Adult Attachment Theory and Research


  • Author Hilario San Demetrio
  • Published July 14, 2024
  • Word count 990

The concept of attachment theory focuses on the role of caregivers in human development. It suggests that they play a vital role in providing a sense of security and safety.

According to the attachment theory, early relationships between caregivers and children establish emotional and social foundations. However, changes can occur throughout the lifespan due to the relationships during adolescence, childhood, and adulthood.

The initial bond between children and their caregivers is regarded as the most crucial link in the development of their social and emotional foundations.

Attachment behaviors are different between adults and children. For instance, when a child is threatened or distressed, they may try to get close to the attachment figure.

John Bowlby

The concept of attachment emerged from the work of John Bowlby in 1958. During the 1930s, he was a psychiatrist at a London clinic that specialized in treating children with emotional problems.

During his time at the clinic, he saw how important the relationship between a child and their mother is for their emotional and social development.

His work helped him understand the connection between the early separations of children and their mothers and the subsequent maladjustment.

The concept of the attachment bond is not coincidental. It aims to protect a vulnerable infant by requiring the continuous presence of their caregiver.

The concept of attachment has been viewed as an evolutionary concept that can be observed in various cultures.

Attachment Behavioral System

Individuals with a behavioral attachment system are more likely to seek safety during times of stress. This can be due to internal or external factors such as hunger, fatigue, or illness.

The intensity of the stress increases the likelihood of the attachment system being activated. It is most likely to be activated during the first few years of life, which is when children are most vulnerable.

When the system is activated, an infant is motivated to seek safety near significant others to protect themselves from emotional or physical harm.

An infant will develop feelings of security and safety if this goal is achieved. They will also start calling for various attachment behaviors to get closer to the figure.

According to Bowlby, the importance of the attachment system can still be felt throughout life. It can motivate people to seek safety near loved ones during times of stress as well.

Caregiving System

The concept of the attachment figure refers to a safe haven. It encourages individuals to modify their responsiveness to the little one's attachment system in order to promote feelings of safety.

In 1996, Solomon and George explained that the reciprocal response of the figure to the infant's attachment system is referred to as the caregiving system.

In 1969, Bowlby explained that the concept of the caregiving system refers to the support and protection provided to those in need.

According to the researchers, the caregiving system can be activated by an individual stating a need for assistance or by the activation of their attachment system. It can then be deactivated by the individual's appearance in a secure state.

When activated, the caregiver can use various behavioral strategies to improve the well-being of the other person. They can also re-establish their sense of security and facilitate their coping efforts.

According to the researchers, some of the strategies that can be used by caregivers include validating a person's worries, expressing how much they are valued, and providing physical closeness.

The caregiving system may also support exploratory approaches.

The Importance of Early Emotional Bonds

In adults, responding appropriately and sensitively to a child's needs can be regarded as an attachment behavior. This is apparent in various cultures.

The individuals who were most likely to respond accurately to the signals sent by the baby were those who were more likely to form attachments. Emerson and Schaffer defined this as a sensitive responsiveness.

The concept of reciprocity refers to the two-way interaction between a caregiver and infant, which can occur when a child's smile elicits a response from the other person. This type of interaction is very important for a child's development as it can help them establish their trust and develop future relationships.

Exploratory Behavioral System

When an infant feels safe and secure, their energy can then be redirected toward the exploratory system suggested by Bowlby.

According to Shaver and Kikulincer, the concept of an exploratory system refers to the behaviors that drive an organism to interact with its environment in order to examine, manipulate, and master it.

Bowlby noted that an exploratory system can be initiated by novelty, and it can be terminated if an individual exhibits a sense of familiarity and competence with their surroundings. Attachment figures can be seen as a type of secure base used by children to explore their social environment.

When an infant is able to access their attachment figure during times of stress, they are more likely to interact with their surroundings and other people. This concept of nurturing exploration implies that attachment is not an interference with exploration.

A caregiver who provides a secure base helps infants develop their independence and social skills. Those who lack a base will continue to struggle with their attachment system, which prevents them from successfully interacting with their surroundings.

This can have detrimental effects on a child's cognitive, emotional, and social development. Although not all attachment figures can be considered secure bases, the responsiveness of the caregiver can help determine their status.

According to Ainsworth and colleagues, connecting the exploratory and attachment systems allows for a balance between exploration and protection.

Attachment Styles

A person's attachment style refers to the manner in which they relate to others. This type of connection can be established from the very beginning, and it continues to play out throughout one's life.

This concept is about having confidence in the ability to use the attachment figure as a safe base to explore the world while not in distress. It also provides one with a safe haven to seek comfort and support.

Hilario San Demetrio is a psychologist in Mexico City, with a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. He performs online and face-to-face therapy. He offers a free initial consultation.

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