Quran and the Distinctive characters of nuclear phenomenon

Social IssuesReligion

  • Author Yousuf Gabriel
  • Published June 25, 2009
  • Word count 1,839


BY Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel


Dear Sir,

I find myself quite at a loss to observe that although the peculiar and particular characteristics of the nuclear phenomenon, the characteristics which distinguish and differentiate the nuclear phenomenon from the rest of the phenomena e.g. chemical, electrical, gravitational etc. are found in the text books of nuclear science, they are nowhere (as for as my humble knowledge goes ) to be found in a chart in the form of comparison and contrast against the nonnuclear phenomena, I have myself spent quite some time in my endeavour in this respect, and, as a result I have found the following points. However, I have not quoted the sources, because the points mentioned are well-established facts. My points are:-

I. The nuclear phenomenon is a breaker, rather an absolute crusher, because

(a) The atomic energy is generated by breaking the binding of the atomic nucleus. It is not so with any other type of energy.

(b) The breaking and crushing in the nuclear phenomenon is absolute. Atom once crushed could not be reconstructed by any synthetic process. Nucleus once disintegrated could in no way e rearranged in its previous form. So absolutely complete is the process of destruction in nuclear phenomenon that both the basic building block of the universe that is "atom" and the basic unit of life that is the "cell" is involved in the crushing process of the nuclear phenomenon, while in chemical or electrical process the nucleus remains untouched.

(c) The atomic radiations that are inherent in the very nature of the nuclear phenomenon show the identical trait of breaking and crushing. In inanimate matter they break the atomic nuclear and cause transmutations of atoms by changing the form of their nuclei while in living bodies they attack the cell nucleus and break the chromosome thereof, whereas in chemical or electrical process, atomic nuclei remain untouched.

(d) The German term "Bremsstrahlung" coined by the Germans for "continuous spectrum of rays" is highly descriptive for, it literally means breaking radiations.

(e) The heat-flash of the atomic bomb crushes its victims with the shock, while conventional bomb cannot show that trait. Crushing the structures is a feature common between the nuclear and the conventional bomb, but what is the crushing of the conventional bomb against that wrought by the nuclear bomb. The radiations emitted by the atomic explosion carry on their crushing process in their usual way.

(f) The scientists are well aware of this crushing trait of the nuclear phenomenon, and they differentiate this peculiar feature of the nuclear phenomenon with conspicuity. The reader may observe while reading the standard text books of nuclear physics, terms as the following "bombarding, crushing, hitting, breaking" to describe the actions taking place in atomic phenomenon. Likewise, the reader meets in the text books of Radio-biology phrases like "target concept", " Direct Action", " Indirect Action", "snapping the cable with a bullet", " breaking the chromosomes", and sentence like "radiations hit the cells like sledge hammer and crush them". All these and many other describe the crushing trait of radiations. To these may be added the words of Rutherford that expressed his astonishment at the crushing trait of the atomic particles. After his famous experiment in which he had bombarded the Gold Foil with Alpha Particle, he wrote in his diary, "It was as incredible as if you fired a 15 inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you. It was a most incredible moment that ever happened to me in my life", wrote Rutherford.

The difference of atomic fire and chemical fire

(a) It is not possible to raise the temperature of chemical fire to that of atomic fire which latter could rise to millions of degrees.

(b) The magnitude of atomic fire, those that are originally produced by the atomic bomb explosions, and also those that are started by the heat produced by the atomic bomb explosion is a distinction of the nuclear fire in comparison to the chemical fire.

Nuclear fire and heart

During my studies of nuclear science and radiobiology I have observed in Terminology, facts and the statements of the scientists that the nuclear fire has a very distinctive concern with and a peculiar attraction for the heart and all that is associated with heart. Although I have made my observation from the works and statements of the Physicists and Radiobiologists, yet it is strange that none of them has made any such surmise hitherto. My surmise is supported by the following facts, and it shows a distinguishing characteristic of the nuclear phenomenon as against the chemicals:-

(a) Atomic phenomenon actually is the nuclear phenomenon because the action takes place within the nucleus of the atom both in the fission as well as the fusion process. Nucleus is synonymous with heart, and is identical in certain qualities, such as if nucleus dies its atom dies. And if heart dies, the body dies. That the scientist has accepted and adopted the synonymity of the nucleus and heart may be found very frequently in the text books of nuclear Physics and the statements of the scientists. For example (a) "Each fast particle comes from the break up of the very heart of the single atom (the nucleus) of the Radioactive Material ". (Vide Physics : Physical Science Study Committee -2nd edition - D.C. Heath and Company Lexington, Massachusetts, July 1965 page 130).

(b) " How many nuclear heart-beats are in the life-time of a radioactive nucleus which lasts only billionth of a second " (Ibid page 21 short problems).

Edward Teller, famous maker of the Bomb spoke in one of his lecture in 1939, of taking energy from the heart of atom.

The term thermonuclear may be translated as heat (fire) connected with heart(nucleus). The best spectacle of this fire ---- heart connection could be viewed in the Hydrogen bomb called the Thermonuclear bomb, where the heat (fire) produced in the inner fission device leaps up onto the nuclei (hearts) of the atoms of the outer fissile material.

Nuclear Radiations too distinctively show this preference to heart and all that is associated with heart in the living body The following points may be noticed as the proof:-

(a) Both in the inanimate and living bodies the radiations have their action in the nuclei,

(b) Radiations effect the coordination of the function in a living body at a level where it is beyond the control of the brain. It may be suggested that the level nears the heart,

(c) Bone-marrow and all the blood organs are more sensitive to the effects of radiations than the brain, the nerves and the muscles. The relation of bone-marrow that forms blood, and the relation of blood-forming organs to heart is obvious.

(d) Multi-cellular organism are more sensitive to radiation than the unicellular organism. My suggestion is that it is because of the better developed circulatory and respiratory systems of the multi-cellular organism. While the connection between the circulatory and respiratory systems and heart is obvious.

(e) The effect of radiation is retarded in the absence of oxygen. Again the relation between oxygen and heart is well-known.

(f) Heat-flash of the atomic bomb kills its victim through shock to the heart, just as the electric shock of the electric current does.

Obviously these nuclear, thermonuclear qualities, and the quality of particular attraction of heart are not to be found in chemical phenomenon, and therefore these qualities could be taken as qualities that distinguish the nuclear phenomenon from chemical phenomenon.

IV. Nuclear Phenomenon has extremely tenacious attitude and shows characteristics of encompassing

These are the qualities that nowhere observed in the chemical phenomenon to the extent. The following examples may clarify the point:-

  1. The radioactive fallout enclosures of local and global kind appearing in the atomic bomb and thermonuclear bomb explosion.

  2. The tenacity of the bone-seeking radioactive materials.

  3. The appearance of cancer after six to thirty years after the exposure to radiation.

  4. The appearance of the effects of radiation on the cell in anaphase in spite of the attack of radiation on the cell in its resting stage. As if radiation kept a watch during the interval.

  5. The encompassment of the whole body by radiation effects even if one organ only has been irradiated.

  6. The survival of the lethally irradiated frogs for many months instead of dying in the usual time interval of three to six week if kept in a dormant state at a low temperature just above freezing point conditional to the appearance of radiation symptoms as soon as the frogs are warmed up and then the occurrence of their death in the usual time interval that of three to six weeks, as if radiation has kept guard over the frogs, during their dormant state.

  7. Alexander Haddow's suggestion that the cancer producing action of the cancer-producing substances might be the result of prolonged interference with normal growth.

  8. The encompassment of mankind to generations by radiation, even to the point of extinction of humanity through long-term, radio-genetic effects, and thereafter, the encompassment of earth for millions of years due to the wide-spread radioactive substances dispersed during the atomic war. And also the encompassment of earth by radiations during the age of full-fledged nuclear energy-for-peace, when every power house, ship, factory, railway engine, aeroplane and motor car will have its own reactor.

Nuclear phenomenon is a column raising phenomenon

Nuclear phenomenon is a column raising phenomenon, so that the columns raised by nuclear phenomenon are distinctive feature in comparison to the chemical phenomenon. Hiroshima nuclear bomb raised a column about four miles high, whereas the 20 megaton thermonuclear bomb raises a column 20 miles high.

And now respecting this column raising feature of nuclear phenomenon, I point out another surmise which indeed is my own, for, you will never see that surmise made by any other scientist anywhere. It has occurred to me that the column is raised not only by the atomic bomb explosion but rather the entire world of radioactivity appears to me as the world of columns. Of the hundred examples two only will clarify the point. Firstly the height of four centimeters, the height to which the Alpha Particle rises during its emission, when judged in comparison to the tiny size of the Alpha Particle, certainly appears as a column of a height indeed incredible. Take a foot ball and shoot upward to a height which has the same ratio to its diameter as the four centimeter has to the diameter of the Alpha Particle, and then to your amazement you will see the foot ball to disappear into other outer space never to return to the earth. The second example may be given that of the cosmic rays coming from the outer space to our earth. Just imagine to what incredibly dizzying height they have risen to form their columns.

Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel,

Adara AFqar e Gabriel, QA Street Nawababad Wah Cantt Distt RAwalpindi




Allama muhammad yousuf gabriel has discussed the Quran and characteristics of Nuclear phenomenon.He is poet,writer,scientist,engineer and religious scholar.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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