deterioration of the situation?

-What impact does the issue have on how you view yourself?

Even though it might be useful to assess your mental health on an ongoing basis, it's crucial to keep in mind that being well is a lifelong process that doesn't end when you visit a doctor. Additionally, it is something that defends you. You must first look after yourself if you want to benefit the most from your medical care.

Prof. Obed B. Chelogoi is a scholar of international repute. As an author and gifted teacher of the Bible, he has immensely touched many souls. He is currently the Chancellor of Joy Bible College and Seminary and a Professor of Theology and Historical Theology

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