Permanent Income

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  • Author James Teague
  • Published September 16, 2010
  • Word count 1,214

A Permanent Unlimited Income For Yourself And Family For Life

What you are about to read is a Remarkable New Method of Creating A Permanent Unlimited Income for yourself and family. There are no gimmicks or tricks to this program, just a straight forward, fact based plan that can enable you to secure your financial future and possibly allow you to retire a lot earlier than you ever thought possible.

This remarkable method has been praised for providing the average person with a safe, reliable income that can continue to grow, despite the economic conditions. Best of all, it can provide you with the time and freedom to enjoy life while earning a Substantial Income. This guide has been written in a concise, easy to understand format so that anyone can quickly pick up the ideas and put them to use right away.

The purpose of this website is to show you how to establish a Permanent Income for you to enjoy within a 30 day period. After that period, you will simply work to increase your income until you have reached the level of comfort you desire. This is where the fun really begins! So without further delay, let's get to it!

Why Aren't More People Wealthy? The answer is very simple. People are simply to busy earning a living to make any real money. We never seem to have the time, money, or experience to get a "business" off the ground or we simply don't want to take the risk. So, many of us have resigned to the fact that we will have to work for someone else. This is a sad situation and it can even be dangerous...

There is no such thing as job security anymore and even with a job, the odds are stacked against you. Government statistics show that only 2% of Americans who reach retirement are wealthy. In fact, of the people who are currently working, only 1% of us are earning over $85,000 a year!

With no security and very little chance of financial independence... not to mention the 9 to 5 grind, the pressure, the lack of leisure time and lack of control, you should be convinced by now that a job is not the answer. Changing your financial future is no longer just a wish or a dream... it's a must!

So What Are Your Options? There are plenty of opportunities out there in America, but which ones are actually going to put money in your pocket and continue to do so for years to come? There are countless franchises and small businesses you can start, but do you have $100,000 to invest and 80 hours a week to spare?

Most of us don't. I'm sure you've seen those late night commercials offering instant riches haven't you? Some of these sound tempting... but where are all the people who have made millions with these various programs?

I'll tell you... they are the ones making the commercials! I think we can pass on these programs. There are also plenty of money making schemes out there that promise wealth but never deliver. Many are the same old plans like chain letters or envelope stuffing. Have you ever met anyone who has ever made any money at these? They don't work! Period!

The Secret of Creating Lasting Wealth

A study of some of the wealthiest people in America revealed that most of them came from all walks of life, with no special skills or talents. Their success has little to do with their experience or environment, but rather their knowledge of a solid opportunity which they acted upon. So the first key was they took action.

Second, they made sure that their income would continue to grow even if they were not actively working. Some call this "royalty" income or "royalties" because the income continues without any additional effort. This is very important because you cannot get ahead if you have to repeat the work over and over again in order to make a living. Most people simply cannot take time off for very long before their source of income dries up. But how can you enjoy your money if you continually have to bust your back for it? This is why a continuous income is very important.

Lastly, these wealthy individuals made sure that they had income from many sources so they would never be dependent on any one source for survival. Some of the largest family fortunes were created by using a method of splitting up their income into several areas so they would never be at the mercy of a single company or investment. This is one of the only ways to create lasting wealth in today's volatile environment and it has proven to be very successful for centuries! In fact, this method has been responsible for more personal fortunes over the last 80 years than any other financial practice!

But here is the million dollar question: How do you take these methods and use them to create a permanent income for yourself... starting today? Here is the answer...

The Millionaire Edge Creating Your Own Permanent Income

In order to create a permanent income for yourself, you will need to apply all of the valuable lessons that we have just discussed. You will need to make sure that you have a continuous, repeat income that continues whether you are working or not. You will need several sources of income so you will never be at the mercy of one company or industry. This will ensure that you enjoy a rich, rewarding lifestyle with the time and money to enjoy life and the security you can count on. The secret to putting these principles to work for you today is in your approach.

One of the easiest, if not the easiest, ways of getting started with a profitable mail order business of your own is through the promotion and sale of money-making folios or reports.

Generally, the beginner purchases a series of these reports - complete with reproduction rights. He reproduces them in whatever quantity and as often as he likes - usually at a cost of less than 5 cents each, sends out an advertising circular and sells them for as much as $5 each.

The make-up and circulation of the advertising circular is the all-important key. You should group your reports by the titles that really appeal to the wants and needs of your prospective customers, and for a series of reports - 10 to 15 per series -list them as a complete set on your advertising circular.

As has been said so many times in countless business publications, you never really make any real money until you control the product. When you buy the reproduction rights to a set of reports, you control the product. You can advertise the sale of these reports individually via national classified ads, and follow up with your advertising circular listing all of your reports or you can run your advertising circular as a "full page" advertisement or send it out as a part of your direct mail packages.

The bottom line is simply that when the orders come in, you keep all the money for yourself, reproduce the reports for pennies and end up with a profit that's beyond the belief of other people in other types of businesses.

Article written by James Teague, Founder of The Millionaire Edge.


Permanent Unlimited Income: Get The Edge To Millions and take your Bank Account to new heights.

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