The Most Effective Ideas for Finding Customers and Advertising Your Home Based Business

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Kenny Anderson
  • Published April 23, 2006
  • Word count 1,072

What are some of the most effective ideas for finding customers and increasing the visibility of your home based business? How to you go about gaining an edge over other competitors offering the same products or services? In this article, we will look at some traditional methods that business owners have used for years to find customers and Internet advertising ideas that have been very successful at increasing customers and generating more revenue for the home based business.

A very effective way to quickly generate business, thus increasing your profits, is to talk to people you know; friends, families, neighbors. Get out and hit the pavement, spread the word to everyone you know, especially those you believe would like your business and the products you have to offer. Be creative; if one of your products is balloons, consider going to all the restaurants in your area and make a deal to have your balloons given to the children who enter. When you go to businesses or friends, always take a few samples of your products to show them. Leave your products with them so they can try them out and then follow-up with them and find out what they think. Use the information you acquire from them to change or make modifications in your business or product to increase your chances of success.

Do you have a website? In order to attract customers to your website you will have to promote your site through advertisements. If you do not advertise, your site will be like a grain of sand on the beach. It will be invisible. Even though there is great range of products in the marketplace, new products and services are conceptualized and launched everyday. Without advertising your offering, even if the quality of the product or service you offer is the best, it will not gain attention from the customers. If there are no customers, there will be no sales and no revenue. This is the reason why companies spend millions of dollars on advertisements. Again, a product which is not advertised can easily get lost in the maze of a competitive marketplace.

Traditional networking is a great way to make business contacts. It is something that you can literally do almost anywhere you go. Your local chamber of commerce often has networking functions where you can meet other business owners in your area. You can talk to them about their business and what works for them. Make sure that you bring plenty of business cards to these events. This is a great method for making contacts. After the social function make a point to go and visit their business or their website. If you find that there are some synergies between your businesses, pursue the development of a business relationship and experience the power of those linkages.

Most small business establishments, personal trades and home businesses are often operating under very tight advertising budgets. However, that need not be a stumbling block for those businesses because nowadays advertisements are both inexpensive and expensive, depending upon your specific desires are needs. The basic idea in advertising is to get the attention of the public. Be aware that there is a definite trend towards digitalization. You can create a domain name with an attractive name and file your site to free web directories. This will add great value and visibility to the products and services you are offering.

If you are on a budget and who isn’t, one creative method for advertising your home-based business on the Internet is to try Shared advertising. All you need to do is find people like yourself, who are also in need for an inexpensive way to gain product exposure. You can merge your advertisement along with their product. This method can have definite benefits as long as you can successfully differentiate your product from the others. Ensure that your offering allows any potential customer to visit all the products or services, including the one for which you are advertising. Shared advertisement is very common on the Internet and can be very effective when done correctly. The more advertisers you share with, the greater the exposure of your product.

If you do not have a web page, go get one. You need to have this tool available to you for marketing your business and the products you offer. If you are not comfortable creating your page, there are many people that will be happy to do this for you. The Internet has a great many offerings that will assist in the development of your web page. Sometimes you can use this process as an opportunity to promote your business as well. As your web page developer gets to know your product while creating your web page, they will frequently refer others to your site or make suggestions on some compatible linking opportunities. Remember, when creating a web page you want to provide the potential customers with information and keywords that are specific to your company.

While your web page is under construction, take a walk around your neighborhood. This is a great way to meet new people in a casual environment and allows you opportunities to sell your product without really selling it. You will have an opportunity to find out what customers in your neighborhood are interested in. Will your product appeal to them? Should you tweak your products to match the potential customers that are in your area? Go into that neighborhood Starbucks’ and spend some time just simply talking with potential customers. This gives you a good feel of the potential market near you. Clearly, your creation of a web site and advertising on the Internet expands your offerings substantially.

Whether you use traditional methods for finding customers and advertising your business, use the Internet or a combination of both, it is essential to see that your communications are clear and impressive. Whether you are sitting in the coffee shop in your neighborhood, or advertising on your web site, state all the qualities of your product in a clear and crisp manner to attract the attention of customers.

Finding customers for your product through the traditional means or through the power of advertising on your website, will be critical to your home based business success. Performing this activity on a consistent basis will result in you having your own home-based business success story very soon.

Warm regards,

Kenny Anderson

Mr. Kenny Anderson is a Principal at Tiger Trade, LLC a subsidiary of Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. of Wilmington, DE and Aurora, CO. View affiliate programs at

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