Home Remedies for Acne that Works
- Author Dr John Anne
- Published May 4, 2007
- Word count 635
Acne by large is considered as a nuisance and has a terrible effect on a person. Though it’s not fatal disorder but has enough command to root an impact on ones mind. This can be a cause of depression in many cases. People become introvert and do not like to meet new people as they think them selves unpresentable.
Acne are generally seen in people who are in there teens but it can occur to people of older age group also. Maximum blame can be put on to the hormonal changes that occur with the onset of the puberty causing imbalances in the body’s physiology. These imbalances in the homeostasis of the body lead to the origin of acne. Some other reasons like lack of hygiene and digestive disorders can also be involved in causing acne.
Well it is almost impossible to treat acne with the contemporary medicine as they are not able to maintain the proper homeostasis of the body more over danger of occurrence of side effects is always there. Hence more and more people seek help from alternative health sciences and especially ayurveda, the most ancient health science. Ayurveda emphasizes on the maintenance of the proper balance and equilibrium in the body. This balance helps in attaining proper composer that is very much required to achieve good health.
Below are the some home remedies based on the principle of ayurveda that are very effective in suppressing acne and allied disorders.
· Apply lemon juice mixed with rose water on the acne spot for 15 days. It will surely prove very helpful in eradicating the acne.
· Massage your face with the lemon peel and then washing it off with water will help you in getting rid of acne.
· Apply the mixture of coriander juice and mint juice on the acne spots to attain a best herbal therapy to get rid of stubborn acne spots. This juice is applied on the affected area and left for half an hour. After that it is washed thoroughly with cold water. Instead of mixing the two juices these can also be applied alternately or even singly as per the comforts and availability.
· Fenugreek (methi) paste can be applied on the pimple or the black head. It is left undisturbed for about an hour or so. After that it is thoroughly washed with water or aloe vera juice.
· Garlic is a boon for acne sufferers. Raw garlic is very gently rubbed on the acne spot. It not only reduces the inflammation but is also very effective fading away the scar that is generally left after the acne vanishes.
· Application of acne peel powder is very effective in reducing the swelling on the acne and is also helpful in preventing acne in future.
· Cucumber is very effective in treating the acne and is also helpful in achieving a good skin. Grated cucumber is applied on the skin or the affected part to get good and effective results in all the skin related troubles like acne, black heads, white heads, scars pimples etc.
· Taking triphala or the powder of three herbs named Amalaki, Haritaki and Bhibitaki are very effective in treating acne that are caused due to metabolic disturbances.
· Drinking of wheat grass juice is highly recommended in preventing acne.
· Drinking of aloe-vera juice is also very effective in treating the acne to the best level.
· It has been found that people who drinks lots of water has fewer chances of getting acne. Hence one should drink lots of water.
Some life style tips to prevent acne.
· Avoid spicy food
· Don’t use chemical based cosmetics
· Avoid heavy and junk food
· Never over eat
· Drink lots of water
· Wash you face at least twice daily with water and a mild or herbal soap.
· Sleep for at least 8 hours a day.
Read more about Home Remedies for Acne at [http://www.ayurvediccure.com](http://www.ayurvediccure.com) - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies
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