Why You’re Not Making Money Online


  • Author Scott Olewiler
  • Published December 21, 2009
  • Word count 654

It has been estimated that 99% of people who attempt to make money online fail to do so. I don’t know how accurate that is but based on the frustration I see posted online I’d guess it’s pretty close. The unfortunate thing is that most of these failures come from mistakes that all newbies seem to make. Here are some possible reasons that you’re not making money online.

  1. You’re relying on building a downline. MLMs and any program that requires you to build a downline in order to make decent money is basically doomed from the start. A lot of people new to the internet see the paid to click or paid to read email programs that promise you all kinds of money if you just get ten signups and then those ten get ten signups, etc. The real tragedy here is that for the amount of effort that you will put into getting just ten people to sign up for a program you could actually build a long term income producing website.

  2. You’re working in the Internet Marketing niche. If you’ve never made any money online how can you reasonably attempt to sell anyone products on Internet Marketing? This niche is just too saturated with real experts for a new person to compete in. Find another niche to begin your make money online attempts in.

  3. You’ve put all your eggs in one basket. Many ideas, products and websites just don’t sell. If you’re committed to one of these ideas and are determined to make it work at any cost you will be in for a rude awakening. Most first attempts fail. You need to move on and try other ideas, it may be the next or maybe the tenth idea you try but eventually you will get it right. When I was heavy into PPC ads I often would start five to ten new ad campaigns on one day. 8 out of 10 didn’t make me any money so I would drop them and focus on refining the ones that worked. Imagine how broke I’d be if I refused to let go of those bad campaigns?

  4. You can’t or won’t follow directions. If you’ve bought one of the many courses available that claim to show you how to make money online there’s a good chance that even if everything in the course is correct, that you still won’t make any money because you tried to skip steps and didn’t follow the instructions to the letter. If this sounds like you, go back and start over, and this time follow the directions to the letter.

  5. Nobody wants what you’re selling. If you didn’t do keyword research to see what people were searching for and you just went ahead and made the site or product that you wanted to make there’s a good chance you’re going to fail. No amount of effort on your part is going to make money buy something that they aren’t interested in. You need to go back and find out what people want and cater you’re efforts to that.

  6. You are paying for traffic. Anyone who does a little research and maybe buys a good course on getting listed in the search engines can get all the free traffic they want. Why are you paying for it? Paying for traffic affords you no time to correct mistakes or tweek your sales pitch or website. You will run out of funds before you figure out what to do. Find a good course on SEO and get all the free traffic you want through the search engines.

I hope that if you see yourself in this article that you stop making these failure causing mistakes. For more free detailed information on how to be successful visit my site Make Money Online.

Scott Olewiler gives out free money making advice everyday on his blog "How To Make Money Online"

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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