1st Step of 8 Steps to Wealth Creation


  • Author Paul Simos
  • Published December 15, 2008
  • Word count 361

Wealth Creation starts primarily with the ability to have a savings plan.One noticable

habit of those who are Millionaires or people who are succeeding in developing a

Wealth Creation mindset are those who have mastered the ability to save money. Without

this habit of saving money it would prove very hard if not impossible to become Wealthy.

From a psychological stand point by not saving money on a regular basis could indicate a very

dismal futre. If we are not saving regularly for our future it would appear that we don't

have much to look forward to or value our future . I can hear you say now

"but I don't have enough money to start saving"

Well that may be very true if that is your BELIEF. It is not about quantity

it is about developing that Wealth Creation mindset that has faith in the future "our future".

Once we develope the habit of saving this will open up a whole new world for us with many oppotunities.

When we have money behind us in the way of savings we are able to take advantage of opportunities that

present themselves that we would not otherwise have had.

Think back to a time when you may have being presented with a great opportunity but could not

take advantage of it because you did not have enough funds to do so.

Lets start NOW to set up a savings plan even if it is only $20 a week. This amount can be increased

as your new Wealth Creation minset starts to see a very promissing future with unlimited

possibilities. By just starting to save a small amount each week will have numerous positive

effects upon you and your future.

Australians and New Zealanders are dismal savers when compared to the rest of the world.

Lets change that by educationg ourselves and our children to start saving now by making it fun and

explaining to them the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead of them if they can master this

Wealth Creation step of saving money.

For more information please visit us by clicking on the link below.

Kind regards

Paul Simos

Applied Wealth strategies

Fee Dvd & E-Book www.appliedwealth.com

Applied Wealth Strategies dedicates it self to the finnacial betterment of those who want more out of life.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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