Melaleuca Complaints, THE TRUTH EXPOSED!

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Paul Hutchings
  • Published February 17, 2010
  • Word count 545

Melaleuca complaints pepper the internet. The fact is, so do complaints from almost every other company on the market.

Melaleuca is a prominent company that has been in business for over a quarter of a century. They bring to market over three hundred products and send checks to thousands of distributors worldwide.

When a enterprise has that kind of an influence over so many people, running into a few complaints here and there is inevitable.

The biggest chunk of Melaleuca complaints all fall into a couple of catergories. If you're looking to build a business with Melaleuca, it's vital that you find out where most of the complaints come from.


Melaleuca allows people to become either directo customers or preferred customers. The preferred customers get a preferred customer discount and pay less for the products.

The only requirement for this program is that you commit to buy 35 product points worth of product each month. This typically results in a $50 to $80 order.

So what's the problem? There really isn't one. Those people that understand how the program works will never have anything to complain about. The challenge comes when some people are not properly educated. Sometimes people become preferred customers without realizing they'll need to place a monthly order.

If a preferred customer forgets to order, Melaleuca will still charge the card and send out what's known as a backup order. 99% of Network marketing companies operate this way so Melaleuca is doing nothing out of the norm here.

Nonetheless, sometimes people have their cards charged when they weren't expecting it, they get mad and Melaleuca complaints arise.


For years melaleuca complaints have also come forth in relation to the cancellation policy. To cancel your preffered customer account, Melaleuc requires you to send in a written letter that must be received by the 25th in order for the cancellation to be in effect for that month.

Sometimes letters arrive between the 25th and the end of the month. In these cases, orders are still shipped out and credit cards are still charged.

Many complaints have come forth due to this practice. Melaleuc is well protected here, however, as the cancellation policy is written at the bottom of the customer agreement forms that each customer is required to sign.


In the beginning, reps could build an organization and collect a check for all the customers that continued to order products.

A number of years ago, a situation arose where there were many leaders drawing monthly checks without putting forth any business building activity.

It was then that Melaeluca management decided that leaders should continue to be engaged in business building in order to draw a check. They then put the "leadership point" program in place for upper level distributors.

Reps earn leadership points for signing up new customers and giving presentations that result in new business.

Many Melaleuca complaints arose when this policy was first put in place because many distributors felt that Melaleuca was taking away money that they had earned.

From Melaleucas standpoint, they are just trying to prevent "the welfare mentality" from overcoming their distributor force. They don't want reps getting checks without providing leadership to the people they had recruited to help them build the business.

As you can see, many melaleuca complaints arise from pure misunderstandings.

Despite the melaleuca complaints that do arise, you can make a ton of money in this company if you know how to connect with mass numbers of people that want what you have.

To find out how to use the internet to find hundreds of Melaleuca hungry prospect, click on and sign up for the FREE training.

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Keith Salmon
Keith Salmon · 10 years ago
Obviously written by a company rep. Look for a neutral source to get the real facts.

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