Creating Financial Freedom without Risk


  • Author Eileen Silva
  • Published March 29, 2006
  • Word count 813

Many people ask me to share the REAL secret of my success in this business . . . as though they think that I have been holding out the magic insight that adds an extra couple of zeros to my annual income.

In a way, I suppose I have. However, it’s such a simple insight that it gets discounted and ignored by most people. If you would truly like to become rich and stay that way --- rich financially and rich with fulfillment of your purpose in life --- read on. Take note! It doesn’t get much simpler than this: Focus with unwavering intensity on your business from a positive energy standpoint and avoid sabotaging yourself!

Attract positively oriented, like-minded people to you, and allow the rest to build in whatever manner they choose. If some persist in negative judgments, (i.e., “I don’t want MY people to do that”, etc.) wish them well, but don’t allow them to vent that negativity to you on a regular basis --- it is poison to both your business success and your health.

Make sure to prepare yourself on a subconscious level for a wonderful life. Realize that when you are upset, you aren’t operating on an objective-focused level, so your “humanity” is interfering with the spirituality of your purpose.

When you truly “plug in” to a mission-based philosophy, you become unstoppable. If people criticize you, you understand that it is their problem. When people get upset with you, you know that their humanity --- whether it is envy-based, greed-based, or otherwise unsavory --- is clouding their purpose and getting them off track. Their negativity does not have to pull you down, unless you let it.

People frequently ask me what to do about these critical people, and my advice is pretty much the same, regardless of the particulars of each situation. I encourage them to try to help those folks see that, to the degree that they get worked up and stay worked up, their businesses will suffer and so will their personal relationships and health/product successes.

Every person in network marketing is president of his or her own company. It just flabbergasts me when some of the egos in the industry proclaim how much they care about “their people” and at the same time demand to control the experiences of those in their downlines.

People in our business are not objects to be controlled, but rather associates that we should praise whenever possible, empower, and then liberate. Show me someone who insists that he or she “knows best” what “my people need,” and I’ll show you someone who’s sabotaging his or her business by stifling people’s freedom and ultimately undermining people’s individualities and talents in the name of “knowing what’s best.”

Folks, all I know is this: I’d heard for years that you couldn’t do real business over the phone, but logic told me I could --- so my husband and I sold over $750,000.00 in product, mostly in 4 days --- yes, over the phone.

I’d heard for years that you needed to do meetings to make this business work. I’ve made a fortune without regularly scheduling any.

I’d always heard the value of training and of systems. Although they can be very helpful, I want to make one thing abundantly clear: everyone I know is who is financially successful and has fun in network marketing has at least a half dozen new excited wealthbuilders who don’t have a clue yet about “what really works.” Sadly, after they learn about “it,” they often stop succeeding.

That’s why the training and systems that I endorse are need-based. Every seminar I do has two objectives that I clearly state: 1) all attendees will learn at least one new thing, 2) before I leave the room, they will all get their questions answered if they are willing to wait their turns.

You can perhaps sum it up in a word: “Care.” Care about your own wellness. Care about your customers. Care about your distributors’ successes and needs. Care about your company. Care about making a difference, about integrity, and about staying positive at all times. One of the great leaders of our industry gently reminds us of this all-important observation: “People don’t care about how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

Remember that there is no such thing as “constructive” criticism. There isn’t a positive way to put a negative. Thoughts are things. A negative thought is a negative thing.

When you apply this positive caring on a daily basis to your business, you no longer need to “recruit” and “sell” others. You then attract quality people to you, and people make buying decisions in your presence. It’s the greatest fun . . . creating wealth without risk. Go for it!

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D. is a metabolic health balancing expert, talk show guest, and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group, and corporate weight management consultant. Contact Dr. Silva at

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