Why Sew On Clothing Labels Are Best

FamilyKids & Teens

  • Author Samantha Dawson
  • Published November 26, 2010
  • Word count 569

Nowadays there are many ways of labelling children’s clothing. Iron on labels, stick on labels and laundry marker pens have all been produced to make life easier for busy parents. Unfortunately, these methods of labelling school uniforms can be unreliable and will not bear the test of time. Traditional labelling solutions like woven sew on clothing labels seem to have gone out of fashion in the modern world. Yet, many revert back to this time honoured practice as it is the only definite way to making sure that your children’s clothes and uniform is returned to it’s rightful owner.

To target the problem of lost property in schools, labelling your child’s property is sometimes part of the school rules. Unfortunately, many parents still use methods such as laundry marker pens to label school uniforms. In time, the name fades or becomes illegible and the owner of the garment can no longer be identified. If a little more time and effort was taken from the outset, property would never become lost because if something is clearly labelled it will always be returned to its owner. Some types of iron on name tags are in the same way ineffective. After the garment has been through the washing machine a few times the bonding agent will lose its potency and the labels start to peel off. A week or two later, you can guarantee the label will have disappeared, which poses the question, why bother in the first place?

School uniforms and PE kits can be very expensive, making it a monetary strain for some families when items get mislaid or even stolen. Costs that mount up right through the school term can be very astonishing. Replacement gyms socks, new shirts, ties and scarves can add up to lots of cash that could have been much better spent somewhere else! The use of woven sew on clothing labels will ensure your child’s belongings are always returned to them, saving you money in the long term.

It is not realistic to try and take care of this issue at source. It does not matter how much respect for their property you try and instil, kids will be kids. When they are having too much fun to care, items are easily misplaced and discarded. Making it even more essential to use sew on clothing labels on clothes worn for after school activities, football kits, guide and scout uniforms. On a more serious note, just like grownups, children undergo stressful days and have lots on their minds. We can all be a bit forgetful when tired too; many teens suffer from periods of extreme tiredness. So don’t be too hard on them! Sew on clothing labels will ensure your son or daughter will find their item after a quick trip to the lost and found.

It is true for many activities we undertake; the traditional, old fashioned methods always work best. Many of us can recollect our mothers sitting and sewing name tags on clothes for hours. It was part of the back to school or new term ritual. Although using woven sew on clothing labels to label your child’s property may seem to be far too time consuming. It is worth the effort. The sew on clothing labels will stay in tact no matter how many times an item is worn or goes through the washing machine.

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