Milking your Niche for New and Unique Topics to Cover!

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Aneel Dogra
  • Published December 23, 2008
  • Word count 470

Has your inspiration river run dry? Try these tips for developing great niche article ideas.

Every writer occasionally reaches a point where they think they've done it all. They've covered every angle, introduced every new product, and defined every confusing term. But there's always more.

  1. Google

First things first: Google it. Search for information on your topic through Google and consider the link titles that come up. How can you write spin-offs or opposing viewpoints for each title? Can you write a better version of an existing topic?

  1. Books

Pick up any "Dummies" or "Idiots" book and flip to the table of contents. You have just found an instant topic list. Select the ones that interest you most or best fit your niche, create a list of slants, and flesh them out through research. For tips on writing, I often read through articles I find online, then rewrite ones I find to be poorly written, unhelpful, or incorrect.

  1. Experts

While the Internet allows us to research virtually any topic, talking to human experts can provide us with great information found nowhere else on Earth. Each real life expert can offer a unique viewpoint, intriguing case studies. Experts don't have to have degrees. Perhaps your neighbor is an expert at growing lush roses, or maybe your kids are experts on building blanket forts.

  1. Ask a newbie

While the answers seem blatant to you, they can be confusing and foreign to an outsider. Ask your friends, or even complete strangers, what they might be interested in learning about. The answers might surprise you as they come up with incredible ideas that stretch far beyond the obvious.

  1. Helium

A unique writing contribution site, Helium offers a list of article titles to write on. This differs from other article databases in that you can write an article with the same title and topic as several other people, and have your version ranked compared to the others. Or you can steal the idea and take it elsewhere.

  1. Q&A Sites

Yahoo! Answers and Google Answers are great places to find unique questions from people interested in your field. While upon first glance you may find the questions rudimentary, they impress a better understanding as to the varied levels of natural ignorance people have about your area of expertise - and their willingness to learn.

  1. Old Articles

Some of the best ideas come from old articles. Many topics are time sensitive, and new information becomes available. Rewrite old articles to cover new information, or write a new article to generate interest about current events.

Struggling with unique ideas for article topics and titles is an issue all authors deal with. When you're an expert, the answers seem blatant.

Note, we're not suggesting plagiarism in any form. This is simply a starting point for topics, not content.

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