Benefits Of Article Marketing Series- #3 Branding Your Business

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Jeff Schuman
  • Published August 22, 2008
  • Word count 414

In this article we are going to take a look at how you can use the concept of branding to build your business through article marketing.

Many people do not think about articles and how they can use them to brand their internet business and even brand themself!

Branding is defined as the process of creating a unique, positive and recognizable identity for a product or service. Ranchers do it to keep track of which cows are theirs.

Major corporations such as McDonald's use the golden arches to brand themselves. You know exactly what kind of soda pop you are buying when you see a can of Coca-Cola.

Although you are not creating a visual image you are beginning to brand your self as an expert within the field that you're writing about when you use article marketing. People get used to seeing your name everywhere as you write and submit more articles to the top article directories.

Actually you can use of digital image by including your picture on your author's profile in your member's area of the article directories you join. Then it will be on every article that you submit to an article directory.

Your readers will get used to seeing what you look like. When you submit your articles to article directories you are allowed to create a resource box with a link back to your website.

The traffic that you get from your various articles helps you brand your business every time someone shows up at your website. If you are creating an Internet business for the long haul than branding is an important part of your marketing efforts.

It only makes sense to try and brand yourself because it does not cost you any more to do it. If your readers enjoy reading you they will recognize your writing style which also helps brand you.

Just seeing your name attached to an article, blog post, or forum post, can attract readers as you become more credible from the articles that you write.

I know I like to include my photo as well as my company logo in my email marketing campaigns. I like to use my photo when I submit to a social directory. I try and brand myself whenever I get a chance.

This is several ways you can benefit from article marketing by branding yourself and your internet business. Over a period of time this really can make a difference in the success of your business.

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