I Want To Live Again

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Michael Cummings
  • Published December 20, 2010
  • Word count 629

I want to live again

The world is in trouble at least from our ego’s stand point, starvation, poverty, death is all over the world, here in America, we have a very bad economy, a big drug problem, a even bigger alcohol problem that the government does not even recognize. Unemployment is at levels we have not seen since the great depression.

This is not good but it does not have to be so, it’s the choices we make, the world we see is the one we made not GOD, God would not make such a troubled world, since we made it and this is something we need to take responsibility for, we can also change it, an easy concept, but hard to execute it. To do this we start with ourselves.

Because of the troubles that we perceive we are experiencing, we retreat and escape, in so many ways, two of the most popular are alcohol and drugs, which why these two maladies are so common in our world, they are the means to escape a bad dream that we created in the first place, why don’t we just wake up, hmm, too easy, there’s gotta be a harder way, I am sure will find it.

There are ways to end the insane alcohol and drug cycle, the most successful approach is always a spiritual one, ask yourself who are you really, are you a human having a spiritual experience (if any) or are you a spiritual being having a human experience? The answer to this question is very important. If you are a spiritual being and are having a less than GREAT! Human experience, well then maybe you’re a little spiritually sick, this would be where you would start in order to alleviate your human problems.

We are conditioned right from the start (birth) to accept what we are told, what to expect, enjoy, want and desire, we never really get to develop ourselves, we are bombarded with other people’s idea of joy, acceptance, goals, traditions and expectations, but what about what we think, feel and really want, were never allowed to explore this. We fail to meet other expectations, other limitations and swallow a ton of guilt when we can not meet any these and then feel like losers, were programmed to fail, lose and be unhappy, there are of exceptions, but even they are blinded by the world and don’t know what really makes them truly happy, not money, power nor all the material things one could have.

At a very deep level we know this and this can drive us to escape by any means at our disposal, like alcohol and drugs or food, it does not matter, its what drives us to want to escape, the escape is the result, it’s the cause we need to address. Its said there are but two emotions – Love and Fear, well I don’t think its love, but it could be, but fear can stem from so many things, fear failure, fear of success, anything, personally I think it stems from our believe that we fear GOD because we believe we betrayed him, we rebelled and lost our way and fear rebuttal.

We should never fear our creator, our father, his love for us infinite, and beyond our understanding and comprehension, this is our true path, to find our way back into his circle of spirit, even though we have never left, imagine what if this is a dream, were we wake up and everything is back as it was, and all the horrible and terrible occurrences and calamities never happened.

Wow would that not be cool, hmmm?

Michael Robert Cummings IT SEO Consultant Born Chicago, IL Vital Computer Consulting (602) 487-9039 Email: MichaelRobertCummings@Gmail.Com http://www.IwantoLiveAgain.Info

25 years computers, metaphysics, spiritual quest and member of alcoholics.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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