Thinking Outside the Box: How Divergent Thinking Boosts Creativity


  • Author Mohammad Rahighi
  • Published January 18, 2024
  • Word count 1,320

Imagine you have a magic pen. Instead of drawing just one thing, you can draw anything that comes to your mind — like a rocket-powered bicycle or a talking tree. This kind of creative thinking is called “divergent thinking,” and it’s like a superpower for coming up with new ideas.

What is Divergent Thinking?

Divergent thinking is when you let your imagination run wild and come up with lots of different ideas. It’s the opposite of thinking in a straight line. Instead of looking for one right answer, you explore many possibilities.

Breaking the Rules

Think of it like playing with LEGO blocks. Instead of following the instructions to build something specific, you create whatever you like. Divergent thinking is like that. It’s about breaking the rules of regular thinking and exploring new ways of doing things.

Mixing Up Ideas

Have you ever thought about what a flying car might look like? Or how you could make a pet that doesn’t need food? These are the kinds of ideas that come from divergent thinking. It’s like mixing and matching things in your mind to see what interesting combinations you can come up with.

Solving Problems in Cool Ways

Imagine you have a big puzzle to solve. With divergent thinking, you can try many different approaches. Maybe you could solve it by pretending to be a detective or even by thinking like a superhero. Divergent thinking helps you find new solutions by thinking about problems in creative and unexpected ways.

How to Practice Divergent Thinking

It’s easy! Just think of a topic, like “the future of transportation.” Instead of going with the first idea that comes to mind, try to think of as many different ways to solve the problem as possible. You could draw, write, or even act out your ideas. The more ideas you come up with, the more you’re using divergent thinking.

Why Divergent Thinking Matters

When people come together and share their crazy, fun, and unique ideas, amazing things can happen. Imagine if someone thought of combining a phone and a camera — they created the smartphone! Divergent thinking helps us dream up new inventions, solve tricky problems, and make the world more exciting.

Divergent thinking is like having a treasure chest of ideas waiting to be opened. By letting our minds explore and mix up thoughts, we can create wonderful surprises. So, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Who knows? The next big idea might be just a divergent thought away!

Everyday Examples of Divergent Thinking

Brainstorming Parties

Imagine you and your friends want to plan a fun weekend activity. Instead of picking the first thing that comes to mind, you all share different ideas like camping, visiting a museum, having a movie marathon, or even building a fort. Divergent thinking helps you come up with lots of choices.

Designing a New Toy

Let’s say you’re designing a new toy. Instead of making something everyone’s seen before, you start combining ideas. Maybe it’s a flying robot that can also turn into a pet. Divergent thinking helps create exciting and unusual toys.

Writing a Story

When writing a story, you can use divergent thinking to create interesting characters and plots. Maybe your story is about a time-traveling detective who solves mysteries in different eras. Mixing ideas like this leads to creative and engaging stories.

How to Boost Divergent Thinking:

Ask “What If” Questions

Wondering “what if” opens up new paths for thinking. What if animals could talk? What if we lived on another planet? These questions encourage your brain to explore fresh ideas.

Play with Different Perspectives

Try looking at things from different angles. Imagine you’re a chef designing a menu or a scientist exploring a new planet. These shifts in perspective help you generate diverse ideas.

Combine Unrelated Things

Take two unrelated objects, like a bicycle and a spaceship, and think about how you could combine them. This exercise helps you stretch your imagination and come up with unique concepts.

Benefits of Divergent Thinking

Problem Solving

When faced with a problem, divergent thinking helps you think beyond the obvious solutions. It lets you explore different routes to solving challenges.


Many groundbreaking inventions came from combining existing ideas in new ways. Divergent thinking is a key ingredient in creating innovative products and technologies.


Embracing different ideas makes you more open-minded and adaptable. It helps you see the world from various perspectives.

Cultivating Divergent Thinking

Practice Curiosity

Stay curious about the world around you. Ask questions, explore new topics, and never stop learning.

Encourage Playfulness

Play games that encourage creativity, like word associations, drawing prompts, or even building with everyday objects.

Surround Yourself with Diverse Ideas

Engage with people from different backgrounds and interests. Exposing yourself to various viewpoints boosts your creative thinking.

In a rapidly changing world, divergent thinking equips you with the tools to navigate complexity and find unique solutions. It’s not just about coming up with wild ideas; it’s about unlocking the potential within your mind to imagine, innovate, and shape the future. So, embrace your inner creative explorer and let divergent thinking guide you to new horizons!

Now let’s delve even deeper into the fascinating world of divergent thinking:

Advanced Techniques to Enhance Divergent Thinking

Mind Mapping

Create a visual representation of your ideas by drawing a central concept and branching out with related ideas. This technique helps you see connections and generate even more ideas.


SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. Applying these techniques to existing ideas can lead to innovative outcomes.

Random Stimuli

Choose a random object, word, or image, and think about how it could relate to your problem or topic. This unexpected connection can trigger unique ideas.

Divergent Thinking in Various Fields

Art and Design

Divergent thinking is a cornerstone of artistic creativity. Artists often blend different styles, materials, and themes to create novel and visually stunning works.

Science and Research

Scientific breakthroughs often come from thinking outside the established theories. Einstein’s theory of relativity emerged from questioning Newtonian physics.

Business and Marketing

Companies use divergent thinking to come up with innovative products, services, and marketing campaigns that stand out from the competition.

Challenges of Divergent Thinking

Analysis Paralysis

While generating many ideas is valuable, choosing the best ones can be challenging. It’s essential to strike a balance between brainstorming and evaluating.

Resistance to Change

Some people might be resistant to unfamiliar ideas, especially in traditional environments. Creating a safe space for open discussion is crucial.

Time Constraints

Divergent thinking requires time to explore various options. In fast-paced settings, finding a balance between quick decisions and innovative thinking is essential.

Nurturing Divergent Thinking in Education

Encouraging Exploration

Schools can foster divergent thinking by allowing students to explore subjects from different angles, encouraging curiosity-driven projects.

Team Collaboration

Group activities promote the exchange of diverse ideas, leading to a richer creative process.

Problem-Based Learning

Presenting real-world problems encourages students to approach challenges with imaginative solutions, honing their divergent thinking skills.

Combining Divergent and Convergent Thinking

While divergent thinking is about generating ideas, convergent thinking comes into play when choosing the best ones. Balancing these two approaches ensures that creative ideas are refined into practical solutions.

Cultural Influence on Divergent Thinking

Different cultures approach creativity differently. Some cultures emphasize conformity, while others encourage individuality. Understanding these nuances can lead to more inclusive and diverse ideas.

Divergent Thinking and Personal Growth

Engaging in divergent thinking exercises not only enhances creativity but also boosts problem-solving skills, adaptability, and the ability to handle ambiguity.

In a rapidly changing world, divergent thinking empowers individuals and teams to adapt, innovate, and navigate challenges creatively. By embracing curiosity, thinking beyond boundaries, and challenging conventional wisdom, we can unlock the limitless potential of our minds and shape a brighter future.

Mohammad Rahighi | Agile Coach & Transformation Specialist. I help organizations innovate and deliver value by creating the lasting conditions in which people and products thrive.

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MB Siddiqui
MB Siddiqui · 9 months ago
Nice article

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