Inside the Call Center Industry in the Philippines

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Lawrence Vassar
  • Published April 27, 2023
  • Word count 433

The Philippines has become a global hub for call center companies over the past two decades, with the industry playing a significant role in the country's economic growth. According to the Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP), the industry has grown at an average rate of 9% per year since 2006, and currently employs over 1.3 million people across the country.

The Philippines has emerged as a popular destination for lead generation Philippines due to several factors. Firstly, the country has a large pool of educated, English-speaking workers, making it easy for call center companies to find skilled employees. In addition, the cost of labor is relatively low compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for companies looking to reduce their operational expenses.

There are several call center companies operating in the Philippines, with some of the largest being:

  1. Accenture - Accenture is a global professional services firm that provides a range of services, including consulting, technology, and outsourcing. The company has a significant presence in the Philippines, with over 50,000 employees in the country, many of whom work in call center operations.

  2. Convergys - Convergys is a customer experience outsourcing company that provides a range of services, including customer service, technical support, and sales. The company has been operating in the Philippines since 2003 and has over 60,000 employees across the country.

  3. Teleperformance - Teleperformance is a global outsourcing company that provides customer experience management services, including customer care, technical support, and sales. The company has been operating in the Philippines since 1996 and currently has over 47,000 employees in the country.

  4. Sykes - Sykes is a multinational outsourcing company that provides customer service, technical support, and sales services. The company has been operating in the Philippines since 1997 and has over 20,000 employees across the country.

  5. Telus International - Telus International is a provider of digital customer experience solutions, including customer service, technical support, and sales. The company has been operating in the Philippines since 2005 and currently has over 25,000 employees in the country.

These companies are just a few examples of the many call center companies operating in the Philippines. Other notable players in the industry include Sutherland Global Services, IBM Global Process Services, and Sitel.

In conclusion, the call center companies in the Philippines has been a major contributor to the country's economic growth over the past two decades. With a large pool of skilled workers, low labor costs, and a business-friendly environment, the country has emerged as a top destination for call center outsourcing. As the industry continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see continued growth and expansion in the years to come.

Hi, My name is Lawrence K. Vassar; you can call me Rence. I am happily married with a 1 year old son. And I have been a BPO agent for 5 years.

Since I was a child, I have loved reading books such as fiction, so whenever I am not busy, I do the reading, which is my first love.

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