5 Popular Natural Acne Solutions

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Jim Desantis
  • Published November 29, 2009
  • Word count 783

Chances are we have a friend or family member who wants to find ways to be completely acne-free. Possibly, even you want to find an effective solution to severe acne and it seems there are thousands of products and systems that promise easy results. Well, hang onto your money for now and read about these natural and not-so-natural acne treatments that are proven to be effective.

Finding simple and low-cost solutions to treat or prevent acne from becoming a severe affliction should always be your first step. All but one of these solutions are available just about anywhere you shop for over-the-counter drugs and medicines, while one of them you can actually grow and process yourself.

  1. Witch Hazel - Thank You Mother Nature!

Witch Hazel is a natural based remedy for all kinds of things and a tried and true astringent comes from the Witch Hazel plant. This is one of those gifts of nature to humankind and can be found in most parts of the country. It can even be home grown, like herbs or other house plants.

You get its magical liquid by steaming shoots from the plant. The resulting liquid is an astringent that is applied to acne affected areas of the body. You should use it sparingly even though it occurs naturally and the steaming process you used to create it is natural. By creating this astringent yourself, instead of buying it in a store, you are getting an astringent that is not as strong as that found commercially. Your homemade astringent will be much kinder to your skin.

  1. Astringents In A Bottle

For most skin types and moderate levels of acne, many commercially available astringents pretty well. But, for sensitive skin you should first try just a spot of acne to see how you react. The last thing you want is to add irritation to skin that is affected by pimples. It is always a good idea to read product labels carefully. There are many versions of astringents that have added ingredients that could be harmful to your skin. be cautious as these products contain chemicals that are not present naturally and may cause dry skin.

  1. Treatments From The Kitchen Cupboard

You should have these three super foods on hand if you suffer from acne. If not, take a trip to your grocery store and pick them up to give yourself super-cheap severe acne treatments.

... The miracle juices from whole oranges and lemons is one of these super-foods that have healing properties. Simply apply the juice of your choice to your pimples or zits, let sit for about 30 minutes, wash off with plain water.

... Whole garlic does more than chase vampires away. It has healing properties because it kills acne-causing-bacteria. Peel a garlic toe and rub it on your acne. Rinse with warm water after about an hour or so.

... A slice from a whole potato is another excellent remedy for severe acne. Just cut a slice and rub it on the affected area. Once the juice dries, rinse with warm water.

  1. Prescription Solutions

In the not-so-natural category, we cannot ignore medically necessary solutions by prescription from your doctor or dermatologist. If you suffer from severe acne, you may need an antibiotic taken by mouth. Specific antibiotics can attack bacteria known to cause acne and mitigate the body's production of white blood cells that may be contributing to the problem. White blood cells rush to the affected areas and can over-produce chemicals that actually create irritation. Your doctor or skin care specialist can prescribe the right medicine and dosage.

Tetracycline is the preferred antibiotic for severe acne because it has a proven track record of success. Again, follow instructions when taking any medicine. The usual precautions are: Take with food and use the entire course even though you may see improvement quickly. Tetracycline is not to be taken by pregnant women or children under the age of 9. Dosage is determined by the severity of your skin problem.

For women who are pregnant, there is an effective antibiotic: Erythromycin. While it is very effective in combating acne-bacteria, the side effects may include some stomach distress, however, in addition to fighting bacteria it is also an anti-inflammatory that reduces redness and irritation. Ask your health professional about what is available and the side effects of any medication.

  1. Rub The Cream On Top

You should also consider topical creams and lotions that are available over-the-counter or by prescription. Many of these can very effective in severe cases. They are applied directly to the affected areas but do have the tendency to cause drying and flaking of the skin. As always, your doctor or dermatologist knows what might work best for you.

Don't allow acne to ruin your life! Discover many more natural acne treatments! Visit the Simple Acne Cures blog for more helpful acne home remedies, tips, and tricks. For reviews of the top three natural acne treatments, also visit the Natural Acne Cures website.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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