Benefits Of Article Marketing Series- #5 More Sales

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Jeff Schuman
  • Published August 30, 2008
  • Word count 421

Our lives are complicated so it only stands to reason we would do the same to our internet businesses. In reality internet marketing is simple and our article marketing and internet promotion efforts should be simple too.

O.K. here is the simple version in a nutshell! The bottom line is Internet marketing is a numbers game.

To make money you need visitors coming to a website and buying something. One of the best ways to do that is to use your articles to market your business.

I'm not talking about writing sales letters for articles. What I am talking about is providing information in your articles that people find useful.

Remember the reason that people go on the Internet is to search for information. This is the number one reason they go online! Article marketing is a great way to provide the information that they are searching for.

If you can address a problem in an article, and then offer a solution, you've now become a trusted person to them. The natural thing for them to do at the end of your article is to see a link to your website and click on it.

What you should be doing is leading them either to a splash page and capturing a name for future follow up, or taking them to a pre sell page where you have an answer to the problem you just talked about.

Affiliate marketing works great with Article marketing too! But the proper way to do it is not to send your reader to your affiliate sales page, rather send them to a pre sell page where you get them in the mood to buy.

This is really where the benefits of Article marketing can shine as much as anywhere else. Write your articles with the idea that you want to help your readers solve a problem.

Then create a short direct resource box designed to get them to click on the link you have provided for them. This is how you will sell more using article marketing.

I am impressed at how brief the resource boxes are for some of the top authors in various article directories. They understand that if their reader has made it that far they need to wrap it up and get the click.

That is the only way you will make more sales from your article marketing efforts. You have got to get the click through to your website, landing page, blog, or wherever you are trying to send them.

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his article writer website to order 100% copyright articles with multiple article discounts on blog and website articles. You will find competitive pricing, testimonials, and samples! 1000's of articles written for hundreds of satisfied customers. Click here now for more useful information:

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