5 Acne Treatment Tips to Kill Your Acne Today For Less Than $40

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Jeyanth Watson
  • Published October 1, 2009
  • Word count 538

There are thousands of acne treatment tips you can choose from, especially if you do searches for acne tips online. However, not all of them apply to you, especially if they're telling you to start wearing noncomedogenic makeup and you happen to be a guy. Additionally, finding acne tips that actually work for you is even more difficult.

As a fellow acne sufferer, I completely understand what you're going through. That's why I'm going to give you five acne treatment tips that have worked for me and will work for you too, no matter which gender you are.

  1. Shampoo One of the biggest causes of irritation on your face can be caused by using the wrong of shampoo. Shampoos that contain extra fragrances or too many moisturizers will hinder the skin on your face and also promote acne on your scalp. Ouch! To combat this problem, use Head and Shoulders two-in-one shampoo with pyrithione zinc. I've used it for several years, and it keeps my acne at bay.

  2. Peels: Be careful of just using any peel on your face. Not all the "natural" peels online will work for your skin, especially if they contain milk or harsh herbs. One type of peel I know works well is the Vitamin C peel. Simply grate some orange peel into a tablespoon of water, mix it into a paste, and apply it to the affected area. The vitamin C will kill the bacteria in your zits and reduce the redness in your face.

  3. Benzoyl Peroxide: Not too many people have difficulty using benzoyl peroxide. With rare exception, this peroxide kills off the bacteria in your zits and improves the look of acne. I recommend using a 10% spot treatment benzoyl peroxide cream 1-2 times a day. However, if your skin dries out too much, reduce use to once a day or once every other day.

  4. Cleansers: You don't have to get sold on the first expensive cleanser you see. There are some cleansers out there that cost upwards of $100 per bottle; this isn't necessarily a necessity for your skin. Things like Proactiv, Clinique facial soap, and Effaclar by La-Roche Posay work just as well, especially when coupled with an oil-free moisturizer.

  5. Fluids: Speaking of moisturizer, you need to drink plenty of water in order to get rid of your acne. I know it's not real popular to have to go to the bathrooom 8 times a day, but your body will adjust. Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day if possible. A great way to do this is to set a timer for once an hour, and every time it rings, simply drink half a cup of water. By the end of the day, you'll have absorbed your daily quota.

Last, but certainly not least, you need to pay attention to what you eat. Now, I'm not saying that chocolate and pizza are giving you zits, but eating certain foods for a certain amount of time (about 3-5 days) will start healing your skin immediately by cleansing your pores from the inside-out. Best of all, of these acne treatment tips, this is the program I recommend most highly, and it costs less than $40 which is basically the cost of buying two acne cleansers.

The author has been providing highly beneficial Acne Home Treatment and understands what it take for effective Acne Treatment and hence has shared some of the vital experiences through the article.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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zahid · 15 years ago
You can prevent acne very easily. Also you can cure acne easily if you are educated about acne. Touching your skin with unwashed hands is one of the simplest ways to transfer oil, germs and bacteria. Learn to keep your hands away from your face. Alter your pillowcases every other day and on odd days flip the pillow over to give your head a clean surface to rest on. Oils accumulate on the fabric as you sleep, rubbing against your skin for hours. A steam bath at least once a week would be great to cure your acne. This site is great to know details about acne: http://tips5.acne7dayscure.info

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