True Measure Of Wealth And Myth Of Retirement


  • Author Enoch Tan
  • Published January 15, 2008
  • Word count 1,043

Your wealth is not a measure of how much you have, but how much you are capable of generating in every moment. If you had won a million dollars in the lottery but are capable of generating zero dollars, you wealth is virtually zero. Wealth is what you have left when all your money has been taken from you. That is why people who are truly wealthy never become poor even after they have lost all their money. They are able to create money on demand. The secret of wealth is creation and not possession.

A poor person who is incapable of generating income, but happens to win a million dollars, is still a poor person with a million dollars. A rich person who is capable of generating lots of money, but happens to lose all his money, is still a rich person with no money. Money does not make you rich. It is the power to obtain wealth that makes you rich. A million dollars in the hands of someone without power to create wealth, will soon become nothing. In the hands of someone with power, it never runs out.

Money is an illusion because it is not a thing in itself. Money is a representation of something else. It is an external symbol that manifest from the inner world of creativity and intention. The manifestation is complete with some form of action involved. It is only an illusion when there is a lot of money or there is no money. A person capable of generating zero dollars may possess the illusion of a million dollars, while a person capable of generating a million dollars may possess the illusion of money being run out.

When you are capable of creating money, the supply is inexhaustible. Whatever wealth that is manifested is temporary and will soon be used finish or shrink with inflation until it is next to nothing. It is only the act of recreation that sustains the presence of a particular thing in the visible world. Whatever you hold in your hand is subjected to death and decay. Old things become obsolete and it is only through constant renewal that enables anything to live on continually. Whatever stops creating, ceases to live.

It is a lunacy of people of the world to make lots of money to last them the rest of their lives, so that they can retire and never have to work to make any more money. Why retire when you should enjoy making money or enjoy doing fulfilling work that makes you money? Doing something in order to stop doing it implies that the very thing you are doing is not enjoyable. Isn't it such a meaningless way to live life? The reason why this is so, is because many people do not even know how to live their lives correctly.

The idea of retirement is a joke. The moment you retire, you stop contributing and generating. It doesn't matter how rich you seem to be by the amount of money you have. When you stop contributing and generating, you are virtually a bankrupt. You may have a lot of money in the bank to live on for the remainder of your probable lifespan, but if the money disappeared overnight, you are financially dead. If you somehow managed to get eternal life on earth, the very concept of retirement will disappear completely.

Life is always in motion and that which is flowing shall live. Money has to flow in and out of your life in order to sustain your life. You cannot live without spending and you cannot spend without earning. Cash flow is the core diagnosis of any financial system. Whenever your income exceeds your expenses, you are growing steadily richer every day. Whenever your expenses exceed your income, you are growing steadily poorer every day. Therefore the money wise will always keep the inflow going steady.

We either progress or regress, we never stand still. You are either growing or dying. The moment you retire, you are as good as dead. The purpose of life is to create. When a person retires, they stop creating and stop living. That is why people who retire tend to pass away in a very short span of time. They lose the purpose of remaining here on earth and therefore their subconscious mind soon brings their physical life to an end. It's insanity that people work only to retire and then to die without having lived.

It is also an illusion that people have in mind about creating wealth to retire and have the freedom to do what they enjoy. The idea of retirement and freedom should start from day one. You should start doing something you would do if you were already retired. That is what life is for. If you do something that you truly enjoy and most desire to do, you will never work a single day of your life and you will never retire because you are already as good as retired. You are completely free when you realize this truth.

Since wealth is only a reflection of the value that you generate in this world, you never want to stop generating it. That is why there are very wealthy people who continue to do the work they do although they have more than enough money to retire and live on for many lifetimes over. They enjoy doing what they do because it is not work, but it is their life. They seek to generate value for the world for as long as they live. They are truly expressing their inner wealth as infinite and inexhaustible in their outer world.

Strive to be a man of value and generation rather than a man of riches and success. If you are generating more value in this world than you are consuming, you are already rich and a success. Every value that you consume should be for the purpose of further increasing the value you can generate. This is how you multiply the current value of the world instead of degenerating it. As long as you are alive, your purpose is to generate. That is how you make the most out of your life. You constantly generate wealth.

Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life, to evolve human consciousness to higher levels and to revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality, because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. When you learn Secrets of Mind and Reality which is the science behind all Self Help, you'll become a Law of Attraction and Manifestation Master. Visit the site:

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