Meditation Techniques

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Jenifer Wattson
  • Published May 15, 2010
  • Word count 815

The Hemi Sync audio CD's are extremely well known in the brainwave entrainment world. They offer a large range of binaural beat recordings that use their own patented Hemi Sync technology that has been scientifically and clinically proven to be effective.

Meditation is a way of consciously internalizing our consciousness, and focusing it on our soul. During our waking hours, we are constantly involved with using our five senses of sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. These senses tell us about what is going on around us, and help us in protecting ourselves. There is however a downside to it.

I first heard of Charles F. Haanel years ago, when I read the book The Secret. Haanel was one of the original teachers and his writings helped inspire the message in The Secret. His seminal work, The Master Key System, has been helping people improve their mental muscle for almost one hundred years. The Master Key System was originally written as a self improvement course which could be done at home. Each week another chapter would arrive and help guide the reader on the path towards enlightenment.

Remember to breathe in and out through your nose. This makes even breathing much easier. As you start, remember to feel your ribcage expand as you breathe in deeply. Hold your breath only just barely, and exhale slowly.

Don't get obsessed with you technique in breathing. Nothing ruins a meditation session like stressing out that your breathing isn't perfect. Obviously, you don't want to walk away more stressed than when you started! In the crazy, everyday life, paying attention to something as simple as breathing is not done. Meditation is your time to notice the act that keeps you alive every second.

Successful meditation requires dedication and discipline. With practice, one can develop a quieter, more focused mind. Many people have become happier, more balanced and calm by being committed enough to this process.

I know it must have something to do with controlling your emotions and I know meditation can control a number of mental and physical processes. Therefore, it makes sense to me that Deep Zen Meditation can have an impact on controlling your emotions.

This technique may seem like nothing - but it's everything! It changed my whole life and outlook. The amazing thing is that, if you stop the technique, the benefits stay. Once you start focusing on the present moment, your mind gets used to doing this. It feels good. So, you will start doing this more automatically.

Meditation is quickly becoming a universal word for relaxation. Like East meets West. Although I believe that here in the West, we have lost some of the meaning through the translation. Here, in the West, the view of meditation is one of relaxation and stress release in lieu of a means of silencing the chatter of the ego which helps to deepen ones connection with Creator. Meditation is simply being present in the moment, or being in the NOW! The other day I read that each thought you have now becomes a part of the past. And as each thought is energetically charged, your thoughts today, which become your past, begin to create your future! Let's follow this a little closer.

Guided meditation involves listening to a recording which features vocal cues that guide you through a sequence of visualisations. The types of imagery used in guided meditations vary dramatically, although they often involve relaxing scenarios and landscapes, such as when you take a mental trip to the beach or a walk in the forest.

A fourth mistake that people make with meditating is not practicing in a suitable environment. It might sound obvious, but it's very important not to be disturbed when you're meditating, so make sure that anybody else in your household knows this, and respects your meditation time.

Successful meditation is about how well you manipulate your mind. It's not about letting your mind drift, it's not controlled daydreaming, it's not about thinking of one object, nor is it your ability to project your mind into another setting.

Mistake number one is to just try one meditation method, decide doesn't work for you, and then give up. There are lots of different ways of meditating - such as focusing on your breath, or using a mantra, or following a guided meditation - and just like anything else, different methods will suit different people.

Just think about what it would be like to have total focus and control of your brain. There is no question that you could get more done in a day with total focus. We all try to multitask with little success. Most of us think multitasking makes us more productive. Studies show evidence to the contrary. Most of the time multitasking allows us to get insignificant tasks done to the exclusion of bigger tasks and far more important tas

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