Lypsosuction Defined

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author David Pierce
  • Published December 29, 2006
  • Word count 417

Liposuction is a suctioning technique which removes fat deposits from under the skin. It is a procedure which reshapes and contours a specified area of the body.

Women commonly have fat removed from their hips, thighs and stomach. Whereas, for men it is generally their mid section or "love handles" which are treated with liposuction.

Who Is a Candidate for Liposuction

Liposuction alone is not a method of weight control and must never be offered as a cure or for treatment of obesity. It can, however, be used in conjunction with a reasonable lifestyle of proper diet and exercise.

Obese patients are at risk because they can develop more complications. Their inactive lifestyle, coupled with excess weight, places stress on the cardiovascular system. It would be most beneficial for one to lose the weight on their own and have a tummy tuck to remove any excess fat or skin. Otherwise, an obese person who has difficulty losing weight on their own would be better off considering a gastric bypass. If one does later gain a significant amount of weight after liposuction, the fat cells that remain can enlarge thereby decreasing the benefits of the procedure.

The final result of liposuction depends both on the amount of fat removed and on the ability of the skin to adapt to its new contour.


Swelling and bruising will occur to varying degrees but subside as part of the healing process. Improvement will not likely be immediate after surgery, taking from six weeks to six months for the final results.

Massaging the treated areas will help to smooth out irregularities and decrease swelling. Wait 7-10 days following the surgery and proceed only under the doctor's advice. Over a 3-6 month time period scars will likely lighten and fade from their brighter and raised coloring.

A support garment is worn which helps reduce swelling and it optimizes your final contour. It is worn during the night and day for the first six weeks and then during the day for three more weeks. Immediately following the surgery this garment is important to have available to prevent any baggy, lumpy, irregular and uneven results. Also a proper fit is essential.

As soon as your doctor gives you the ok, start doing some light exercises. This will help with the healing process. Remember not to cause yourself to sweat in your compressive garment because this may cause infection.

To increase your chances of an uneventful recovery, make sure to find a qualified plastic surgeon.

David is the owner of Gastric Bypass Questions, A place where advice is given and guest speakers are invited to talk about gastric bypass surgery.

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