Article Marketing...4 Keys to Writing Effective Articles

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Bill Thomas
  • Published June 4, 2010
  • Word count 754

Article marketing has become an important component of an effective marketing strategy for online marketers. The benefits of implementing an article marketing campaign are numerous including building name recognition, and increasing web site search engine ranking. Regular submission to article directories is also one of the best strategies for building long term traffic as articles don't generally have an expiration date. While there are many benefits to be had by writing and submitting articles, many writers miss the mark when it comes to getting the maximum benefit from their articles as they sometimes overlook key elements that all their articles should contain. The following lists 4 key components of a great article and lists tips on making certain that your articles bring you maximum exposure and benefit.

  1. Keywords and Keyword Phrases.

An article should always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. When a person is searching for something online, he/she most often goes to a search engine and enters certain "key" words. The search engine in response lists numerous results.(e.g. Ford Taurus, Arthritis, Bankruptcy Lawyer,etc.)The results could be general in nature or topic specific depending on the keywords entered. The key thing is that your article contains the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain a healthy living web site, you need to have articles and products about health and healthy living. The more specific the better, as some topics such as this covers a wide swath of possibilities. There are many tools on the internet such as "keyword popularity" software that will help you determine what keywords and keyword phrases are most sought out, and help you to select the appropriate keywords for your articles.

  1. Keyword Density.

Once you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must then utilize them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to "feel" its presence. Articles should have at least have ten to fifteen percent keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used in an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article could be compromised, and may cause problems with the search engines. Furthermore, if you submit your articles to article directories, they will most likely reject your article if the keyword density is too high. Strive to have the right keyword density for your chosen keywords.

  1. Content

While it's important to use the appropriate keywords in your articles, they also need to have good quality content as well. Articles should provide useful information relating to the subject matter, and have a good flow to them. Your articles should also be well written with correct spelling and grammar. Most article directories provide spell checkers so there's no reason to submit an article full of grammatical errors. If you want people to find your articles and you credible, make certain that your work is worthy of reading. Lastly, when composing your articles, remember that people respond well to facts, figures and statistics. Strive to provide accurate information and as many facts as you can. An informative article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen field.

  1. Resource Box and Linking.

Even if you've taken the time to compose an informative and entertaining article, made sure you have the right keywords and keyword density, it will all be for naught if you don't make certain that you are making proper use of the Resource Box at the end of your article. If you are going to submit articles to article directories, ezines, etc., DON"T ever forget to include a link to your site, and check to make sure that your links are working. A short bio with a brief description of your site or business should always be included at the end of your articles.

The importance of article marketing for building name recognition and increasing site traffic has been well established in the online marketplace. Regular submission of quality articles to article directories, ezines, newsletters, etc., will contribute greatly in building your reputation and business. By making proper use of the four key elements of content, keywords, keyword density and Resource Box, your articles will shine, and benefit you for years to come.

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet business pursuits. Bill also contributes articles on business, marketing and other topics. Bill's current website is.. Create income from home with your own Cash Generating Internet Business.

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